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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Kalon Ordona II Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:00 am

Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Emfernoslogo

[Reserved for Guidelines, Profile Skeleton, Character List]

[b]. : Name : .[/b]
[u]Full Name[/u]: [your character's full name; include any titles]
[u]Use Name[/u]: [first name, surname, nickname, alias... whichever your character answers to]
[u]Other[/u]: [nicknames, aliases, other titles, etc.]
[u]Played by[/u]: [FOG username]

[b]. : Appearance : .[/b]
[u]Height and Build[/u]: [see below for descriptions of the physical characteristics of each race]
[u]Description[/u]: [be sure to include details about the head and face, specific markings, and anything else unusual or unique about the character's body]
[u]Clothing[/u]: [describe what specific accessories and/or articles of clothing the character always wears, and if you wish you may also include the specific types of cloth, clothing or armor that the character normally wears or prefers]
[u]Weapons[/u]: [describe in each of the character's weapons with as much detail as possible]
[u]Other[/u]: [any other items the character almost always carries, such as a staff or a pouch]
[u]Impression[/u]: [sum up your character's visual impression; this will be used as an overall reference]

[b]. : Heritage : .[/b]
[u]Age[/u]: [teenagers suck; awesomeness is directly related to the number of years]
[u]Birthplace[/u]: [home country, home city/town; don't be shy to ask for help with cities]
[u]Family[/u]: [parents, siblings, extended family, distant relatives]
[u]Inheritance[/u]: [describe any teachings, objects or businesses, etc., that were passed on to your character]
[u]Other[/u]: [connections, role models, friends, lovers, etc.]

[b]. : Persona : .[/b]
[u]Biography[/u]: [summarize the events of your character's life thus far]
[u]Motivation[/u]: [describe what motivates your character; specific events, goals and ambitions, upbringing, life choices]
[u]Skills and Talents[/u]: [combat, magic, languages, education, and so on and so forth]
[u]Strengths[/u]: [list and/or describe your character's moral and/or psychological strengths]
[u]Weaknesses[/u]: [list and/or describe your character's moral and/or psychological weaknesses]
[u]Personality[/u]: [sum up your character's personality; this will be used as an overall reference]

Last edited by Kalon Ordona II on Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:39 pm; edited 3 times in total
Kalon Ordona II
Kalon Ordona II
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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Kalon Ordona II Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:00 am

[Reserved for Culture Guide and Maps]

Map of Taerith, [probably east of Telmar]

Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Taerithmapphysical

Last edited by Kalon Ordona II on Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:23 pm; edited 2 times in total
Kalon Ordona II
Kalon Ordona II
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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Kalon Ordona II Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:01 am

[Reserved for Languages or Magic Systems]

[Same Elvish as before, only with more of its potential realized]

. : Elvish : .
[Add here the origin of this language in Taerith, especially as opposed to Telmar.] It has a property that allows for communication with all life: sentient beings, animals, even plant life. Any living thing that hears this language from an elf will understand its meaning even if it does not understand the words. Elves use the power of this language instinctively. Among other races, the effect may or may not occur, depending perhaps upon the person, the motive, the mental state, or even the situation itself; the secret of its use has never been discovered--even the elves do not understand how it works. [Or do they, here in Taerith?]

[Add here a paragraph about the history elvish in Taerith as it relates to other lands and races in this part of the world.]

Elf language is spoken with the lips and teeth constantly parted. The English letters used to represent these sounds are: e, ë, ä, a, ae, i, u, é, á, í, r, l, n, r, d, dh, t, th, s, sh, h, ch, rr, ll, nn, ss, and y. There is a difference between r, r, and rr: r is a sustain, r is a flick, and rr is a trill--or, if you can't trill, you can combine the two r's as a sustain followed by a flick. The other doubled letters, ll, nn, and ss, are just held longer. Each separate sound in the list is a single 'letter' in their alphabet.

There are no plurals or possessive endings. Word order alters meaning (though exactly how remains to be defined). It will be up to the players--those who are interested--to fill in the gaps. What we have here is the skeleton, a language in its early stages, ready for linguistically inclined role-players to explore. Speaking elvish in the role-play is completely optional; just the fact that is here and available will add depth to the world and the story. It is meant as an avenue of added enjoyment for those who really like to dig in. Feel free to expand as little or as much as you like on the language mechanics and the wordlist.

Elvish is a runic language. Each letter represents a concept. Use them as a loose guide when making up new words. You can justify a certain amount of flex room with the rationale that, for some words, the semantics these elves associate with them might be different from those understood by us Earth humans. By the same token, you can use what you know of this elven culture to further guide what semantic letters you pick for new words.

erya (protection), ërya (action), ärya (birth), arya (atmosphere), aerya (growth), irya (patience), urya (decay), élya (energy), álya (motion), ílya (worth), renya (cooperation), lenya (nature), nenya (exploration), raelya (change), daelya (strength), taelya (nobility), dhaelya (fidelity), thaelya (softness), sänya (order), shänya (enlightenment), hänya (being), chänya (chaos), errya (conflict), ellya (balance), ennya (endurance), essya (smoothness), eya (mystery)
Function Words
dan (the), an (which / that), ha (a), hahena (another), hin (few), hina (several), hanin (some), haína (many), hiéna (all), san (and), sullan (or), erich (either), arich (neither), ris (both), anári (who), hána (what / how), nena (where), dhän (on), edhän (upon), hath (in), dhin (into), nna (at), ethin (with), hyun (without), nin (to / toward), sen (back / backward), chara (across), char (through / forward), dene (for / for to), deth (of / belong), ich (about / relating to), ichen (related / connected), hila (like / similar), hail (once / some time in the past), ilachth (meanwhile), ilith (soon), ichdhanath (tomorrow), nnáe (while / during), alaeith (always), aeleth (should / ought), naer (must), naera (would / want to), seledh (please / earnest request), ihaei (perhaps), haeí (used to begin a polite request / polite affirmative / yes), naeí (may / let / let there be, used almost exclusively to begin spells or benedictions),
thendári (elf), sildári (human), aladári (dragon), thendíri (elf child), sildíri (human child), aladíri (dragon child), ári (person / elder), éri (younger person), íri (child), arah (creature), érach (beast / monster), sil (light), silda (sunlight), alaerra (water), irrien (fire), isíla (ice), anara (river), atara (rain), alalë (sea), aeris (life), ilis (time), ilisen (moment), ilidhan (period / length of time), aeril (lifetime), aerilanath (age / eon), anar (love), áriun (soul), äya (mind), äyan (thought), säí (intelligence), äí (idea / inspiration), äyachel (emotion), ärda (word), särrh (song), ärrélya (elf magic), irrärda (dragon magic), syérrëshal (magic), chyédra (energy / force), héä (source / spark), tirsil (sunset), sundra (night), undrial (shadow), shana (mountain), then (wood / group of trees), nann (place), ninnde (shelter), nannde (house / dwelling), silnannde (church), hininnde (hamlet), hinannde (village), ninannde (town), haínannde (city), hiénannde (country), challanannde (capital), érudan (stronghold), rienan (inn), dëáthras (clothing), dhiláthra (the kin's-cloth), sethaen (body), ireta (food), ethinári (friend), re (leader), líre (lord), daren (captain), líredan (commander), teldan (boldness / bravery), dhallath (council), elecher (business), erech (task), srénn (rest), hyelle (tear, as in crying), chindya (blessing), chyánda (curse), hyunndan (burden / worry), echeral (echo), unnen (end / ceasing), ssulrrach (devilry), chindeill (celebration), herethal (success), dhila (kin / kind), äenen (name / called), irishan (mind / mentality), dhanath (path / course), dhanala (trade route), dhanathári (traveler), dhunar (caravan), dhuhari (remnant), dhanith (trail / small path / animal trail), dhanala (ship route), dhatha (trail / signs of passing), ilarda (proof), naith (reward), selethári (merchant), hyarath (thief), hyechr (bandit / brigand), chandánan (stalker), dánan (pursuer), selssan (mercenary), chan (blade), ssan (sword), dilssan (a type of elvish sword), dalla (circle), dallann (cycle), draei (bell), isilen (a mildly narcotic and addicting herb that slightly improves blood clotting),
lli (me / my / we / our), lle (you / your), nalla ([s]he / his / her[s] / they / their), dantë (this / these),
aer (be / is / are), inasë (see / look / gaze / watch / observe), äyë (think), shaeäya (ponder), shánäya (wonder), äyánë (imagine), äíë (inspire), chyärda (hear), telärdë (speak), shárnë (ask), chárë (beg), telärrha (sing), shäris (worship), thaera (grow), shaena (teach), shaeínë (educate), saeirë (study), shaeána (learn), saha (know), shah (understand), aeállénndë (train / practice), dhaena (try / attempt), ennalë (enter / come), chathë (wait), chanta (stand), surë (continue), dánë (go / pursue), hahän (meet), hahanath (join), dheharië (remain), ethalë (follow), chandánë (stalk), undánë (flee / depart), ennethë (hide), unnethë (obscure), chindra (dream), hundra (sleep), hathil (have / possess), daelen (need), hetha (find), hrruch (lose / despair), syindë (buy), sele (sell), selsa (trade), hyursa (steal), heyara (accept / take), tílen (bring), chyaernë (permit / allow), chyantë (grant / bestow), chindyë (bless), erethendra (defend / protect), ráta (assist), hura (hinder), hyunndë (obligate), hyerrna (harm / hurt), chenndë (cause / inflict), ansserarië (accomplish), dira (ring, as a bell), theris (pierce), anahë (awaken), ithendra (remember), hyelena (weep), chindeyë (celebrate),
Verb Forms
subtract final letter = past tense (words three letters or less add EN or N), add a final I = future tense, add a final L = progressive (unless ending is N, then add another N), add final or IAL = participle, add final TH or ATH = gerund (unless ending is Ë, EN, or TH, then replace with AN)
eriëll (good / well), sëltha (alright / in a good state), erianath (whole), aerith (more), urith (less), anath (farther), ayath (further), anndra (surely / it is likely / it is hoped), danndra (certainly), innil (long time), thien (fine / high quality), sëlthien (excellent / splendid), serathel (beautiful), cherathel (beloved), thess (delicate), eíth (precious), chaerne (permitted / allowed), irrarsil (white), theien (quiet), thechrith (gentle), heth (content), hirrith (cheerful), níerin (new), dallath (encircling), dheharial (remaining), chiri (afraid), sunn (lost), undra (blind), sunndha (dead), irried (hot), irriel (warm), isíel (cool), isíleth (cold),

Idioms and Common Phrases (Telmar)
eltheran (greetings), lisanielle (I see/know/understand you), danael (thanks / thanking / "thank-you"), ethilhae ("if I may" / with permission), nalënän (an expression equivalent to "let it be so"), natathalia (an idiom without literal equivalent in other languages; a sort of rallying cry, meaning roughly: to the plunder! / to the spoil! / to the reward!), leláli (you come with me / you follow me), lilále (I go with you / I follow you), asteha (in that case), Naeí chindya dhän lle dhanath. (benediction: May there be blessing on your path.), Aeris nin lle san lle. (benediction: Life to you and yours.), Naeí innil aeril san irriel silda edhän lle. (May long life and warm sunlight be upon you.),

Idioms and Common Phrases (Taerith)
eltheran (greetings), lisanielle (I see/know/understand you), danael (thanks / thanking / "thank-you"), ethilhae ("if I may" / with permission), leláli (you come with me / you follow me), lilále (I go with you / I follow you), asteha (in that case), Naeí chindya dhän lle dhanath. (benediction: May there be blessing on your path.), Aeris nin lle san lle. (benediction: Life to you and yours.), Naeí innil aeril san irriel silda edhän lle. (May long life and warm sunlight be upon you.),

Last edited by Kalon Ordona II on Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:56 am; edited 4 times in total
Kalon Ordona II
Kalon Ordona II
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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Kalon Ordona II Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:02 am

[Reserved for Character Profiles]
Kalon Ordona II
Kalon Ordona II
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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Kalon Ordona II Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:02 am

[Reserved for Plot Threads]
(Plot Threads would be loose plans relating to the interrelations between all the characters. In place of whatever the correct term may be, Plot Threads, to me, brings to mind a weaving of separate strands whose endings are only vaguely defined, taking shape only as they are interwoven with the others.)
Kalon Ordona II
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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Kalon Ordona II Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:24 am

[Reserved for Intro Storage / Miscellaneous]

Working Intro
Kalon Ordona II
Kalon Ordona II
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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Kalon Ordona II Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:45 am

Alright, at this point it's okay to just post in here freely.
Here's what we have so far; it's the more concrete bits of our brainstorming phase.

--------------------------------- PLANNING

The brainstorm phase for Emfernos: The Trial of Truth

--------------------------------- Kalon

First off, we won't necessarily have to worry about languages. The elvish and dragonish on Tanuvel are things that Sephiris taught them. Those languages exist independently of Tanuvel and Sephiris, but the other continents may or may not know them.

Elvish has more power than the elves are using it for, for example. There's probably a continent where that'll feature, even though I'm still planning to have it as a plot point in Sephiris.

Anyway, to get started, we need the title, like Sephiris: The Price of Peace. It goes [name of araltari]: [theme subtitle].
So, first off, we need a name for the next araltari. I'm thinking one of the male ones.
Then we need a theme. Something relating to their mission. It'll guide our plot, so I'd love to have your input.

We'll eventually need a map, which is no problem; I can do that at any time -- though probably sooner rather than later.

What kind of plot would you like to write?
What would be feasible with just the two of us? A sort of hero story?
What sort of landmass would you prefer? One big continent? An archipelago? More mixed than Tanuvel? Preferences. ^^

And again, we still have the same three races: Humans, Elves, and (anthropomorphic) Dragons. ("Normal" dragons are called fire-drakes, and there are drakes and wyverns and gryphons and who knows what else.) The cultures would be different, but they'd branch out from the same source. So they'd be similar, but kind-of like an alternate universe.

The three races still have the same purposes they were created to have, but they might have developed differently from those on Tanuvel, after the sundering.

--------------------------------- Kalon

So I've settled on a name for the araltari: Emfernos.
And now all that's left is the title.

On a whim, The Land of Lies came to mind. I think it's one of those things that's either very cool or very silly. Emfernos: The Land of Lies.
...I'll see if anything else pops up. Maybe when we get more of the plot.
I'm liking it more and more as I think about it...
Although it might be too obvious. And it might not perfectly represent the theme.
Let's see, then. Theme would be... Is a difference that seems to make no difference really a difference at all? Or... Does it count if it's a peace built on lies?

What's cool about it is the relation to "The Price of Peace." Same format of words and alliteration: "The Land of Lies." I guess I just like it when stuff "fits." *shrug*
Tentative title, then.

Moving on:
What we have ~
= Map
= tentative title
= solid concept
= a bunch of vague ideas

What we need ~
+ History
+ Culture
+ Civilization
+ Plot
+ Characters

And eventually everything else will fall into place. Meaning the language -- however they learn it -- and all the creatures, and other things like NPC's or... just other miscellaneous paraphernalia. All the other "minor" stuff.
And maybe the astral plane, too -- whatever I end up calling that.

--------------------------------- Silvone

So...looking at the map, here is what I am thinking. The elves would, obviously, dominate the center of Taerith. That is where most of nature can be found, in the form of woods, life, rivers, and the surrounding and central mountains. This is likely a place just teeming with life.
The dragons, being what they are, I would imagine being located along the western edge of Taerith, inhabiting the mountains, and maybe even that northwest arm, if the elves haven't spread that far themselves.
The humans I imagine on the eastern edge, living largely in coastal cities and towns. I have some cool ideas for this, but I will obviously need to run them by you before implementing them. Anyway, there wouldn't be very much in the way of grand here, but perhaps there can be an ancient city or two, long since abandoned or destroyed, that hints at what they used to have. Of course, we don't have to make the humans so degraded. Perhaps they can just now be beginning their decline, if that is your preference.

Perhaps Emfernos can be located in the mountain at the center, or perhaps you already have an idea for where you want him. I just think that location would be great because, due to his proximity to the elves and the fact that he is literally surrounded by them, his judgement and "view" would be clouded and the elves could more easily deceive him.

Also, since the two moons thing was implemented late in Sephiris, we couldn't really delve into the mythology of it without it sounding add-on. So I was thinking that it should play an important part in at least one of the cultures. The dragons in the Tanuvel seem reverent of the moon...or perhaps that is just due to their own bigotry. But they would likely be a good candidate. If not them, then I'm thinking the elves. I honestly can't see the humans caring, at least not anymore.
I also want to continue working on the document explaining the two moons impact on the world. I kind of forgot about it, but it should get done at some point. Its too rich for the story to just pass up, in my opinion.


I'm thinking that the dragons would be undergoing a severe amount of physical/mental stress at this point. Being driven into hiding by the elves, they may have turned to hiding deep within the mountains themselves. This would undoubtedly have significant problems for a species with wings and the limited ability to fly.
Some of their cities could be built on the tops of the mountains themselves, while having large areas carved from within the mountains as a precaution. They would become, in a sense, a culture somewhat similar to dwarves (in very limited aspects, I assure you ). Also, if these dragons in any way share the same kind of self-reverant attitude as the dragons on Tanuvel, then the fact that they are forced into hiding would also have a severe impact on them.

I'm not sure what kind of culture they would have had before that though. Living in that environment, its likely that they wouldn't have been much different than the dragons on Tanuvel. They could have lived in majestic palaces built on the mountain sides, or even over the lakes. I would imagine that their domain would have been limited to the western side of those ranges though, due to the inherent dislikes between the elves and dragons. Unless it wasn't always that way, I don't know. As far as coastal cities, I don't think the dragons would have been into that. Their bodies were designed to be airborne, and the mountains are the best place to achieve that. Unless their diet consists largely of fish, I don't think they would have any particular use for the ocean. And they could get any fish sustenance from the lakes in their region.

I think thats about it for the dragons, at least for now.


The elves, as I've already said, I imagine taking up the center of the landmass due to the amount of nature and life found their. The epicenter of their culture and such would likely be located at the very center of Taerith, around the mountain located there. I dont' think that would necessarily change even if Emfernos was located there as well.
I don't think the elves would have cities, as such. Nor any defensible locations really. They don't really need that. There would most likely be certain locations, like our own Stonehenge, for example, where they would gather for certain events or rituals. But they would essentially control the entire area, possibly using the life there to exterminate any invaders or threats. They would possibly need some form of ruling council, and that would likely be located very close either to Emfernos, or just the center of everything, in either case the center of Taerith.

The elves would need to be very socially adept, despite their nomadic nature. They would need to be able to deceive Emfernos into believing that they are at harmony with the other races, while subduing those races in whatever way is necessary. They would need to be literate to understand any written culture of the humans and dragons. As a ruler, one MUST know the cultures they are subduing, or they can sneak right past them. But I think that the elves can use their seemingly simplistic nature to hide their true nature.

Of course, it can go the other way around as well. Rather than having them be nomadic peoples, we can have them being highly advanced technologically, establishing large towns or cities, possibly using the vegetation there to form their homes or something. I can't really imagine them demolishing anything to create a home any other way. This would cause them to group together and would create a more universal culture. For some reason, though, I don't really like this idea. To be as strong with nature as they need to be in this story, living like that seems to be more of a hindrance. But maybe it is just a personal bias. Either way, I'll let you decide. Or, if you can think of something completely different, then that is great too!

We will need to decide if the elves are acting the way they are out of necessity, or simply out of evil intentions. It will make a big difference on their culture. Either they are desiring to rule, or simply be left alone, or circumstances are somehow forcing their hand. Maybe they believe that the other races are destroying the world by not being in tune with it, and maybe they believe that Emfernos is wrong in allowing them to survive, indeed in demanding that they thrive.

One more thing on elves: I think the rivers should play an important part in their lives. There are so many of them, and they are like the arteries that keep the lifeblood circulating through their lands. They should be important either mythologically, or just be an important part of their rituals or something. I just think it would add greatly to the story to delve into that. Maybe the rivers can shape a lot of what they do, from the sound or form of their language, to the look of their words, or even as far as how they manipulate the world around them in whatever way.

Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Waterfallcitybylychi

[Possible location of Emfernos?]
Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Fantasyforgottencity009


Humans, here in Taerith, I am imagining as in despair and far degenerate from their distant kin in Tanuvel. While at one point in history they may have enjoyed their golden age, they are now in sharp decline in prosperity as well as numbers. A sickness has been affecting them for decades, killing off many humans and possibly causing long term side effects. Many of their habitats hug the coast, climbing up and bridging the rock pillars that are a common sight on that edge of Taerith.

Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet 1255931679096

Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Indigobottomcolour

As I mentioned above, I think it would be cool to have some ruins that hint at what the humans used to have, like large cities that were built closer inland, near the forests of the elves, but that are now nothing but empty buildings and streets falling into decay, likely being taken over by vegetation.

Because of their circumstances, I can't see their religion being quite as prominent in humans as it is in Tanuvel. Their entire world is falling to pieces, and they wouldn't attribute that to anyone but a mad god. And maybe, to them, that is what Emfernos is?
Maybe humans are the typical hardy, downtrodden warriors of most over-done fantasy stories. I'm sure if we think hard enough, though, we can put a unique spin on them.

Anyway, those are my current thoughts. Take what you want from that, if there is anything worth taking

--------------------------------- Kalon

We must be on the same wavelength. You've really put into words a lot of the vague ideas that were cropping up. xD

Yes, by all means let's have human ruins.

I just had this cool idea when you mentioned a sickness. A real lightbulb moment. Let's have the elves "taking care" of them! The humans are probably suffering something, and the elves have been helping them through it for years. But what they're REALLY doing is perpetuating it. They probably even CAUSED it.

I picture the elves seeing themselves as the benevolent overlords, the we-do-what-must-be-done approach to total control. They see humans as depraved beings whose natural inclination is toward evil. By keeping them in check with the sickness -- keeping them focused on simple survival -- they enable them to have reasonably happy lives, and at the same time prevent prosperity from bringing corruption.

The result, of course, is their own corruption, and our heroes' discoveries. This'll be great because the heroes'll probably be sickly at first. Humans are stronger than elves -- elves are fragile and agile -- and the humans have had hardish lives, so they'll be pretty fit when they have their health back. ^^ Anyway, once they get over the sickness, they'll probably flee to dragon country, where they'll learn more.

Anyway, basically, the elves by now have probably deceived even themselves, making it harder to detect the lies.

And let's make it worse. How about, immediately after the sundering -- after the hard years of regrowth and reconstruction (so there are even MORE ruins, super ancient ones from before the sundering), the elves on Taerith feel a weight of guilt, more than the other races. The sundering was caused by pride, the races arguing over who was the greatest, if I remember correctly. So, the elves probably set out to rectify the situation. But they soon find that humans and dragons can't be forced into things, and this is probably before Emfernos is used to the idea of his mission and this new place called Taerith that he's been given charge over.

(sorry if this is hard to follow; it's all coming as I type)

So the elves start in with the whole sickness for the humans and the isolation of the dragons. Dragons don't have the language of magic like they do in Telmar (where Tanuvel is), so they rely on their superior physique, and of course flight. They probably don't like elves much either, so it probably wasn't very difficult to get them all to gather on the other side of the mountains, where they can keep to themselves.

I've got another idea. Let's say the forest was very dangerous at first. I think Emfernos might have retaught the language to the elves so that they'd survive. They were probably getting picked off by beasts, even if they are agile. Once the elves had the language, and with it a power over nature, they quickly overcame the wild. That's where their "technology" would come from, if you will. They didn't forget its power, like the elves in Telmar did (and the elves in Telmar weren't taught nearly as many secrets of the language as the ones in Taerith needed to know to survive the huge forests). So they really used the power a lot and got to be really good at it. They probably made dwellings out of the forest, Eragon style.

So we have elves with the only magic. Recipe for domination without bloodshed, right there. With this, the elves felt they could do the world some good. They suppressed the humans and drove out the dragons -- nicely, diplomatically, crafty, sneaky, tricksy, somehow making it seem like it was the dragons' idea.

So there's peace; everyone's happy... reasonably. The elves like their forest and walk around building forest-cities and going on the rivers and generally just building themselves up. The humans struggle to survive the sickness, forging a reasonably content existence and growing strong of character through hardship, glad of their elf friends without whose support they would surely perish. The dragons like their mountains and can't really think of a better place to live -- though they feel quite stifled for some reason, especially since their population is growing and there is less room in the desirable mountains; still, generally they are content. Emfernos thinks things are going pretty well, and if he can just keep this up till the other four lands achieve their harmony, the Creator will return; huzzah! What could be wrong with that? ^^

--------------------------------- Silvone

That all sounds really good. Sounds like this is really taking shape! Do you have any problems with the type of towns I was talking about? Like the ones in the pictures? Just towns that scale the coastal cliff walls and the stone pillars (can't remember what those things are called)?

Also, I was thinking about a way to keep this going longer. When I was writing for NaNoWriMo, I used three different plotlines, each with their own characters, to prevent myself from ever hitting a writing block and slowing down. Perhaps that would work for us here? We could use three different sets of characters, perhaps each set focusing on a different important aspect or event going on in the world? It helps when you consider that a mere two people are going to be at the center of all of the things happening in the story...and it also helps give material to work with! If we ever get stuck with one plot, we can just skip over to the other. Kind of like what you did with Sephiris, with your characters from each of the races.
Its up to you though. I'm fine if you just want to focus on a single character.

--------------------------------- Kalon

Yeah, I did like the towns, especially the clifflike one. It seems like a unique place; there'd probably be some interesting reason for building up so high into the cliffs. Likely a combination of population and health needs. Maybe the sea air is good. *shrug* I'm sure we could come up with something. ^^ Yeah, it'd have to be that the sea air is good; and fish; all in that particular spot, so that gives them the reason to build there, down by the water and up onto the cliffs, since there's no beach room. Something like that. Maybe the seawater helps with boils or sores, if there are any.

More than one plot would be fun! ^^ I'd love to play more dragons and elves. Maybe we can have two humans, and then like three dragons, and maybe a couple of elves -- maybe the elves are more separate, not knowing each other until much later, or something.

I'm sure we'll also have lots of NPC's and "villain" characters, in addition to Emfernos, and maybe some lesser spirits like altari, asari, and terunari (think: greater angels, regular angels, and earth-keepers. Araltari would be like archangels).

So it looks like we have a good rough plot going. Now we'll need some characters.
Do you want to use the same character profile skeleton as in Sephiris?

--------------------------------- Silvone

Yes, that is one of my favorite. It is hard to fill out all at once sometimes (I still haven't done Ragner Duiran's), but I've not seen a better one yet

I was thinking that an interesting explanation for building up is because of the harsh tides inflicted by the two moons. When the tide rises, the hardier buildings toward the bottom are flooded, and the lighter, wooden buildings built higher up become the temporary shelters. And then there would be some reason to keep them there, like you suggested. Something they need, or use.

It might take me a while to think of some good characters. I'm sure, though, that I want to have a character from that town (human, obviously). Unfortunately, I don't have a good image of the dragon culture yet, or how their architecture might look. So I don't yet have any character ideas for them.

I feel bad for not including everyone else in this, but this is going to be a lot of fun

--------------------------------- Kalon

Don't feel too bad. There's still PLENTY to do in Sephiris. ^^ I've designed it to be easy for new people to enter the story, so there's that as well.

As for Dragon architecture in Taerith... they wouldn't have magic, so it probably won't be as grand. They're big and strong, though, and they can use tools, so I'm sure they could still make some impressive stuff. They can also fly, so they can easily build tall structures.

I'm guessing, in addition to awesome caves -- kinda like dwarves but with lots of differences -- there'd be tall stone forts and castles nestled into the mountains and cliffs everywhere, with lots of wide towers and flat roofs. In fact, maybe the dragons helped the humans build their coast town, long ago. Dragons do naturally like humans a lot more than they like elves. (There's a shared affinity for the sun, though it's Fire to the dragons and Light to the humans. Humans like more light stuff like the moons and stars, while dragons like more fire stuff like... fires... and volcanoes and things, if there are any.)

I know, let's have a creature fly the humans up the cliffs. Drakes, wyverns or gryphons, or some such. It probably only works because of the strong updrafts by the cliffs.

In the higher spots, there are probably also tunnel stairways leading to the uplands.

After this we got to talking about characters and plots, but I've lost that part of the conversation, it looks like.
I guess we'll take it up from here with what we remember plus new ideas.

Onward! Very Happy
Kalon Ordona II
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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Guest Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:24 pm

Yeah...I know I had the beginnings of my character sheet around here somewhere, but I can't find it anywhere.

From what I can remember, it was something like this:
We each had a human character, and we were (I think) meeting an elven guide. I feel like my character was familiar with the drakes they use to scale the cliffs, so I'm thinking he was a handler, but I might be wrong. We can go either way with it. I honestly don't remember anything about the character you had.

That is the basics of that, and we can go with it or go with something else entirely. We can even start with one of the other two races if you prefer.


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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Kalon Ordona II Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:14 pm

Yeah, I think you had a guy who operated some dragon/wyvernish beast to ferry people to different levels on the cliff city. Mine was... I forget everything but vague images and impressions, but I think it's coming back... Some youthish, slightly scholarly person, I think, though I forget why, or where they were going and why they needed a guide.

Any other scrap of our plans you can find would sure help. Very Happy
I suppose if we talk it through we'll probably come to similar conclusions as last time, though. xD

Elves nicely manipulating everyone, these guys either discover why and then leave, or they leave and then discover, or both.
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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Guest Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:26 pm

I think that your character was somehow interacting with the elves, to get medicine or whatnot, and my character was ferrying you up there, following you, and then ferrying you back down. But during our short travel we would discover the secret, and that would launch our story. It might be a little different that what we had at the time, but it might work well enough.


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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Kalon Ordona II Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:06 am

Yeah, that could work. I forget so many of my plans. *whack, whack, whack my poor forehead* *does it in real life* *ow, ow, ow*
I want to reread everything a couple more times, just to be sure I won't remember anything else before we move on. I'll be busy tomorrow, though, so I'll get to it afterward.
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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Guest Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:54 pm

I have a feeling I am going to have to start learning the elvish language for this one, since I have avoided it in Sephiris Wink

Perhaps we should change gears and start with some dragon or elvish characters? At least planning for their storylines? That will give us some time to remember what we had going for the humans.
If not, I think we could go with this:
Your character is scholar who knows the elves and travels to their lands (or halfway or something) to get medicines for the humans. Perhaps the elves even make the humans pay for the medicines, as a way to keep them poor. They could be forced to pay some enormous price for it. My character would have ferried you up and traveled with yours to the elves. At some point, they will learn of the elves treachery, and we will go from there. But I think that is about where we were before, though I am sure some small details are wrong.

For the dragons though, I am not really sure what to do. They are incredibly reclusive. Perhaps the elves are encroaching on the lands they have left, and a group of dragons are sent to push them back?

An elvish plot line could revolve around some trouble in their own lands, maybe. Or perhaps we could just use the characters that interact with one of the other two plotlines...


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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Guest Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:25 am

A quick character sheet for my human character. It needs some severe editing and lengthening, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm still interested in this if you are Very Happy

. : Name : .
Full Name: Conphas Selkirnemus
Use Name: Conphas
Other: none
Played by: Ysopet

. : Appearance : .
Height and Build: Though still relatively young, Conphas looks as if he is quickly surpassing his middle years. He is tall and lanky, and as the sickness wracking his body spreads he is quickly losing weight. His aching bones and constant exhaustion leave him hunched over.

Description: Conphas is a tired and haggard looking man. The skin of his face hangs loosely, and his cheek bones are very prominent. There are dark circles under his eyes that never disappear. His dark hair is thinning, and he keeps it cut short. Dark spots can be seen under his skin, yellow and blue like bruises. They are a mark of his sickness, a plague that has run rampant among all humans. This sickness is the cause of his suffering.

Clothing: Conphas dresses in loose-fitting clothing. He typically wears thick clothes that cover his skin to keep him warm. The ocean breeze, his sickness, and the harsh wind from the back of his drake all conspire to make him freeze. Conphas wears a leather cap over his short hair, another protection against the biting wind.
He also carries a leather bag over his shoulder that hangs around his waist; it carries numerous supplies that he needs when ferrying passengers from the beach to the top of the cliff. There are extra articles of clothing, a small amount of food, water, and a small amount of the coins he makes.
Most of the rest of his supplies are attached the his drake in numerous bags. These bags contain more of the supplies in his own bag, as well as whatever the passengers need carried.

Weapons: Conphas carries a simple iron dagger on his belt, though it is primarily for utility purposes. His real weapon, and a common one among men these days, is the quarterstaff. He keeps it stashed among the bags on his drake, though he takes it with him whenever he needs to walk somewhere. It has the dual purpose of supporting his weight as a walking stick. Though Conphas has trained with the weapon, he no longer has the energy for prolonged fighting.

Impression: Conphas looks older than he is. From afar he could be taken for a frail old man. Up close, he looks like a sick man suffering from exhaustion and numerous aches. Which he is.

. : Heritage : .
Age: 48

Birthplace: Conphas was born in Turs-ci, where he currently makes his living. It is one of the few remaining human cities, and it is heavily populated.

Family: Conphas’s relatives are all deceased, having succumbed to the sickness. His younger sister, whom he was taking care of with the money he made from ferrying, he buried two years ago. His parents died many years before.

Inheritance: Conphas inherited his business from his father, Drusas, who had caught the beast in his younger years. Drusas had remained free from the sickness until well after 60. After a journey to the dead city of his own parents, far to the south along the coast, he returned with the drake, a small fortune, and a failing body. He was dead within a few months.

Other: Conphas has met many people while ferrying them to and from the beach and cliffs of Turs-ci. Some of them are still healthy, though most are not. Conphas has very few real friends, as the people of Turs-ci tend to keep to themselves. Anyone can die at any time, so attachments are difficult to handle. Conphas does, however, have numerous business contacts.

. : Persona : .
Biography: Conphas was born in Turs-ci. His brother died at the age of three, though it was unrelated to the sickness. Conphas worked with the fisherman as soon as he was old enough to work the nets and the spear. When his mother died of the sickness, his father, Drusas, left Turs-ci. When he returned, he brought with him a small fortune of treasure, a drake, and the sickness that took his life a few months later. Conphas used the money and the drake to care for his sister, his sole surviving relative. When she finally died, Conphas diverted all of his attention to his drake.

Motivation: Conphas is motivated by the simple act of living life. Whatever the sickness came from, it has taken the future from mankind. All that Conphas has left is the present, and he is determined to make the most of it. So, in a sense, his real motivation is money, because that is how he makes his living. He needs food for himself and his drake, and he needs supplies to keep his business going.

Skills and Talents: Conphas is skilled with the use of his quarterstaff, though he lacks the physical stamina to use it properly for extended periods of time. He also has a deep connection with his drake, which he inherited from his father. Conphas needs not worry about someone trying to steal the drake, because the beast seems to be loyal to him alone.
Because of the frequent visits of elves, Conphas is fluent enough in elvish to hold a conversation with one.

Strengths: Conphas has the mental strength to push on despite his failing health. He understands that the time of his death is near, but he refuses to give in. Every human suffers the same fate, and he believes that the only thing that makes their lives worth living is their determination to live it.
He also has a strong attachment to his drake, and he takes care of it like it were his own family. In a sense, it is the only family he has left. It is because of this tender care that the drake has formed such a strong bond with him.

Weaknesses: Conphas’s major weakness is in his physical strength and stamina. But beyond that, he has become detached from the rest of humanity. While he will personally do his best to live his own life to its fullest, he could care less about the lives of others. He works to fill his pockets with gold, he converses with his passengers to earn their trust and their business, and he forgets about all of them the next day. He has very little compassion for anyone beyond his drake.

Personality: Conphas is a business man. He enjoys people only insofar as what he coin he can earn from them. His passengers tend to like him, as he would otherwise have no business. But in Turs-ci, very few people are really interested in the lives of others.


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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Kalon Ordona II Sun May 06, 2012 12:04 am

. : Name : .
Full Name: Elwein Wyborn
Use Name: Elwein
Other: Wein
Played by: Kalon Ordona II

. : Appearance : .
Height and Build: Elwein is 5'10" in height. His build is slender and very lightly toned, but not too many humans could match him in terms of fitness. It's not that he is very strong; it's just that a majority of other humans in Taerith are weaker.

Description: Elwein has gone much of his life without the affliction, the widespread sickness that has plagued humans in Taerith for generations. Only the skin of his hands and forearms is tainted with discolored spots and pinch marks, symptoms of the affliction, though a few of the spots have begun to appear on his left jawline. Other than that, Elwein is healthier than most humans he knows. His dark blond hair hasn't thinned, though he keeps it cropped at the neck; there is hardly any redness around his gray-blue eyes; and the sharp features of his face have not yet sagged, pocked or wrinkled.

Clothing: Elwein's clothing, like most humans in Taerith, puts function over form. The cliff-dwelling humans of Turs-ci bathe themselves and their clothing in the sea regularly, avoiding the effort and expense of a change of garments. Elwein wears a tunic woven from a yarn made from combined cliff-rush and seaweed fibers. The gray-green garment comes down to his thighs, its sleeves to his elbows, and its shell-toggled top up to his collarbone. His gray underclothes--collared shirt and trousers--are of a much softer woven material called sapcloth, which comes in ready-made garments provided to the community by elves and is quite resilient to wear and decay. Elwein also wears shark-skin breeches common in Turs-ci, and boots of a kind of dull brown leather which also comes from elves.

Elwein's clothing, again like that of many humans, has been sewn or marked with all manner of talismans, in an effort to ward away the affliction and other diseases. Most precious to him is the engraving work on the scales of the wide, bluish, wave-drake hide belt around his waist. He keeps this on him always, for the marks and wards were put there lovingly by his parents, who were lost long ago to the affliction. He has a similar item given to him by his own community in gratitude for his efforts: a wave-drake hide cuff with a stylized engraving of a cliff heath, a white flower with five pointed petals, which only grows up at the top of their cliffs. They made it specially for him to match his belt, and he wears it over his left wrist and forearm. The cuff seems to be working as a ward even though it was not intended as such, because the affliction in his left forearm has developed more slowly over the years since he put it on.

Weapons: Elwein has an elven knife with a blade as long as his palm, but it is thought of and used as a tool much more than a weapon. The blade is thin but sturdy, with a double edge. The simple hilt is a dark wood that has been glossed with some sort of varnish.

Other: The knife came with a plain, formed-leather sheath and a matching pouch that can be strapped to a belt. Elwein's own belt is too wide for the pouch, so a thick leather strap circles his waist on top, to which the formed-leather pouch and the knife sheath can be attached. Elwein uses the pouch to keep herbs and infusions, the latter kept in small glass vials received from the elves. He has eight such vials, with wooden stoppers, some of them empty.

Impression: Elwein tends to be seen as possessing the fitness and confidence of youth. Not that youths are excepted from the ravages of the affliction, but that Elwein is uncommonly close to the humans' ideal of youth.

. : Heritage : .
Age: 26
Birthplace: Turs-ci
Family: Elwein's only family was his parents, Weran and Lena, who were so close in all things that they had even died together on the same night, from the affliction, when Elwein was 14.

Inheritance: Aside from the wave-drake hide belt his parents engraved with wards and talismans, Elwein also inherited the house his parents had lived in. However, since Elwein himself rarely spends a lot of time at the house, he builds on his parents' example and shelters a number of people there instead, people too poor, young, or sickly to fend for themselves. It was they who brought together the group of others in the community to craft the cuff to match his belt, as thanks for his work and kindness.

Other: Elwein is strongly appreciated by his community and the people of Turs-ci, such that he has little need of specific connections. The connections that matter are the elves he deals with on a regular basis, a fair number of which are close friends, of a sort. Relationships with elves are different from relationships with humans, he has always observed. They are after all a different race. But it does puzzle him from time to time.

. : Persona : .
Biography: Elwein's earliest memories are of living in his parents' house a level up from the base of the cliff wall. There were always people coming in and out of their home, and they wore smiles despite the affliction they all suffered. That was because there was always enough of the elvish medicine to go around. Weran and Lena were the kind of people that brought those around them together and encouraged everyone to do their best and take care of each other. Even a few elves, from time to time, would visit their house, praising their selflessness and rewarding them with fresh supplies of the medicine and other goods. Sometimes Lena could persuade them to stay for the evening meal, and that was always a happy occasion.

Over the years, while the elvish medicine made their lives easier, so that doubtless they suffered far less than they might have, the affliction nevertheless gradually prevailed. As Weran and Lena slowly grew more and more frail, Elwein, growing up under his parents' example of selflessness, began secretly to put his portion of the medicine in with theirs. Secretly, because they never would have let him put himself at risk of getting the affliction, had they known. The medicine helped, as it always did, but still his parents grew steadily worse, and then, when Elwein was 14, they both died together in the same night, asleep in their beds, as close in death as they had been in life. Elwein had known it was coming, but still he grieved terribly, almost starving himself before he emerged from the ordeal. What brought him out was a determination to do all he could to help others under the scourge of the affliction.

Almost immediately Elwein set to work, involving himself with the elves more than anyone in Turs-ci ever had. He took trips higher than anyone else, up to the top of the cliffs, whenever anyone had the time to go that far. Sometimes he climbed part of the way, if a wave-drake rider had too many commitments or his drake couldn't make it high enough above the waves. Only past a certain point, quite close to the top, were the cliffs climbable at all, since any lower the cliff wall slanted slightly inward, as if, given a few thousand years, the whole wall would eventually fall into the sea.

Elwein did things differently than his parents. He liked to think he built on their example, but in his own way. Rather than build a close community, he would get as much of the elvish medicine as he could and, keeping none for himself, deliver it to as wide an area as he could feasibly supply. Eventually he grew strong enough to expand his efforts to include most of Turs-ci, finding that no one was able to fully duplicate his endeavors. Even when his hands and forearms began to develop signs of the affliction, he refused to take for himself what medicine he could otherwise provide to someone else. Not till the affliction grew bad enough to hamper his progress, he decided, would he take some for himself. So far, it had not. His parents' wards, or perhaps the love they had put into them--something--was clearly on his side, convincing him more and more every day that he was on the right path.

Motivation: To do all he can to prevent others from suffering the affliction.

Skills and Talents: Elwein's talents are those he has developed in the years since he began running the leafy elvish plant which is the medicine for the affliction. He is adept at scaling the top vertical portion of the cliffs. He can balance well on a wave-drake. He can swim farther into the sea than most. He has learned many uses for the knife the elves gave him. And through constant practice he has developed skills to deal with and relate to other people, both humans and elves. His grasp of the elvish language has recently developed enough that he is able to grasp some of the subtleties in their speech, their idioms and mannerisms, though he is sure there is much of the language he has yet to be exposed to.

Strengths: Elwein has a heart for others and a mind to match. His work by now defines who and what he is, and he could scarcely now be anything less, let alone anything else.

Weaknesses: Elwein is largely naive to arenas of life outside of his efforts.

Personality: Elwein does what he can. He is the closest thing to a hero that the humans of Taerith can imagine. It's not much when viewed with cold realism, but it helps. Elwein sees their relief and knows he is doing real good for them. Yet in the back of his mind, somehow he knows it is not enough.
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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Guest Mon May 07, 2012 9:16 pm

That is an awesome character Smile I can only imagine the blow he will receive when he learns the truth.

Are the wave-drakes different from the drake my own character uses? Do they only ride waves, and are wingless? Or are they the same thing, just given a name? I didn't quite understand that.

Also, we should come up with a specific name for the sickness/affliction. As prevailent as it is, I think they would have named it. Or perhaps they have adopted the elvish name for it?

Edit: I will be editing my character sheet eventually. Just letting you know that it isn't quite done!


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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Kalon Ordona II Tue May 08, 2012 10:54 pm

Precisely. ^^ Selflessness becomes selfishness, all because of a lie. Ouch.

Wave-drakes were intended to be the same as the one you have. The idea is that it's hard for them to fly too high, but they do also swim. Your drake is probably one of the better ones because of all the attention it gets, and so it is one of the few that can reliably make it to the top of the cliffs without completely wearing itself out.

I figured they basically call it The Affliction. I just took out the capitals because it'll be said a lot. Like it's probably a general word now, like how Xerox became xerox.
We could have a distinct name, though. Smile
Maybe "the affliction" is a short name for it, or like a superstitious substitute for the real name, as if naming it might be enough to catch it or further it.
"He's caught the affliction." As opposed to "He's caught the Purplish Death."
Like a nice way of saying it.

I guess the main reason I haven't thought of a name is that I haven't nailed down what all the symptoms are. xD I figure there are kind of a lot, and they can vary a bit.
I don't think the elves should name it, though. They wouldn't. It'd be dangerous. They might pick a name that would reveal something about it. Better that the humans call it whatever they naturally choose to call it.

So, I dunno, any ideas? Very Happy
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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Guest Tue May 08, 2012 11:45 pm

I think just calling it the affliction works well enough. I suppose most nasty plagues and diseases are given drastic names because they are disruptions. But the affliction is not necessarily a disruption, not anymore. It is simply a way of life.


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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Guest Mon May 14, 2012 9:08 pm

So... do you think we have enough to begin the first round of posting, or do we need more brainstorming? I know that my character sheet still needs a little bit of work, but it will be easier to work on that while I am hammering out a post, get them both out of the way at the same time.

What say you?


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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Kalon Ordona II Mon May 14, 2012 9:09 pm

Sure, let's go for it. Very Happy
1-on-1's are easier to do that with than larger role-plays, I've found. Smile

Go ahead and start writing at your convenience. I'll get to work on making the topic.
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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Guest Mon May 14, 2012 9:13 pm

So do you want me to post first? Just as an introduction to my character and a door for your character?


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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

Post by Kalon Ordona II Tue May 15, 2012 3:56 am

I'm cool either way. If you want to post first after I make the topic, that's all right with me. Or if you'd rather I set the stage and possibly post as my character first, that's fine too. Very Happy

Where should we start? Your character flying? Maybe about to do a run?
Could be anything, really. Did you have any thoughts so far? Smile
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Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet Empty Re: Emfernos OOC ~ Kalon and Ysopet

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