A list of current Persistent Worlds on FoG

  • Active Worlds
    None currently

    Sleeping Worlds

      Emoria is a fantasy based world building role play. Its theme uses characters that reflect the personalities of the player, therefore world spaces are as diverse as its creators. Players role play across space during a specific point in time. This is a storyline role play; all information is considered canon by default.

    Footsteps of Ghosts in Caligo
      Caligo is a modern role play with unique sci-fi and fantasy elements. It was created specifically for the FOG community and haunts the theme of the site as a whole. Any time within the history can be role played but space is limited to that of the island. This is a sandbox role play; all role plays are considered non-canon.

    The Infinity Egg
      Infinity egg is a science fiction based role play. In this space opera, humanity struggles to expand faster than its own demise. It is built to create stories that cross space and time; there are multiple worlds in this universe, each with its own history to be created. Information added is considered non-canon unless completed works wish to be petitioned.