FOG: Footsteps of Ghosts
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Caligo Information

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Caligo Information Empty Caligo Information

Post by Kathryn Lacey Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:42 pm

Last edited by Kathryn Lacey on Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:02 pm; edited 3 times in total

Kathryn Lacey
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Caligo Information Empty Background I: The Aftermath

Post by Kathryn Lacey Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:42 pm

Caligo Information Caligo_Aftermath

For a time, the people of Caligo were satisfied with this unique gift. However, some of the original developers of the robotic weapon of mass destruction decided to have their cake and eat it too. They shortly after began to work again on the machine, though doing so only at night, so as to hopefully hide this from the divine beings. Their 'gods,' however, were not fooled. As punishment for their insolence and lack of respect, the furious 'gods' destroyed the majority of the population of this advanced civilization. Those that were left were the individuals who made it known that they disagreed with the assembly of such a machine, those that knew nothing of it, and the young who had no chance yet to be judged on their standpoint. This was a grave warning though to all those who sought power over the world. While the Caligoans were immensely capable with their echnology, they, too, had their limits, and these 'gods' from the heavens would always be infinitely more powerful. The remaining peoples decided to bury the machine because the metals used to construct it would not burn, and it was far too heavy to be carried to the ocean into which to be thrown, even with their technology. In appearance, it was a robot as tall as a building, large and intimidating, with the technology built inside it to not only destroy, but to itself be indestructible. Knowing that they could not carry it, the Caligoans used their powerful thermal devices to carve large holes into the earth to bury the machine in its place where it lay. From that time forth, they vowed never to speak of it, and as generations went on, the machine itself became a legend, and future generations were even unsure whether or not such a thing ever really existed.

The past cannot stay buried forever. Those souls that perished at the hands of the 'gods' all those years ago still remain trapped on the island, wandering it in a lonesome, endless, and purposeless fashion. Some are bitter about losing their lives and not being able to complete their greatest project. To them, they would love nothing more than to see their dream of the robot completed. Others are too filled with rage and anger to have any real desires, other than to plague all the living by haunting them. The remaining living today are many of the original people, as Caliogans are immortal so long as they have their Shade. They are highly intelligent people, possessing technology that even rivals that of today. Their civilization has flourished, and they now have numerous cities of varying sizes on the island, each run by a mayor. Their population numbers are no longer reduced by the outburst of the 'gods' all those thousands of years ago.

These 'gods,' which were in reality visitors from some unknown planet outside our own were very wise, for they foresaw the coming of more men on the island of Caligo far into the future. They knew such a place would be both valued and exploited. To better protect it from outside interference, so as to preserve this Eden, these visitors covered the island in an eternal cloud of fog, blanketing the island and the ocean waters around it. They also protected it with rogue storms and hurricanes that could commence without warning. They knew, ultimately, that this would not be enough though, so they warned the indigenous people of Caligo that one day outsiders would come. They told them to not trust them easily, and these outsiders from the rest of the world would value all the secrets and gifts the island had to offer and would therefore make many desperate attempts to take it for themselves. They would seem friendly and honorable upon first impression, but not all of these other humans could be trustworthy. Throughout the following generations, for thousands of years, the people on Caligo told this story to their children to prepare them for the day that would come. When the 'gods' were pleased with the Caligoans and their island, they ascended into the heavens and disappeared, seemingly, forevermore.

There are said to be those born into every generation on Caligo that have the potential to unlock the gifts of their Shades. No one has yet to ever prove this, as the notion is seemingly so elusive, but throughout the time that Shades have existed, there were said to be people who shared such a strong bond with their Shade partner, that, when it was perhaps needed most, they too could use whatever power their Shade possessed. In these legends, when these people unlock their Shade's ability to use, it is said that their eyes glow a bluish-white, and that an overwhelming calm self confidence comes over them. According to these stories, these people have only been able to use their Shade's ability for a short period of time, and then once it's over, their eyes and demeanor return to normal. It has been very rare to spot Caligoans who have been able to do this, as the bond between them and their Shade must be stronger than one can even comprehend. However, many Caligoans believe in these legends, and they have come to call these people Illuminors, lights in the fog.

Two Illuminors of these traditional stories were written of in the history texts of the island and were sworn to exist, and to possibly still even be alive today. One of them was a spokesperson for the 'gods' and would converse with them often in his dreams and then relay that information to the public. He was a great man who helped shaped Caligo into what it is today by gaining information and technology from the 'gods.' His name was Lux, but he had a twin brother name Noxus, who wanted nothing more than power over the world, and was one of the great engineers that was working on constructing the robot machine of mass destruction. The two brothers couldn't be more different, and argued furiously about what should be done. Noxus' Shade, a Grimalkin, and Lux's Shade, a Bownyte, fought long and hard, until both were so severely beaten, that death was sure to come on swift wings to them each, had they chosen to fight any longer. It was then, it's said, that Lux and Noxus gained their Shade's abilities to carry on the battle. Lux gained the ability to electric manipulation, while Noxus gained fire manipulation. It is there, that the story is lost. Some say Lux won; others say Noxus won. Some Caligoans say that the battle was never won or lost, and that they are still fighting on today.

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Caligo Information Empty Background II: The Conflict

Post by Kathryn Lacey Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:45 pm

Caligo Information Caligo_Conflict

A dark fate looms over Caligo.

There have been numerous attempts at expeditions to locate a possible island in the Bermuda Triangle, and some have been successful. In reality, most of these voyages have been the end for the travelers, as they usually perished from the lack of visibility, storms, hurricanes, equipment failure, or crashing to their deaths, but some have managed to make it safely to the shores of Caligo.

In the year 1962, shortly after the first legends surrounding the Bermuda Triangle had begun, a secret branch of the United States government formed an organization to investigate the disappearances and the supposed paranormal phenomena surrounding the Triangle. Their corporation was known as Blue Trinity. Several expeditions were funded by Blue Trinity to discover the secret hidden in the Bermuda Triangle. Many were unsuccessful and yielded no information. A few others were lost to sea to the Triangle. Ironically enough, those that were lost were triangulated to determine the rough whereabouts of the lost ships and planes.

In 1998, Blue Trinity, at long last, discovered the hidden island of Caligo and gave it its name. However, the explorers that discovered it did not live long enough for a return trip, as their ship had crashed into the coral reefs surrounding parts of the island. In their last transmission, they were recorded saying they had found the holy grail. This was not a big enough set-back for Blue Trinity to close the books on this mission. They immediately deployed a second team to the island, now with its location pinpointed secretly to survey it, to map it, to photograph it, to take back samples, to study it, and, most of all, to determine why it was so dangerous.

The second team that was sent to the island in the year 2000 did make a safe return trip home though half of their crew and scientists died or were killed. The artifacts, photographs, and evidence they had brought back only further intrigued Blue Trinity. The government realized that the island, as they had suspected, was no ordinary place. The relics and encounters with the locals were excitingly intriguing to Blue Trinity, but this knowledge did not leave the deepest depths of the company.

In present day 2010, Blue Trinity is unafraid to risk the lives of all of those they have brought together to dispatch to the island, be them scientists (archaeologists, botanists, ethnologists, geographers, marine biologists, meteorologists, and paleontologists), military armed forces, human relation specialists, documenters, and so forth, just to gain a knowledge and an understanding of what Caligo encompasses. It has come to the attention of the executives working for Blue Trinity only recently that a machine of great proportions exists, and they are working on determining the location to excavate it. This is the machine of mass destruction on which the original people of Caligo had been working to build. Only a select few expeditioners sent to the island are aware of what this machine really is. The rest simply know just what is needed of them, that some type of machine is on the island, and to take all artifacts they find back to the corporation (with or without the approval of the locals).

Last edited by Kathryn Lacey on Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Caligo Information Empty The Gods

Post by Kathryn Lacey Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:46 pm

Caligo Information Caligo_Gods

Caligo Information ProvSmaller

Lifespan: All Provectus (Latin for "aged," "old," advanced in age"), at birth, are implanted with a number of devices and nanotechnology, some of which whose purpose is to prolong the life of the Provectus by a considerable amount. Only those Provectus who wish to can remove the devices inside them to live a natural length of time.

Unnatural -- Up to 10,000 years, with the average being around 8,500
Natural -- 800-1000 years

Home Planet: Vaelzar
A massive world, with an equatorial diameter of 152,000 km and a gravitational pull of .75, Vaelzar has 3 large moons easily visible, and more than 30 small moons which orbit it. It has one large sun. The atmosphere isn't that dissimilar from Earth's, though with much more hydrogen. The planet is made up of 85% water, and thus many cities are not seen on land, but are rather submerged. The weather is fair, usually with a moist and humid atmosphere, ranging between only 50-90 degrees Fahrenheit. Landscapes vary between vast jungles, to open fields and grassy hills, to swamps and low lands.

Language: Vaelish

Technology: Exceedingly Advanced

They are bipedal humanoids. Both the females and males possess different shades of blue hair, though as they age, it eventually becomes lighter, turning entirely white around the time they have lived for a couple millennia or so. They are nearly hairless beings everywhere else on their body. Their arms and legs simply grow soft peach fuzz. Males are typically taller, around 6'4" on average, while the females are closer to 5'11". They have very delicate and slender features, which are considered elegant. Their skin is usually porcelain white, with bluish discoloration resembling veins on their chest and back -- the front portion going down from their neck to around their belly button, while the back portion going from the back of their skull, down through the spine to around their tailbone -- and also on the sides of their face. Their eyes are always deep black, with no whites of the eyes ever visible. Their teeth are slightly sharper than a human's, and their canines are longer.

Diet: Carnivores
The will readily eat any creature or being, but prefer the nourishing retort pouch food they most commonly eat. They do not savor or enjoy meals, as humans do, but simply eat to live.

Government: Self-Rule Anarchy
Rule by individual responsibility, creativity, and input. A sort of meta-socialism/meta-democracy. This type of government requires advanced emotional and spiritual development, usually a society of superiors. Such government types can be very long-lived.

The Provectus live in large societies, both on land and underwater. Their oceans are vastly deep, and their submerged cities can go for miles under the water. They never practice any arts, from singing to music, to any form of artwork, as they find little need for any type of entertainment, since it gives them no form of pleasure. Their kind possesses very little to no emotion. Thus, the Provectus find it hard to feel love, hate, anger, joy, sadness, or any type of human emotion, beyond a very minimal extent. These all are rather frowned upon and considered weaknesses. Their kind, instead, seems to care most about learning, giving one the impression they do have more curiosity than any other emotion. Their entire society devotes their time to science. All of their technological advances, which are the most highly developed in the universe, all are derived from their tireless endeavors, which they have long ago mastered. Their kind considers themselves superior to all other beings in the universe, and rightly so. They are not only capable of traveling between galaxies, but have on numerous occasions, visiting countless planets, star systems, and moons in their history, leaving behind worlds of lesser beings to worship them as gods. Though it is debatable, they are naturally "good," if that can be said.

The Provectus are the "planters," the "creators," the "gods" of the universe. They are the ones responsible for almost all the bipedal beings in the universe, as they created them. To the Provectus, their creations are experiments of billions of different types and in depths far greater than the human mind could comprehend. They created all the humans on Earth, along with many other humanoids, some closely resembling humans, others looking rather different in various ways.

It is common in Provectus society for the children to never meet their real parents, but instead to be raised by the society as a whole, each individual contributing to the growth, development, and learning of the young ones. At birth, the babies are taken to a very specialized facility, which consists only of a "smart building" and the infants. There are no adult Provectus that work there. The building itself is fully capable of providing everything the infants all need until they reach the age of three. This early stage of life is considered to be a very trying time in which all the young Provectus must learn that, in the universe, the only ones they really have are themselves. Such a lesson would be considered cruel and impossible for any human child, but for the Provectus, it is not only feasible, but a timeless tradition. Afterward, they are released out into the world to be taken care of by the community and live in a different facility until they reach their teen years, during which point, they typically go off to live on their own. It is quite common, as is with humans, for many Provectus to live in the same building, similar to apartments, though theirs are usually much larger and more complex.

The Provectus worship no gods, but rather believe solely in the universe itself. They are aware that the universe has a will of its own, and honor that, though do not devote any religious homage to it. They simply respect the universe and the universe alone.

Contrasts From Humans:
Their eyesight is more advanced than a human's, as they can see in more vivid colors with more contrast and even more sharply. They also have much better night vision. Provectus have minds that are highly evolved and capable of much more than a human's. Their carrying capacity too well exceeds Earthlings. The overall physical strength of a Provectus is very similar to a human's though, and their bodies are just as frail and delicate and can easily get hurt or be killed. However, their reflexes are also superior to a human's, and therefore they can react much faster. One major difference between the Provectus and humans, is that Provectus are able to move objects with their minds, using what humans would call telekinesis. They also are telepathic, able to communicate entirely through thoughts and even share images between each other through their minds. They may communicate telepathically to other beings, but those who do not have the proper mind power to handle such an enhanced and evolved form of commutation can suffer from it. Minor symptoms include headaches, nose bleeds, and dizziness. Prolonged communication via telepathy in under-evolved beings can lead to black-outs for them, migraines, memory loss, concussions, and even death.

The Provectus are primordial beings, the first ever to evolve into intelligent life forms in the universe. They know no other agenda but to learn, discover, and invent. Their entire species consists of what we would call scientists. They take everything from a scientific point of view, learning it inside out to better their technology and understanding of the universe. It is, always has been, and always will be their ultimate goal to learn everything about the universe and all that lies inside it.

Besides their appearance, one of the most notable features of The Ancients are their speech. The Provectus speak slowly, and in a calm manner. Because they do not feel any real human emotions, they find no need to speak at a rate quicker than what is natural. They also never lie - not because they're afraid, but simply because they have no need to. Their species is extremely direct and straightforward. If they do not know something, though it is a shame to them, they will openly admit it.

The experiments that the Provectus endlessly conduct on countless different planets range greatly, but the tests in which the Provectus "seed," or give life to another planet and then watch the development of that life is called the Intergalactic Genesis Experimentation, or IGE.

Last edited by Kathryn Lacey on Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Caligo Information Empty Shades

Post by Kathryn Lacey Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:47 pm

Caligo Information Caligo_Gift

The island of Caligo was, and remains to this day, inhabited by a powerful, ancient, technologically advanced civilization. Their advancement in technology was supported and fueled by 'the gods,' as they called them. It consisted of flying vehicles, hover bikes, submersibles, hi-tech homes, advanced robotics, communicators implanted into them (by the 'gods') that allowed them understand and to be understood in any language not their own (turning them into omni-linguists), futuristic weapons, and other such amenities far beyond their time. The 'gods' considered the island of Caligo their main focus for a global experiment, providing Caligoans with unlimited technology, while only granting bits of technology of numerous degrees to the rest of the world. The Caligoan civilization dwindled for a time however when the people of Caligo became too drunk with their own superiority.

They had attempted to construct a machine which they hoped would grant them power over all other countries in the world and would also allow them to venture out to the other parts of the world. This machine of mass destruction angered and disappointed 'the gods.' In an attempt to satisfy the peoples of Caligo with their own land and to prevent them from invading the rest of the world, 'the gods' offered them a gift for their island alone that only the Caligoans could possess and that would only be able to exist on the island itself, never capable of leaving (thus hoping to entice the people of Caligo to remain on their own land).

The gift was that of what every human being longed for - companionship. They offered them this in the form of a true soul mate, 'cloning' the souls of all those who inhabited the island and placing them in their comparable spirit animal counterparts. These spirit animals, or Shades, as they had come to be known, took the form of one of three unique creatures. Each of these Shades was equally intelligent and able to speak. They could also shift between being corporeal and incorporeal, or rather, solid and ghostly. Despite being a spirit, Shades did require food and water to live. All Shades were pure black in color, though with various glowing, pupil-less eye colors. Each Shade had two physiques -- their Monster form and their Critter form. In other words, they could choose to be either miniature, or massive enough to be ridden as a mount and could shift between forms whenever they chose.

To further increase the bond between the human and Shade soul mates, the spirits of each of themselves were intertwined forever. Where the Shade lives, the human partner can never die. While a Caligoan could be stabbed through the heart, set aflame, or thrown off a cliff, so long as their Shade was alive and well, so, too, would they be. The Shade was their second lifeline. If the Shade or the human was to feel pain, so would their other half. If the Shade was to be killed, disappearing into a puff of black smoke, their human partner would no longer be immortal. Caligoans can never die unless their Shade perishes. Caligoans age until around thirty, then they stop. If their Shade is killed, they will age normally until their natural (or unnatural) death.

Because Shades can only exist on the island, their human partners are not capable of being separated from their Shade by any great distance. The Caligoans have determined that at around five miles away from their Shade, they begin to feel weak, tired, and sick, as if a part of their own soul has been detached from them. If the Shade and their human counterpart continue to move apart from one another, their bond will be lost forever, and the Shade will cease to exist, thus leaving their human mortal and doomed to age like the rest of humanity.

First-generation drifters, or those people that originally were born off-island elsewhere in the world and now live on Caligo, normally after having crashed their plane there or floated in from their sunken ship, are not blessed with their own Shades. However, descendants of drifters, usually third-generation and on, typically are born with Shades, as they are considered by the island to be true Caligoans.

Because Shades share the same soul as their human, their personalities are incredibly similar. They also have the ability to communicate telepathically between each other. Each Shade is unique to their Caligoan in that they all possess one ability that reflects their human, be it their personality, a deep desire of theirs, or an aspect. This ability may seem like magic to an ordinary person. For example, if their Caligoan partner is shy and doesn't want to be noticed all the time, or if they have a desire to be sneaky, their Shade's ability may be to turn invisible. Another example is that a Caligoan may be hotheaded and short-tempered, therefore their Shade may have the ability to breathe fire. The Shades take an ability that most deeply reflects the inner nature of their human partner. Abilities vastly range from elemental powers, to speed and strength, to mental abilities, to healing, and so forth. The possibilities are endless. When a Caligoan is born, their Shade's spirit too is born into existence, and they are born with a standard ability, such as the power to control one of the elements. However, as their human partner grows and changes, so too does their Shade's ability. It could take many years for their ability to settle on something permanent. Some Caligoans claim their Shade's ability didn't become permanent until they were well into their twenties. Others have had their Shades settle on an ability as early as five-years-old.

    The first species of Shades were the Grimalkins, an indigenous species of large felines that had an excessively long, thin tail. They boast a pair of saber-teeth, or rather, maxillary canines, which can be up to twenty inches long. These saber-teeth are the only part of the Grimalkin (besides their eyes) that are not black, but instead silver. These big cats are incredible hunters, usually stalking prey from high up in the trees, then swooping down at alarming speeds to take them down. In their Monster form, they are remarkably large, in relation to other big cats, but are quick on their feet. In their Critter form, the Grimalkins are roughly the size of a pet house cat. They are also, thanks to their tails, terribly nimble and able to balance themselves on the thinnest ledges. These long tails don't only serve a purpose for balance, but also are quite muscular and useful for wrapping around tree branches to secure themselves. These cats are extremely muscular and can even lift twice their body weight straight up into trees, many times having to claim their prey this way. Their diet consists mainly of rabbits, deer, and wild hogs. The Grimalkin are fearsome predators and equally feared among their own kind. Grimalkins are essentially solitary and territorial creatures, preferring not to encounter other Grimalkin Shades. They are endurance runners, able to keep at a steady thirty miles per hour running speed for a long time.

      The traits of a Caligoan with a Grimalkin might include:

      ambitious, arrogant, assertive, bold, candid, competitive, complex, complicated, contradictory, courageous, cunning, daring, deep, demanding, duel-natured, emotional, extrovert, foolhardy, high achiever, hungry for power, impatient, impulsive, intellectual, a loner, mischievous, moody, neglecting, neurotic, objective, orderly, passionate, philosophical, promiscuous, quick-witted, secretive, self-confident, self-destructive, self-improving, self-pitying, serious, smart, sophisticated, straightforward, unrestrained

    The second type of Shades were the Inklaws. The Inklaws resemble ravens, and, in their Monster form, are massive birds, as large as the extinct teratorns. They possess a sharp and lethal silver beak, the only part of them not black. Their wingspan is twenty to twenty-seven feet long, and they stand at six and a half to seven and a half feet tall. These birds need surprisingly little height for take-off in Monster form. Even a gentle down-slope of 10° and a light headwind would have given it enough extra power to avoid an embarrassing crash. Once in the air, the flapping flight that small birds use is out of the question for the giant predator. Instead, Inklaws are master gliders. It is capable of soaring for great distances at a shallow angle of 3°, continually re-shaping its wings to control its glide. Like modern soarers, the Inklaws stay aloft using upwards air currents produced by wind deflected up the cliffs. Because of its efficient gliding, it can stay aloft using relatively slow drafts of wind. Its top speed is seventy miles per hour, allowing it to scan vast tracts of land for prey. It's a very energy-efficient style, and they can even cover hundreds of miles without a single wing flap. When the bird switches from the mountains to the wide, open spaces, it switches to a different method – thermal soaring, where rising columns of hot air provide it with lift. Its diet mainly consists of carrion. In their Critter forms, they are around the size of a raven and no longer glide in the air, but flap their wings to fly.

      The traits of a Caligoan with an Inklaw might include:

      arrogant, astute, calm, clever, competent, conservative, cunning, curious, detail-oriented, devoted, dogmatic in their opinions, easygoing, eccentric, elusive, exuberant, gentle, helpful, hungry for knowledge, idealistic, imaginative, inquisitive, instinctive, intellectual, intelligent, intuitive, logical, a negotiator, open-minded, patient, perfectionist, pompous, problem-solving, reclusive, relaxed, resourceful, rule-abiding, self-righteous, sensitive, shy, simple, stable, systematic, thorough, thoughtful, wise

    The final type of Shades were the Bownytes. Bownytes, in their Monster form, are very large canines, towering over the modern-day wolf. In their Critter form, however, they are around the size of a laborador. They have two long, straight horns on the top of their heads that point behind them, almost like that of a goat, but are less rounded. These horns are silver, rather than black like the rest of their body. Like wolves, Bownytes have two layers of fur, the top layer being the guard hairs that repel water and dirt, and the bottom one being a dense undercoat that slightly insulates them. Their pelages are much less thick than a wolf's, however, and they will often rub against objects like trees or rocks to encourage the shedding of their fur when they become too hot. Their diet consists of raccoons, rabbits, and wild pigs. The Bownytes have large, long ears and slender bodies, similar to that of the Ancient Egyptian Anubis god of the maned wolf. Bownytes are extremely social animals, thriving in the company of others of their kind along with humans. They are fast runners, able to reach short sprinting speeds up to forty miles per hour. They say any time a Bownyte is heard echoing its long, drawn-out, sad howl, it is crying for one of its kin that has died. They are very caring creatures, known to mourn the deaths of other Bownyte Shades.

      The traits of a Caligoan with a Bownyte might include:

      adventurous, affectionate, ambitious, boastful, brave, charismatic, compassionate, conscientious, conventional, cooperative, courteous, creative, dependable, empathetic, fair, faithful, fickle, flirtatious, fretful, friendly, generous, honorable, humorous, just, loyal, naïve, nurturing, obedient, optimistic, pleasant, positive, positive view of humanity, quarrelsome, reliable, resilient, respectful, responsible, righteous, self-controlled, shallow, social, stand up for what they believe, strong-willed, temperamental, trusting, trustworthy, virtuous

Though it was never proven, some Caligoans assumed the Grimalkin Shades represented darker, more misunderstood and sometimes immoral people, while the Inklaw was more on the neutral or open-minded side, and the Bownyte epitomized the moral, social, and good-natured people.

Last edited by Kathryn Lacey on Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

Kathryn Lacey
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Caligo Information Empty Timeline

Post by Kathryn Lacey Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:49 pm

BCE: Before Common Era

CE: Common Era (AKA AD)

CY: Caligo Year

2 Billion BCE

  • The 'deities' worshiped by Caligoans known as the Provectus discover planet Earth and take an interest in the planet, seeing its potential for life, and decide to watch it closely. Complex cells evolve.

1 Billion BCE

  • Multi-cellular organisms evolve on Earth. The Provectus take samples with them to use in not only their studies, but also their experiments, releasing the cellular life on other planets within the Milky Way Galaxy to observe how they evolve in other settings.

2.5 Million BCE

  • The genus Homo evolves naturally on Earth from Great Apes/Hominidae. The Provectus target this species specifically for their observation and studying, though they gradually become aware that, in order to set these apes apart from other mammals, they would need to interfere on a genetic level eventually.

2.3 Million BCE

  • The Provectus begin abducting mass individuals of the Homo genus and begin making explosive changes with their DNA, altering and mutating it, enhancing their evolution in addition to creating a "message in a bottle" inside their DNA itself, an unknown message that would live on forever in humans for future generations to one day decrypt.

500,000 BCE

  • The Provectus "seed" Earth, speeding up the process of evolution in primates, as future Homo generations are born with the superior DNA given to their ancestors by the Provectus. The aliens thus, in essence, create humanity and the only sentient/self-aware species on Earth. Homo sapiens as a species are born.

15,000 BCE

  • The Provectus bestow select humans in different parts of the world with advanced knowledge and technology.

3025 BCE

  • Finding a suitable isolated area for their ultimate experiment on Earth, the Provectus relocate thousands of humans from across the world and place them on the island named Caligo inside what is later known as the Bermuda Triangle. They befriend the islanders and share their technology with them.

2975 BCE / 0 CY

  • The Machine of Mass Destruction begins being built by Caligoans. In hopes of appeasing the islanders, the Provectus give them the Gift of Shades. The construction of the Machine of Mass Destruction ceases, and Caligo year 0 begins.

2970 BCE / 5 CY

  • The legendary Illuminor twins, Lux and Noxus, are born.

2965 BCE / 10 CY

  • Caligoan scientists, designers, engineers, and architects renew work on the Machine of Mass Destruction. Those working on it, taking every precaution to be covert and to try to keep their intention hidden from the 'gods,' refer to the undertaking as Project Spearhead.

2955 BCE / 20 CY

  • At only age 15 and already considered a child prodigy, Noxus becomes an engineer for the Machine of Mass Destruction. Meanwhile, his brother Lux begins communing with the 'gods'/Provectus through his dreams and relays this information to the Caligoans.

2948 BCE / 27 CY

  • Noxus becomes a key leader in the advancement of the Machine of Mass Destruction project. Lux begins to have suspicions of his brother's actions and discovers that the Machine is being rebuilt. He spends some time in isolation, deciding what to do -- whether to keep quiet for the sake of not wanting conflict with his own brother, or to expose them by informing the 'gods' of their treachery.

2947 BCE / 28 CY

  • Lux gathers more intel on "Project Spearhead" and ends up sharing everything he knows with the 'gods.'

2945 BCE / 30 CY

  • The 'gods'/Provectus destroy all those who worked on the Machine or were involved with it somehow, killing a mass amount of the Caligoan population in hopes of rebuilding from the ashes a new and less violent generation. It is unknown if Noxus lives through it, but rumors tell that he does. Lux, devastated by his brother's death and needing time alone to reflect, disappears from history seemingly forever.

1962 CE / 4937 CY

  • Blue Trinity, a secret branch of the United States government, forms to investigate the unexplained phenomena revolving around the Bermuda Triangle.

1998 CE / 4973 CY

  • Blue Trinity discovers Caligo, but all Blue Trinity agents who made the journey perish.

2000 CE / 4975 CY

  • A second Blue Trinity team is dispatched to the island and is the first successful one to make a safe return trip, bringing with them artifacts, information, and data.

2010 CE / 4985 CY

  • Blue Trinity learns of the Machine of Mass Destruction and begin deploying teams to locate and excavate it in order to retrieve it, study it, and eventually use it themselves.

2025 CE / 5000 CY

  • Having built a secret army to use for a full-scale invasion, Blue Trinity declares war on Caligo.

2030 CE / 5005 CY

  • Blue Trinity is defeated in what the Caligoans call the Outsiders' War. Their loss is due to many factors, including the natural storms and dangers surrounding the island, the Caligoan's technology, the Caligoans being immortal so long as their Shade survives, and their own underestimating.

2033 CE / 5008 CY

  • Gangs start forming around Caligo made up mostly of Caligoans who lost their Shades during the war, though some members had lost their Shades for other varying reasons and simply found they related to the rest in their jealousy and anger. Soulless and Shadeless, the biggest and most well-known of these crime syndicates, is formed.

2040 CE / 5015 CY

  • Xenox Delpherok, a Provectus, AKA 'god,' is discovered on the island, having been left behind (perhaps purposefully as part of their experiment) by his kind thousands of years ago and has lived in a self-constructed underwater shelter just off the shore near the capital Phasmoenia.

Last edited by Kathryn Lacey on Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

Kathryn Lacey
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Caligo Information Empty Geography

Post by Kathryn Lacey Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:50 pm

Caligo Information Caligo_Caligo
On the island of Caligo (which is Latin for darkness, murk, fog, mist, or to make dizzy or darken), located in the western portion of the North Atlantic, inside of the Bermuda Triangle, a mystery awaits to be solved. Caligo is fairly small, roughly 100 quare miles in area and with an elevation about 8,000 feet above sea level. It boasts numerous coral reefs, some visible above the surface of the ocean, and impressive mountain peaks. It has a capital city named Phasmoenia (which is Latin for spirit dwelling, which is the largest city on the island. While Caligo may sound completely ordinary, it cannot be found or located on any modern map. To the satellites in Earth's orbit, the region where Caligo would be found is hazed over under a constant cover of clouds and fog.

Throughout history, there have been various unfortunate souls that have stumbled their way into discovering the enigmatic island, be them sailors, cruise ships, personal planes, cargo planes, or commercial planes. These people, who might have unearthed one of the greatest secrets the world has been keeping, have never been heard from or located by the outside world. Those entering the region of the island have reported equipment failure, compass and navigation problems, and natural disasters, usually in the form of hurricanes or severe thunderstorms. People that discover Caligo and live to make it to the island in one piece are forced to live out their days there, unable to leave. The native Caligoans call these people (and those descended from them) drifters.

While the area of the Bermuda Triangle is one of the most heavily-sailed shipping lanes in the world, with ships crossing through it daily for ports in the Americas, Europe, and the Caribbean Islands, it is only those who pass within just a couple miles of the Caligo island that
truly find their demise.

Last edited by Kathryn Lacey on Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

Kathryn Lacey
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Caligo Information Empty Ecology

Post by Kathryn Lacey Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:51 pm

Caligo Information Caligo_Eco
The island of Caligo is home to a large number of endemic species. The plant and animal life developed in nearly complete isolation over about 70 million years. With the lack of human settlers to introduce a wider variety of species of plants and animals, the island still today remains detached from the rest of the world. While the types of animals may be similar to the ones found in locations nearby (like Florida and Cuba), there also exists numerous indigenous species to Caligo.

A unique aspect about Caligo is that all indigenous animals typically are very intelligent, more so than the animals found throughout the rest of the world. Animals native to the island are so smart in fact, that they are capable of learning human speech and can respond to human interaction.

Some marine mammals surrounding the island include Bottlenose Dolphins, Short-finned Pilot Whales, North Atlantic Right Whales, and West Indian Manatees.

Reptiles range from the American Alligator and Crocodile, to the Eastern Diamondback, Pgymy Rattlesnakes, Gopher Tortoises, Green and Leatherback Sea Turtles, and Eastern Indigo Snakes.

Amphibians are composed of a variety of frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts.

Mammals consist of a variety of creatures, including white-tailed and key deer, bobcats, rabbits, squirrels, wild pigs, mice and rats, bats, otters, foxes, wolves, cattle, and dark-furred feral cats unique to the island.

The bird life includes the eagles, osprey, pelicans, sea gulls, cranes, flamingos, and parrots, along with a variety of song birds.

There also is a large variation in nsects and spiders, some being deadly and venomous.

Last edited by Kathryn Lacey on Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

Kathryn Lacey
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Caligo Information Empty Climate and Geology

Post by Kathryn Lacey Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:52 pm

Caligo Information Caligo_GeoCli
Completely veiled in a layer of eternal cloud-cover, Caligo's plant life is dependent on very little light which filters through the clouds. Many of the trees are very tall, stretching the canopy layer of the forests toward the heavens, so as to soak up more sun for photosynthesis. There are also a lot of fungal-type plants that consume the island.

Parts of the island are completely submerged by water, making the island from an above view appear to be dotted with a few large lakes. Similar portions of the island are low-lying ground where water collects, forming bogs and marshes. Other areas contrast this with lofty mountains and deep canyons with multiple rivers flowing through them.

The average temperatures in the summer months are between 70 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit/21-49 Celsius, and from 50 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit/10-27 Celsius in the winter months, with the coastline being slightly cooler. The average annual precipitation in inches is between 70 and 90.

There is quite a lot of cloud formation over the island, and it is especially pronounced in the upper regions, usually between 5,000-8000 feet. These towering clouds form along the mountains where the incoming trade wind air converges as it moves up a valley and is forced up and over the mountains to heights of several thousand feet. Windward areas tend to be the most cloudy during the summer when the trade winds and associated clouds are more prevalent, while leeward areas, which are less affected by cloudy conditions associated with trade wind cloudiness, tend to be more cloudy during the winter when storm fronts pass through more frequently.

The wind patterns on the islands are very complex. Though the trade winds are fairly constant in speed and duration, their relatively uniform air flow is distorted and disrupted by mountains, hills, and valleys. Local conditions that produce occasional violent winds are not well understood though the general causes of these winds can be surmised. These are very localized winds, observed only in a few areas. They sometimes reach speeds from 60 to 100 mph (160 km/h). Hurricanes pose a severe threat during hurricane season, which lasts from June 1 to November 30, although some storms have been known to form out of season.

Last edited by Kathryn Lacey on Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

Kathryn Lacey
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Caligo Information Empty Your Role

Post by Kathryn Lacey Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:53 pm

Caligo Information Caligo_Characters

The characters you create for this role-play are entirely up to you. They can be native Caligoans, an unfortunate sailor or airplane pilot that crash landed on the island, an employee for Blue Trinity, or anyone else that could have gotten to the island. Every member is allowed one main character, which must be a Caligoan, and unlimited side characters. This main character will be your own persona, in a sense, for FOG. It doesn't have to be a character that is identical to you. On the contrary -- they can be quite the opposite, if you prefer, and they don't even need to be of the same sex. Your main character though will represent you. You can enter your character's profile and information inside the Caligo Character Sheet tab in your Profile link. For your Shade's ability, a great place to find a plethora of different powers is this list of comic book superpowers.

Caligo Information Caligo_PerTouch

The information here on the island of Caligo provides the basic backdrop for your role-plays. There is plenty of information that could be added by you, the creative writer. If you find you don't have the answer to a question in this information, don't worry about going to and Administrator or staff member to seek it out. We have intentionally left this room for you to explore and to expand upon. A prime example of this is the robotic machine of mass destruction. Nothing is ever said about what happens to it after Blue Trinity discovers it. It can be decided by you in your role-plays whether or not it is destroyed, if it's excavated and kept secret, if it is actually used or tested, or so on. The cities on Caligo, the technologies, the people, the lifestyles, etc. can all be decided upon by you, and it can range from role-play to role-play, so there are many options for you to explore. This story is not meant to have a firm account of every detail. We would like to allow you the space to build on it in the way you see fit to make it your very own.

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