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The Book of Life

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The Book of Life Empty The Book of Life

Post by Loki Sun May 29, 2011 11:37 am

For the past six months, my brother has been working on a project in an attempt to get people to get... Well, I think it'd be best to let him put it in his own words. I encourage you to read through this, even if it seems to be a daunting task. Fortunately, there is no obligation to read it in one setting. Wink

Even if you don't believe in what he has to say, that's perfectly alright (he states that throughout his work). After having read it myself, I found several portions to be rather enlightening and surprising when taking a moment to reflect on said points. Furthermore, he encourages you to share your own viewpoints on the subjects contained below, so don't hesitate to speak your mind on this thread!

So without further delay, my brother's dream.

To start off my name is Andrew Kyle Niese and I was born and raised in Northwood, Ohio which is a suburb of Toledo. I had a very "normal" childhood and I was able to make a lot of wonderful friends over the years. I have always been really big into playing all kinds of sports including racing BMX when I was younger. I went through my awkward middle school years which pretty much lasted up until my Sophomore year in high school, thankfully my friends still talked to me regardless of the funky clothes I wore and the super weird things I would do and say. My high school years were a blast and I have many fond memories that I will cherish forever.

After my high school graduation in 2007 I was off to Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma. I just wrapped up my fourth year there but I still have a couple more semesters to go before I graduate. I started out as a finance major but I just recently switched to entrepreneurship because the financial system never made any kind of logical sense to me. Just as in my younger years of school I was fortunate enough to meet a lot of great friends at college who kept me out of trouble, for the most part. I decided to move so far away for school because I felt I needed to get away and experience life on my own and meet a whole new breed of people, and Stillwater was definitely the place for that. The people in Stillwater are all very friendly and it was very easy for me to get situated and I was quick to feel at home.

During Christmas break of 2010-2011 I had a revelation and I began to search for myself in order to figure out who I am and what my purpose is. As I began to search for answers I started to find a better understanding for my life as well as life as a whole. It got to the point where I was, and still am, on a constant search for answers and as I kept digging further and further for the truth of life I started to realize how disconnected not only myself but the entire human race is from the world around us. The answers all became crystal clear but it was also painfully obvious that we aren’t performing with life as we should be. Then I realized that the reason we are so far away from nature is because the truth of life has been hidden from us in order to keep us from evolving and living as we should. The truth is we aren’t meant to struggle, fight, and feel all this pain in order to barely make ends meet. We can’t live comfortably because we have been lied to and we have been deprived of our natural rights and liberties by the people who are keeping us from growing and flourishing as a human race.

Everyone realizes how corrupt the system in which we perform has gotten; we understand that this isn’t how we are meant to live. I understood this also, but through my search for answers I was able to decipher the lies from the truth and I came to the realization of how we, not only as human race but also a planet, are supposed to live rather than excepting this corrupt system as the truth. By constantly picking my brain and researching for answers I was able to find the divine truth that has been hidden throughout the ages. We are meant for so much more than pointless wars, working for 40+ years of our lives, constant struggle to make payments, and so on. After digging deep enough I was able to find the words to explain the truth and organize them into what I feel you all will believe is a sensible book.
This is where I am currently at right now; this is where my bio ends. What happens in my life next is up to all of your reactions to the truth that I have found. If you decide to take my theory of the truth of life and expand on it and search it out for yourself we will all live a beautiful life and we will end the struggles, end the wars, and end the pain. If you decide to keep living this life filled with corruption, lies, and deceit we will continue to go down the same dark path that we have been on throughout the ages. This isn’t only my bio, this is yours also. I cannot finish up my story without you. I am giving you the answers and what you do with those answers will affect not only me and you but the entire universe. Please, I beg you, join me on this journey for the truth and let’s cleanse our tainted lives. Life is truly beautiful; I just want you all to see that.

When you read this, you must read it all the way through in order for it to make sense. Please tune in and read it carefully, it can change your life. If you agree with anything that I say in this then please tell your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc. The only way to change this mess is by spreading the knowledge and letting the truth be heard. This is for the world to see.

Please forgive the spelling mistakes and poor grammar, I am not much of a writer and I didn't have the opportunity to have somebody revise and edit this for me. I have, for the most part, been working by myself on this paper. To all my friends and loved ones that allowed me to bounce my theories off of them, thank you so much; I would have never found the answers without your help.

Last edited by Loki on Sun May 29, 2011 11:55 am; edited 1 time in total
Guardian Ghost
Guardian Ghost

Join date : 2009-06-03

Posts : 2275
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The Book of Life Empty Re: The Book of Life

Post by Loki Sun May 29, 2011 11:39 am

The Book of Life


In this book I will be explaining my theory on life and its purpose. I have found that the system in which society is run has become extremely corrupt and has hidden the truth of how we are supposed to go about our lives. Those who are in control of the system have effectively closed our eyes to the natural beauty of life and have taken away our divine rights by manipulating the status quo. Thankfully, there is a way to find the truth and live for a purpose. The only way to find the truth is to seek it out; open your eyes and think about what your meaning of being is. We have become complacent with the constant struggle we are put through because we have become distracted and tuned out from reality as well as our spirituality. Each day is a blessing; everything around us is beautiful and perfect. Sadly, we have gotten to the point where we don’t see the beauty in life. We run away from it, we find relief in false realities such as television, radio, media, etc. You cannot be blamed for running away from reality; the reality we live in now is so corrupt and cruel that you have to find joy through such mediums.

The human race has not only disconnected itself from reality, we have also disconnected ourselves from each other. We have lost the types of childhood bonds that we shared with so many when we were young and carefree. That was the ecstasy that you so fondly remember as a child, it was that connection with your best friends, your favorite teddy bear, or your favorite blanky. We have lost the love for each other and all life around us because our souls have been blindly led by the demons in power.

We have not only lost the love but we have stopped thinking and questioning life. The reason children grow up so fast is because they are constantly learning new things, evolving as individuals through knowledge and experiences. We have turned into machines; we do the same job, crunch the same numbers, and pull the same lever each and every day. We then go home and watch the same television series, play the same video game, eat the same dinner and then go to bed just to wake up and do the same monotonous, brain numbing, zombifying routine all over again for at least forty years of our painful, struggle filled, and dull life. We have stopped learning; we don’t have the time and resources to practice in the arts, to travel the world, to pick up a new hobby, etc.

The truth is you haven’t done anything wrong to deserve this brutal lifestyle. The people in power have jaded the pure souls of each and every single individual on this planet. They have taken away your rights in such a deceitful manner that you don’t even realize it. It is time that we recognize that we have merely been turned into slaves for the system, doing our little part to provide the people above us with more money and power. We have to realize that this is not the way we are meant to live, there is so much more to life than this. You just have to explore the world and learn what your life is all about. What is your purpose? You cannot rely on everything that you hear in the media, you need to dig deeper within the stories in order to find the truth. Nobody can tell you what to believe in; the divine is deep down in your core, you just have to find it. We are all here to love and to laugh; we just need to fight the evil powers that have consumed our lives in order to find the beauty around us. We are meant to live for so much more. We have to join together and take back what is rightfully ours, our lives.

I can tell you for a fact that there are going to be major changes in life as we know it. The system is inevitably going to collapse and the world financial market is going to go up in flames. The system was set up to fail and that is exactly what it has been doing. The only time the financial market would have a peak is when there would be a war or even the threat of one. What you have to realize is that these wars aren’t wars against nations; they are wars against our own people. Whenever people started to think for themselves and strive for peace and happiness the world powers would drive us to hate each other because they know if we come together, all of their power will be lost and the lies will become clear which would allow the truth of the beauty and love of this life to prevail once again.

With the collapse of the system upon us, we have the ability to seek out two paths in which we want to go with our lives. The first option is to allow the system to fail and let anarchy take over the world and lose all of this technology and reasoning that we have worked so hard to acquire. The second option is to facilitate this collapse, and mold society to the way we are supposed to live and make our lives easy and carefree.

We have been worshipping a false deity for far too long now, we have been praising and basing our entire lives on how much money we have compared to everyone else. This isn’t natural at all; we are supposed to provide for each other, we have to do our own part for the whole of the world. Each individual person is one little piece of this machine that we call life. Without you the machine doesn’t run right and the song doesn’t flow as smoothly as it is meant to. We have to work together, and do our job for the benefit of the whole not just ourselves. There is so much more joy that comes from providing for the rest of society, if you take care of life around you it will pay you back a hundred times over.

It is believed that all these wars in which we fight are wars against nations, we fight for the pride of our country and we will die to do so. I am going to tell you right now that you have been lied to. These aren’t wars against nations, they are wars against us. You cannot have control without a common enemy, someone to hate. Once a common enemy is in place it is easy for those in power to persuade you into doing anything by instilling fear into the hearts of the citizens by using words like terrorist, insurgents, WMD’s, etc. They know that once you are scared enough they can very easily take away more and more of your liberties. This is exactly what has been happening for centuries and even millennia.

Think back to the past and consider any major crisis or event and think about what the final outcome was. What kind of legislation was enacted? Who did you know that was harmed as a result of the crisis? Who was sent to prison? Who became richer and more powerful in the end? I guarantee if you look up facts and make your own opinions about the situation the legislation would seem like it was meant to help people other than yourself, the person that died in the war really had no problem with the native “enemy” countrymen, the crime that person committed didn’t seem to hurt anybody or was irrelevant to the situation, and those people that gained power were the ones signing the corrupt bills, they were the ones waging a war, they were the ones that threw those people in jail for getting in the way, and they are the ones that have deprived you of your lives.

It is time that we wake up and stop fighting each other, we need to see through the lies and search for the truth. When we stop fighting ourselves and begin to learn from each other that is when the tide will change in this war against man and nature. Once we come together we will be able to overthrow those demons that have been in power throughout the generations and we will be able to take back our lives and live like we are meant to. The pain and struggle are manmade, life is beautiful and divine, and we must strive for the truth and find our passion again. I’m not saying we need to see these men killed, violence is not the means in which we must win this battle. We must cleanse the world of all its impurities, by eliminating the corruption from our lives. We’ve taken the fast track to gaining our technology by slaving over our jobs for far too many hours and years. It is time we slow down and appreciate everything that we have worked for and everything that is holy on this earth. ‘

We need to put the pain behind us, this new age will go one of two ways, we can either let the system collapse and relapse to complete anarchy and lose all this knowledge that we have gained, just as we have done in the past, or we can facilitate the change and fix the broken pieces which will inevitably lead to a utopian society. Everything can be perfect as long as we accept the facts and put everything in its proper place. We must stop this war against man, and find freedom in each other. You have to understand that you do have a choice in all this chaos; you have the choice to hide from fear or fight for love. We have all been running from our fears for too long, it is time we face our demons and stop listening to the lies. We need to come together and find faith that we will take care of each other. The hatred you feel towards certain people is completely manmade and forced into your brain by the serpents that have been strangling you for all these years and who have been forcing you to believe things that just are not natural.

Every single person on this earth brings something to the table to provide for mankind and for all of life. It isn’t your job to conform to society and put your passions on hold, you are meant to find your skills and passions and build on them. Evolve the things you love, make everything around you better and more beautiful. Stop the fight, stop the struggle, and take back the life that is rightfully yours. It is time for a new beginning; we need to shed the pain and lies that we have been suffering from and find a new purpose and to learn what life is really about. You can only find a purpose through yourself; we need to stop getting distracted with the things that we use to run away from reality. There is so much more joy in life when you dig down deep and think about what you are really here for and what your purpose really is. You are not meant to be silenced, your voices must be heard and we need to come together and bring down those who have taken our lives.

This new beginning starts with you finding yourself and finding your love and what brings you joy. Don’t be afraid to try something new or give something up that consumes your life. We need to test ourselves, push the limits, experience life and all of its beauty. Never again will we let the demons in power run our lives and tell us what is right or wrong. They have been the evil behind every corrupt and ungodly association, action, law, lie, etc. Please I beg you to regain control of your life and strive to be who you really are. Open your eyes and let the truth set you free.


In this book I will be explaining what I have come to learn throughout my life and how I feel we are meant to live. I will try to give you a glimpse into my mind so you can see my thoughts and how I perceive life. The point of this is not to make you believe in what I find true but it is to make you think about what you find true. The only way to find yourself is through your own thoughts, you have to search for the truth and make the connections of how you believe life works and why we are here. The only purpose of this book is to make you think about your own life and find yourself by exploring your very soul. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or take chances, we are meant to learn and experience everything we can; it is the only way we can grow. If you are driven to do something then follow your heart, you have to go out and work for what is right and for what will make you happy. Once you stop living under big brothers control you will truly be free to find your life and make things right. You must distinguish the lies from the truths and you must make the truth be heard. I beg you to judge my thoughts, and if you disagree with my theory then please prove me wrong. If you feel as if I am wrong that just means you feel it works differently, we need to make sense of it with each other’s opinions and ideas. This book consists of facts and assumptions that comprise of my theory of life and what direction I think we should be heading.
Guardian Ghost
Guardian Ghost

Join date : 2009-06-03

Posts : 2275
Age : 38
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The Book of Life Empty Re: The Book of Life

Post by Loki Sun May 29, 2011 11:40 am

The Monetary System

The system in which the world interacts is the monetary system, which is run solely by the central bank. One glorified bank that controls the entire financial system. The ridiculous thing about the central bank is that it has no competition, no rules, and they have control of all the worlds’ wealth. The nations don’t even have a say in the matter of what goes on behind closed doors at the central bank. Each nation is trying to grow and become stronger and more successful but because the central bank decides where the flow of money goes those in power get to decide which nations and which people are worthy of living a more comfortable life. The way the central bank decides where the money goes is they give it to whoever will meet their demands and pass legislation which will give them more control. The nations don’t have any control either, they have been turned into puppets the same way we have, and they are the scapegoat for the corruption.

The entire central bank is set up to make the strong stronger and the weak weaker, this is why the top 1% of the world’s population owns half the wealth and has absolute control over every aspect of life whether it be political, fiscal, religious, educational, and so on. On the other hand 90% of the world population is impoverished, the ones in power have been feeding on Kobe beef, drinking the most expensive wines, and wearing the most expensive clothes. They have taken advantage of the people and they are benefiting from our struggle. They have not been tending to our needs even though we have shed blood, sweat, and tears for them to sit on their pedestal. The wealthiest 1% of the U.S population owns more than 42% of the nation’s wealth while there are people all over the nation and, more so, the world that struggle for food and shelter every day.

The reason the system has gotten so screwed up is because of all the deceitful legislation that has been put in place in order for the rich to gain more power. It is painfully obvious how bad they have stabbed us in the back if you just take a look for yourself, you can’t trust every aspect of the media and the news. They have begun mixing tabloids and politics; it has become an absolute joke! They are pitiful; they are spreading the rumors that make us kill each other. Our nation is wrapped up in middle school drama, don’t believe them! They are liars, and terrible liars at that. You have to research for yourself to understand truly how mislead you have really been. Please do the research; this book is just scraping the surface of the truth on our tarnished lives. I can’t tell you all of the corruption that has been going on in just one book, and I don’t even know exactly how deep they have cut us but I know that it goes deep and we must tend the wound before we lose all control.

In the past all currencies had to be backed by gold, the last legitimate US Currency was printed in 1913. The currency was a $50 Gold Certificate which was completely legit and unquestionably backed up and redeemable by gold. This certificate was an honest substitute for $50 worth in gold, which at the time was 2.41896 troy oz of gold. This certificate could be redeemed at any bank or even from the U.S Treasury itself at any time. The start of the currency chaos began in 1914 when they created the $1 Federal Reserve Bank Note. This note was no longer backed by gold and therefore could not be a valid substitution. This note was redeemable in treasury debt but no longer in gold. As time went on the currency got further and further away from making any sort of sense. It became a system in which the men in power could control where the money goes and who will be in power. It has gotten to the point where the US Dollar is now backed by the US Dollar. We are literally printing paper with no value, these dollar bills are now just paper with no fiscal meaning.

Any graphs show a steady decline aside from when we find a war to fight in or sell to. This is why we have constantly been at war with other nations and with our own nations. It is the people in power who start these wars in order for them to sell to both sides and make mass amounts of money. We are simply the pawns on their board and they are using us as they please with no regard for our well being. We have dug ourselves in so deep that the graph is on the borderline of hitting infinite zero and once that happens, there is no way to bring back the economy. The currency will mean nothing; the rich and the poor will all have nothing. The only survivors will be the ones who are currently in power and who have been running this chaotic system all along.

The reason we have to work 40 hours a week for 40+ years of our life is because we constantly have to work to pay off the interest that we owe to the government and government has to keep upping the taxes because they need us to pay them enough money so they could pay back the interest to the central bank. Up to 25-35% of the money that the average U.S. citizen makes right now goes straight to the central bank. You don’t see a single penny of at least a quarter of the money that you will make in your lifetime, at least ten years of your life wasted. Not only that but there is a false inflated price tag on each item that you purchase because of the system that is in place. The reason that you have to pay $3.50 for a gallon of milk is because so many hands have to touch it in order to get it. Each hand that has to touch it has to increase the price in order to sustain their profits. They are struggling just as we are; they have to raise these prices to stay in business. When in reality a gallon of milk would cost roughly a dime to produce. Also, roughly 70% of the cost that goes into producing a bottle of water or any kind of pop is labor cost.

The reason we got to this point is because those in power back before the great depression decided they needed more money and more power so they initiated a plan. A few of the major bankers at the time, who are still controlling the system, made up this thing called a Margin Call. A margin call allows a person to pay 10% on a bond and not have to pay back the rest until its annuity. If you bought a $1000 bond you could buy it for a margin of the cost which would be $100. Being able to buy a bond for a very small margin of the actual cost, it sounds perfect but where the problem arises is in the other half of the name, Call. The Call part was the fact that these banks had the ability to call in for the rest of the $900 payment at any point in time and the bond holder would have 24 hours to pay it back. At the time the margin call was created, there was never a worry about the banks having to call for the payment of the rest of these bonds because the economy seemed to be doing great and the whole stocks and bonds system was relatively new and the average citizen was very uneducated about how the whole system worked. All they knew was they could pay $100 for a $1000 bond which seems like a no brainer.

The system came crashing down after the ones who devised this plan used their social status to write a little letter to the media falsely stating that a rival bank was going to be going under when in reality the bank was beyond financially stable. In turn this caused a mass panic and people ran straight to the bank to withdraw their money in fear that it would be lost. Once this happened the banks had to call in the margin calls in order to be able to pay the withdraws. Obviously the citizens with these margin calls were not prepared to pay the bonds in full so they had to file for bankruptcy in turn forcing the banks to file for bankruptcy. This made it extremely easy for the corrupt bank owners, who are very easily identifiable with any sort of research, corporations to buy out the crippled banks for very cheap. This entire scenario was the main cause of The Great Depression.

Obviously we do not want to have a repeat of this scenario. If we let the system go on the same path that it has been on ever since it was set up, we will have an even greater depression and this one would be worldwide. Also if we begin to take out all of our money from the banks, just as we did before the first Great Depression, the same scenario will occur a million times worse. The only way out of this situation is to keep going about our lives as we have been, keep living as if there is nothing wrong except we can plan for this change while we do it and we can begin to evolve our industry while we are in this corrupt system in order to make it a smooth transition into the new age and the new system. Do not get scared after this book, this book is a promise of hope and prosperity as long as we play by the rules. If we begin to get scared we will be the cause of our own demise. Just begin going to work and realize that you do have a purpose and there is a goal that we can meet. Continue living your life just as you have been until we can all come together and fix the system. Instead of going to work and mindlessly doing what you have been for years, take the knowledge that you learn from this book and evolve your industry and get a raise and make more money by coming up with new innovative ideas. There are so many better ways for the system to be running find the solutions. DO NOT CAUSE ANOTHER DEPRESSION BY BECOMING SCARED AND BY ACTING ON YOUR FEARS. Have faith in yourself and your neighbors, we will all prevail. ALL YOU NEED IS FAITH!

Once these people in power had control of the majority of the banks it was very easy for them to set up a central bank by saying it was the safest way to go about the financial system, which in reality is a complete and utter lie. We have been stuck in this corrupt system since then and the truth has been hidden from the public all this time. Once the central bank was set up and all of the currency was put into the hands of the people who caused the struggle they had all the power in the world, literally.

The reality is the entire financial system is inevitably going to be coming to a crash in the very near future and once this crash happens we will lose everything, the dollar bill will just be a piece of paper. This is going to effect the entire world, this isn’t just the United States in trouble it is anyone who is impacted by the Central Bank, which is every individual on this earth. No matter if you are rich or poor your money will mean nothing.

The obvious truth is there has been a constant struggle for power throughout the ages and it is clear to see that the people in power do not have any interest in our lives as long as we are doing their dirty work in which they reap the benefits. In order for the people in power to sustain their position they manipulated the “facts” of life in order to keep us in the dark. They have covered the light of the truth so well that nobody questions why we are in such a terrible situation, we have gotten to the point where we just accept the lies as fact. I beg you to please seek out these lies so you can find the light of truth.

If we revert to how it’s supposed to be done where all the people do their job to provide for the whole civilization. Back when we were in tribes and we had people hunting and gathering the hunters would go out and get a catch and bring it back for the tribe, the gatherers would go out and pick the berries, and the builders would build the shelters and make the weapons and so on. The tribesman would all do their job for the whole, they didn’t give 40% of the hunted food, the gathered berries, the biggest shelter with the best weapons to one individual in the tribe and 90% of the tribe wasn’t starving, they flourished and failed as one. The way the average U.S. citizen works now is we all go out and work our butts off then approximately 40% of the money we make goes to 1% of the U.S. population, and it is much worse in other countries, it just isn’t right. If you do your job you should reap the benefits of society as a whole

If we all work as one for the benefit of the whole we would all get a nice house on plenty of land, all the vehicles we need, all the food we need, a boat or motorcycle, etc. As long as you do your job you will receive everything you need to live a comfortable and happy life. Once we start working together, instead of cutting each other’s throats, we will finally end the struggle and fear. We just need to work for society as a whole rather than just for ourselves. If we take care of each other, we will live a much more peaceful life. If you do your job and pull that lever, crunch those numbers, make a design, build a machine, etc then you will reap the benefits of society as a whole.

The beautiful thing about this new working society is we will be able to evolve our technology and work process so we can cut down the time we need to actually work. If we can build our technology to the point where we only need to work for ten years then teach the generation underneath us for a couple years we can retire and start to travel and learn the arts. We can begin to live our lives after we work and do our part. We don’t need to work nearly forty years of our life, that doesn’t give us any time to live and explore the world and its beauty. We are meant to live for so much more than working a 9-5 job. We all need to try our hardest to evolve our technologies to provide ourselves and the world around us with the most efficient and easy life.

This all sounds like a socialist or communist system which, in truth, is pretty close to a communist society. The reason the words communism and socialism make you feel uneasy is the same reason that the words terrorist, insurgents, WMD’s, etc all make you scared and on edge. They are words that have been given a meaning based strictly out of fear and lies. Communist is such a dirty word because of the “Red Scare”, the media has told you all these horrible and disturbing stories which turn out to just be propaganda to make you live in fear and give the ones in power more control over your rights, liberties, and wealth. In a communist society, everyone gets what is rightfully and equally theirs. The fact of the matter is that no communist society is run by a true communist system. All the communist societies run the same exact way the United States and most other countries do, they have a very low percent of the population with ALL of the money. Korea, Cuba, China, etc are all communist governments but all of the working people are impoverished while those in power have all the money. The United States is no better than these communist societies; we have all of the same issues and more.

No government system in this world is run as it should be; clearly we need to develop a new kind of system. Once we decide that we should all be treated equally then all the corrupt people in power would be knocked off of their high horse and will be on the same level as everybody else, as it should be. This isn’t appealing to those in power because they look at themselves as being better than those less fortunate financially. In reality we would all be able to live a wealthy and comfortable life, everyone could have everything they want and need without this corrupt system and when there isn’t a false price tag on everything.

These separate nations really have no say in the matter of what is happening, there is a world power right now and that world power is the central bank and the monetary system. Those who hold all the money also hold all the power, and when there is nobody facilitating these demons in power they are able to run amok and wreak havoc on our lives without us even knowing about it. If every single person in this world did their job they would receive all the necessities to survive along with all the resources to enjoy and live your life. Once we get out of this monetary system we will no longer have to work 40+ years of our lives. If we develop a system that allows us to evolve all of our technology to the point where it runs so efficiently that we only have to work ten years to sustain our way of life, well that would be great. The less time we have to work gives us more time to live, learn, and experience life. Not only can we cut down the time we have to work, but we can make work more enjoyable by adding benefits to the job. By benefits I mean we can complement the good aspects of the job, for example, we can allow truckers the opportunity to haul a freight but also let them enjoy the travel by allowing them to sight see and experience the location they drove to rather than forcing them to meet difficult deadlines which forces them to put lives in danger.

You have to realize there are two scenarios of what is going to happen after this collapse. The first scenario is mass anarchy, if there is no money then nobody would have a reason to go to work because they would not be able to get paid. After that happens the production of everything will come to a screeching halt, the energy companies will stop producing energy, factories will stop producing machinery, etc. If this were to happen we would jump straight back into the dark ages, all this technology that we worked so hard to obtain would be completely lost. All the mathematics, sciences, philosophies, etc will all be lost after only a couple generations. This has happened to us to many times, we cannot allow ourselves to be beaten by those corrupt people in power again. We have the technology and knowledge to beat these demons that have taken our lives; we just have to use what we have worked so hard for.

The second scenario is that we facilitate this collapse and change the system to how it is meant to work so it provides for all of the people of the world rather than a select few. Once we are able to shed the system we are in now we will be able to evolve our technology to unimaginable heights. We will be able to work together and make everything around us more efficient. We can all come together and search for the truth and find solutions to our problems. Once we are out of the hands of the corrupt people in power we will truly be able to leave all the pain and fear behind us and strive for a perfect world with nothing holding us back.

This is the crossroad we are at right now; this is the choice between fear and love. We could continue to live in fear and allow the demons to continue running our lives and keep us struggling for our happiness. Or we can choose love and join together to better our lives and the lives of everything on this earth. We can evolve as individuals and a society as a whole. We can strive for greatness rather than complacency. We can have a better life and end the struggle, but we are going to have to fight for it. It isn’t going to be handed over to us; we must make our voices heard and not allow those in power to control us any longer. They will fight back by trying to turn us against each other and fight the wrong people, just as they have done throughout the ages. We cannot allow them to trick us anymore; we need to stop accepting the lies that have been spewing out of their venomous mouths.

It is time we reclaim our power and show the ones who are controlling us that we are done with this blasphemy. They are not better than us, they have taken advantage of their position and manipulated our lives in order for us to stay quiet and keep us following their crooked rules. They have been barking and biting at us and we have shrugged and laughed it off for far too long, it is time to bite back.

They have the money and the status but we, their slaves, are their support. We keep doing what we are told even though we know it is morally wrong. It is time to start doing what we believe is right rather than what they say is right. We give these people the power by playing by their rules. We have to come together and fix the system; we have to do this in an organized manner though. This is a fragile situation and we must treat it as such. They will try to create more chaos by turning us against each other by making us hurt innocent people. We cannot start rioting and looting; we would be burying our own grave and giving the people in power even more control. We can’t just give up on everything because if we do that we will be giving up on each other. We will need to keep struggling until we, all the people of the nations, unite and decide not only that we want the system fixed but how we are going to do it. How can we better our lives? Once people are ready to accept a change in the system then we will finally be able to fight the demons and fix the chaos and noise that they created out of the depths of their black souls. We need to turn the noise and chaos into a perfectly composed song where everyone works together to make the beauty in life visible. It isn’t impossible, I promise, we just need to make the decision between fear and love.

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed." – John. F Kennedy

“Government is the only agency that can take a valuable commodity like paper, slap some ink on it, and make it totally worthless” – Ludwig von Mises

"The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking...the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker." - Albert Einstein

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln

“Being born is like being kidnapped. And then sold into slavery” – William Shakespeare

“A wise and frugal Government, which shall retrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. “ – Thomas Jefferson

“Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can, no need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man, imagine all the people, sharing all the world.” – John Lennon

“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask.” – Jim Morrison

“Democracy passes into despotism.” - Plato

The Solution

This is the portion where I will explain where we came from, how we got here, and where we are meant to go. I will explain how we evolve as individuals through our lifetime along with how we as a species were able to become such complex beings. The truth of the matter is that we do not take advantage of our brain capability; this isn’t our fault though we’ve been told to learn merely what we need to be successful at our job. Once we finally get a job after we go through all these years of schooling we stop learning, we just become complacent with pulling the same lever or crunching the same numbers. The fact of the matter is that we stop learning after about age 25 or whenever we get the job in which we will work for the rest of our lives. We stop educating ourselves and we just get into the routine of wake up -> go to work -> go home -> watch TV -> eat dinner -> more TV -> then sleep -> REPEAT FOREVER AND EVER. We don’t have the energy or time to devote to picking up new hobbies and learning something new about the world around us. This isn’t our fault that we have to fall into this routine; it’s the only thing that keeps us sane. We have to realize that we aren’t meant to stop learning; the only way we become more evolved individuals is by educating ourselves.
Guardian Ghost
Guardian Ghost

Join date : 2009-06-03

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The Book of Life Empty Re: The Book of Life

Post by Loki Sun May 29, 2011 11:44 am

The Eight Circuits of Consciousness

A very intelligent man by the name of Timothy Leary made some very interesting discoveries concerning how the brain actually works. As incredible of a discovery that this actually was and is, there has been little emphasis on it from the media and scholars alike. The truth is the research was buried so deep that only the people that went digging hard enough would find it, and only those whom questioned it enough were able to make sense of it. The crazy thing is, after you get an understanding of this discovery you are able to understand life and its natural processes which in turn give you a step above the average person that doesn’t understand how deep this life really goes. I am going to talk about Mr. Leary’s theory and I will give you some incite that I got from looking into myself. My opinions are merely my own, you must find your beliefs within yourself. Just take my ideas and argue with the parts that you feel are incorrect and fix them to make them sound right in your mind, then share your opinions with those around you and listen to the opinions of your neighbors as well. All of my opinions are just a theory that fits so well in my mind that I have to accept it as fact until proven otherwise. This is just a journey to the truth and we need to come together and form a common idea and theory through the collection of our thoughts, only then will we find the divine truth.

The eight circuits of consciousness consist of eight parts of your brain which, if accessed, turn on as you evolve as an individual throughout your lifetime. These circuits turn on when you grasp a better understanding of life and the nature of how it works around us. The only thing that we must do to evolve is think. As we begin to grasp an understanding for how the world works we will be able to manage life around us so we can provide for not only ourselves but for all living things around us.

The First Circuit – Bio Survival Circuit – Individual Stage

The first circuit is accessed when we are an infant. This is the circuit that tells us who our predators and nurturers are; it tells us whether to run away from a dog that is getting to rough with us or to trust our mother when she is going to feed us. This is the simplest form of a brain. Anything with a brain knows fight or flight and has the instincts of what it has to do to survive. The thing is all other animals don’t have the second circuit so they are stuck in the bio survival circuit but we have the ability to evolve to the next evolved form of life.

How we got here:

The means of survival within this circuit relies on our basic instincts. I believe we were on this stage when we were surviving on our own as individual beings. This is before we came together and lived in a family or a tribal unit; we were merely given birth to and set free with just our natural instincts to survive. The reason we weren’t in a family unit is because our parents didn’t have any knowledge to teach us, we had nothing to learn from them so we had to figure out life on our own.


Once we start learning how to crawl and investigate objects around us we begin to evolve and understand that life is deeper than simply surviving. There is life around us and we can use that to make our lives easier and increase our chance for success. The transition between the first two circuits is when babies start playing with toys, learning what speech is, and when they begin to get a grasp on the most common of knowledge like a ball bouncing or a stick spinning. The second circuit is accessed when we start understanding why that ball bounced or why it was spinning.

The Second Circuit – Emotional Circuit – Family Stage

This is the circuit that allows us to use our reasoning and understanding of life around us. It is accessed when we are toddlers, when we start getting a better idea of why the stick was spinning or why that ball was bouncing. You began to understand that the stick spun because you twisted your hand as you dropped it or you kicked the side of it causing it to twist. This is the circuit that lets us realize that if I put a star shaped block into a star shaped hole then it will fit, on the other hand if I put that same block against a square hole then it will not fall through because they are different shapes. The way we begin to learn is by interacting with the people we are close to such as our families and friends. This is when we begin to pick up on speech and the most basic principles of life.

How we got here:

I believe we started to access this circuit when we were cavemen living in a small family unit and we began using clubs and making sharply pointed sticks to take down predators and prey rather than climbing a tree or wrestling them with our bare hands. This is when human beings got the upper hand against all other animals. Our reasoning and ability to think gave use the ability to evolve into such complex beings. As we began to understand more of life around us we started to learn better ways to survive by building shelters, hunting techniques, gathering techniques, etc. It was all a matter of using our reasoning that one thing works and one thing doesn’t. This circuit also was the start of us making emotional bonds with other beings. It gave us the ability to share the knowledge that we learned throughout our lifetimes so we can pass it down to our offspring in order for the generations after us to be able to evolve.


The Transition between the second and third circuit begins when we start getting a deeper grasp of why everything works rather than that it just works. This gave us the ability to evolve our technologies and push the limits of what can be done. The third circuit is when we really start to learn about why and how life works around us.

The Third Circuit – The Dexterity-Symbolism Circuit – Tribal Stage

We start accessing the third circuit of our brain when we begin to learn the mathematics and the sciences, the nature of why things work as they do. We begin to use this circuit when we are adolescents, when we are going through schooling to learn what we need to know in order to be successful in life. This is the circuit that gave us the ability to realize that the ball isn’t just falling because you let go of it but because there are other forces acting on it such as gravity, potential and kinetic energy, friction, etc. It allowed us to understand that the stick was spinning because of similar external forces. With the knowledge that we gain with the third circuit we can evolve the shelters that we build by understanding all of the elements that go into building a shelter. This was also the beginning of agriculture which gave us the ability to form tribes. It gave us the knowledge to understand how to make our crops grow stronger and faster. We began to form into tribes as we started to access the third circuit in order to have the opportunity to share this knowledge and keep evolving the sciences that were learned. When we access third circuit we begin to interact with more people, we interact with large groups of people in school, work, and events.

How we got here:

We were able to evolve into this circuit when the family units realized that they had a better chance of survival if they joined together and took the knowledge of each family and combined them together to work as one. Each individual had a job to provide something for the entirety of the tribe. There were hunters, gathers, builders, witchdoctors/shaman, etc they were able to get by with no currency or fiscal money. They simply worked their hardest to evolve themselves and their fellow tribesman. This is how life is meant to work; we work as one to better the life of everything and everybody. As we began to work together in these tribes we were able to share the knowledge amongst the whole and evolve their skills. The main contributors to our evolution are the knowledge we gain and the ability to share this knowledge with the next generation in order for them to be able to expand on the science.


The transition from third to fourth circuit mainly has to do with the connection we share and how we can use the information that we have gained from separate sciences in order to make a final product. This transition began when we started joining tribes together in order to build civilizations. We realized that one tribe couldn’t possibly have all the knowledge to build such complex objects but if we brought together five tribes that specialize in five different areas then we would be able to use their skills to evolve the technology to unimaginable heights.

The Fourth Circuit – The Social-Sexual Circuit – Civilization Stage

The fourth circuit is the civilization stage; this is the current stage we are in now. This is when we have an engineer, a scientist, a mechanic, a sales representative, etc all come together and use their skills to make a final product and provide it to the civilization as a whole. It is perfectly clear how complex this fourth circuit actually is when you look into how many people’s hands had to touch any final product when you consider what that object had to go through from all the raw materials, to the molding, to the packaging, etc. This circuit allows us to evolve our perception of reality through the combined skills of many people, the knowledge to make a computer, build a skyscraper, and land on the moon. The most significant difference between third circuit and fourth circuit is the fact that we combine the knowledge and resources of everybody to make a final product. This is the circuit where we realize in order to make an efficient ball for a piece of machinery or an extremely strong metal stick; we need the knowledge and resources of many people.

How we got here:

We were able to get to this point by utilizing the skills and specialties of several civilizations and work together to make an end product.

Why are we stuck in the fourth circuit?

The reason we haven’t touched the last four circuits as a society is because the system we are currently in now tells us we don’t need to keep learning about life and how it works, they say, “just do your job and keep your mouth shut”. This is the thing that makes me the angriest about the corruption in the system. They have literally made us all stop evolving, learning, and expanding our minds and they have even prevented us from finding our spirituality. Rene Descartes stated, “I think, therefore I am.” We have stopped thinking; we have turned into machines for those in power. Open up your eyes and begin to live again, that’s all you have to do in order to evolve. The first four circuits are the hard part of the life experience; the last four circuits are when you start to understand the beauty that surrounds us. You find the purpose for life through these last four circuits; you find your joy and passion in the last half of your brain.


The transition from circuit four to circuit five is very simple and is actually the easiest circuit to get to. It only consists of making one choice, one major life decision. It’s the choice between fear and love. The choice of love is the decision to embrace every nation in the world and come together to better the lives of each and every individual on this planet; it’s the choice to seek out the truth. The second choice is to remain in fear and keep believing the lies in which we have been told for millennia. If we choose fear we will stay scared of our neighbors based on false pretenses and inaccurate claims. The reason we have not jumped to circuit five yet is because we have believed the lies and let the corrupt demons rule. We have been lied to, we have been told not to learn and expand our knowledge, they make us just pull that same lever for forty hours a week for the next forty years of your life. They tell you that we don’t need to learn anything more; we don’t need to have friends that share the same interest as us because we have a television to keep us distracted from reality. We have also been told not to respect certain foreign people and not to learn from their way of life. The transition from circuit four into five is just the choice to seek out the truth, to find yourself, to find a purpose, and see the absolute beauty in this life that has been hidden from us. It is time we open up our eyes and think about our lives in order to reach the next step in our evolution. It’s time to tune in to this wonderful reality of life. One choice, fear or love?

The Fifth Circuit – Neurosomatic Circuit – Human Race Unification

The fifth circuit is turned on by experiencing something new, it is literally the circuit used for thought. When you get lost in a thought and you completely tune out from the rest of the world even though your friend has said your name a hundred times, that is you accessing your fifth circuit. It’s when you’re jamming out on an instrument and you just completely lose yourself in the music. It’s when you look at a clock after drawing a picture and you have no idea where the time had gone. It’s when you see a basketball team that has played all their lives together playing on the court and making every pass and dribble as if the team were working as one. It’s that joy you get from walking out to your garden and seeing the first buds start to bloom.

You see, it is simply the love, the satisfaction of accomplishment, and the feeling of purpose. Most importantly, it is that connection you gain with the people and life around you. It’s that connection that you share with your football team, choir, band, or club of any sort. It’s those memories you shared with the ones you love. The fifth circuit is accessed by sitting around with a group of your best friends and sharing stories, jokes, and ideas. You and your friends share the same interest and passions and you found things in common with one another.

In order to turn on circuit five as a whole we must strive to find a common interest and share a connection with everyone in our lives. We have to stop discriminating and judging people because they differ from ourselves. We need to be open to the idea of loving everyone, not just our families and a few close friends. We have been prevented from gaining these connections with one another by those who are in power. We need to strive to make each other happy and we should receive good graces in return. If we all work as one and do the courteous thing to do, the flow of life will go much more smoothly.

The fifth circuit is accessed when we go beyond the mathematics and the sciences; it is when we find the art and beauty within the equation. It’s when you realize that this stick can be used to hit a drum and make beautiful music, or take a ball and make a fun and exciting game out of it like football, baseball, or soccer. When you understand that these forces acting on an object or a chemical reaction is more than two numbers or two chemicals going together. It is the music and the true nature of why those chemicals react and how each little combustion goes exactly as it should, it’s because it all works as one and is so connected with each other that it can become an equation and become natural.

The reason human beings are the absolute hardest things to predict is because we are so disconnected from ourselves and nature, we do not work as one as we should. Once we start abiding by the golden rule things will become much clearer as to what kind of events will happen. Once you get the corruption out of the equation and the screw ups out of the music, everything starts to work together much more smoothly and beautifully. Once we start going with the natural flow of things everything will begin to happen as it should.

A way I like to visualize the actual flow of circuit five is through an example of someone playing the guitar. If you were to hand a person with no musical background a guitar and told them to play their favorite song they would have to learn the chords, figure out how to move their fingers exactly where they need to be, strum the right strings, all while keeping the beat. This would take the average person days to learn how to play a three minute song because of all the minuet and precise details. It would take a lot of hard work and a lot of devotion in order to play that song all the way through, would it not? Now hand that guitar to the person who wrote the song and they would be able to play that song with their eyes closed, standing on one foot, with their hands tied behind the back and they would be able to make that song sound as if it were being played by an angel. The artist who wrote the song has gained an understanding for the guitar and the music they play to such an extent that they can calculate each minute detail and make their fingers work individually while keeping them going where they need to go. The artist is using the same amount of energy and calculating the same movements as the person who was new to the guitar, except the artist was able to play it in three smooth minutes rather than days. The sound produced from that guitar is simply the result of an idea for a sound moved down to the fingers of the musician and strummed by the pick of the guitar resulting in the strings creating beautiful sound energy which was derived from a very complex equation.

The difference between music, math, and science is the understanding of the art and beauty in it. It is just a different end result of what kind of energy or music is being produced. When we start turning everything into an art is when we will begin to live on the fifth circuit. When we make everything around us beautiful and efficient, the vehicles, the buildings, the streets, etc that is when we will truly begin to evolve. We aren’t meant to dread going to work every single day, we are supposed to strive to evolve our knowledge. We are supposed to do everything in our power to make every person’s life easier. We have the technology to decrease our total time of having to work. We don’t have to work forty hours a week for all of our lives. We can easily cut the amount of work years by making each job more efficient so we will have more time to travel and experience other aspects of life. We are not supposed to stop learning after we get our jobs. It is our duty to evolve what we know and pass on the knowledge which we gained to the next generation following us.

The fifth circuit is the end of the struggle; it is when you find other ways to provide for the world through your passions and skills. The system has broken our natural spirit by making us turn away from our passions and joys; we are forced to do jobs that would make more money or be easier to find work. You should be able to do what you want to do and what you are naturally good at because if you love your job you can go to work every day thinking “I’m going to evolve my science and find a way to make my job and the life of everyone easier and more enjoyable” rather than “I have to go to work again, I hate my job, I hate my boss, I don’t get paid enough, I don’t like the hours I work”. Once we are able to do what makes us happy there will be no dreading going to work, work will turn into living and learning. Once this revolution begins there will be jobs for the people that need to work, most of the working class has done way more than their time in the work force. Sadly, all of you who have put in your time will not be getting the social security and things of that sort that you have been promised when the financial system collapses, but there are still ways to take care of you after we fix the system.

I believe that when we are done working in fourth circuit, we start to provide beauty in life around us through the arts. Once we hit fifth circuit we have a better understanding of life and why it works as it does, which gives us the ability to express what we have seen and experienced in life through the arts in order to teach the generations after us. Any of the mathematics and sciences can be turned into art once we understand the beauty in it.

We need to push the limits of architecture as well, we have the technology to make incredibly beautiful buildings and houses but we have stuck with the same dull building designs as in the past. We need to figure out how we can use that technology to make houses and buildings more efficient while also making them as aesthetically appealing as possible. A plot of land is just a massive canvas for an architect. Our architecture shouldn’t destroy or taint the beauty of the Earth, it should compliment it. We should utilize our technology to make our architecture give back to the planet rather than getting in the way and destroying the earth around us.

The fifth circuit is all about making the human experience as easy and comfortable as possible while at the same time using as little resources and recycling as much waste back into the Earth as possible. This is the circuit where we begin to better the lives of everyone on the planet in order to keep peace and happiness among humans throughout the world. We must start to give back to the earth rather than consuming all of its resources, we need to reconnect with nature and realize how we impact it. After we understand how our actions impact the Earth we will be able to determine what to do with our energy and waste in order to get the most efficient use of our resources. We can use our waste products rather than letting them set in landfills or on the side of the road. It is necessary for us to have a better respect for the Earth; we need to make it an effort to work as efficiently as possible in order to keep ourselves happy and our planet healthy.

The Sixth Circuit – The Neuroelectronic Circuit – Absolute World Unification

This circuit allows us to reach a deeper connection with life around us; it gives us the ability to empathize with our friends, animals, gardens, and so on. An example of this deep connection is the feelings you share with your very best friend. You are so in tune with your best friend that you always know what they’re thinking or how they are feeling without a word being said. Over the time you spent with this person you’ve gained an understanding for how their thought process works. Once you share this bond with someone your brains can work as one, it goes beyond liking the same music, at this point the same song is stuck in both of your heads. I believe this works because we start to understand a person or animal to the extent that we can and do think the same thoughts; once we start having these same thoughts we in a sense become the same person. We reconnect with part of the one consciousness, just on a very small scale.

The reason we are so disconnected with each other is because each style of person, whether it be punk, nerd, jock, artist, goth, etc is told to feel as if they are a completely different person then the other genres of people. The reality is we aren’t so different; we just play different rolls in society. Once we stop discriminating and we accept that person for who they are we will be able to learn from each other and start to share the same ideas and passions. The punks can teach the nerds how to play the guitar, the nerds can teach the jocks how to do better in school, the artist can teach the Goths to draw so they can share their emotions, etc. We can all work as one and learn from each other, we should embrace these differences and accept them as an opportunity to better ourselves and learn more about life.

I feel as if an example of the sixth circuit in action is when you think to yourself, “I should call ______ and tell him/her this funny story” then before you get the chance to call your best friend, they call you first because they just want to talk or feel like they have something to tell you also. I believe at times this is more than a coincidence; you subconsciously think of each other at the same time and know that you each need to talk. This is the same connection that you share with your pets, without them making a noise or even being in sight you know when they are hungry, thirsty, tired, or maybe even shredding up your couch. It is the same situation if you have a garden; you just have a gut feeling that your plants are sick or need more water.

I believe there are animals that survive simply because of this connection with each other and the world around them. I believe many species of birds and fish share this connection. The reason huge flocks of birds are able to fly in such crazy formations while zigzagging through the air all seemingly moving as one is because they are all working as one consciousness, they understand what the birds around them are thinking and feeling so they can calculate their next move without a thought, just simply by listening to their instincts. Some fish do the same exact thing; there are even fish that travel by the thousands that understand how to make formations that mimic the shape of larger fish in order to scare off predators to ensure their survival. These animals don’t have time to speak to each other or give some kind of signal; they have just been taught exactly how to act in a situation in order to survive.

These are all examples of just an instinctual feeling, we don’t listen to our instincts enough anymore. Our instincts are our natural tendencies for survival, when we know something is wrong we should listen to our gut or at least consider it to be something of concern. We all know that our lives have gotten bad and are going to get worse. We all have the gut feeling that something about the system is very, very wrong. We all have this feeling the same way birds know when they have to migrate for the winter. The same reason certain fish know how to come together and work as one to scare off their predators. We must do the same thing as these birds and fish, we need to migrate to a new world and we all must come together to fight the predators that have been biting at us in order to get there. Something deep down inside of us is screaming out and telling us that something is wrong and it’s time to migrate and start anew. It is time for us to begin a new age, start a new way of life in order to survive.

This is the circuit in which we begin to give plants and animals a purpose for living rather than fighting and struggling, as we all are now. We are meant to do the same exact thing with plants and animals as we must do with ourselves in order to reach the fifth circuit. From fourth circuit into fifth circuit humans must utilize their natural skills and passions in order to provide for life as a whole. The only difference from jumping from fifth to sixth circuit is we must use the plants and animals natural skills, abilities, and tendencies in order to provide for life as a whole. We must go beyond working as a human species and start to incorporate the rest of the world into our lives. We need to start looking at these plants and animals as more than just resources for food and shelter, we need to look at them as having an ability that we can take advantage of and teach the plants or animals how to better perform their skills.

For example, instead of having moths act as pest when they sneak into a closet and eat up all of our nice clothes we should give them a purpose and a place to live and learn. If we were to recycle our old clothes and throw them into a massive pile in the middle of a vacant field with a massive light bulb lighting the way, we could create a world for these moths to live without struggling and searching for food in a person’s closet. We would be taking advantage of their need for such a distinct kind of food while recycling our old clothing directly back into the earth. Instead of throwing our old clothes into a dump we could create a controlled breeding ground for these moths in order to better our world and make our lives easier. We need to get away from the idea of doing everything with manmade labor and manmade products because in reality it uses way more energy; we need to start trying to go with the natural order of things. We can begin to recycle everything back into the earth to compliment the perfect circle of life. The beauty of this circuit is we literally mold life around us, we end not only the struggle among men but we end the struggle and fear of all life on this planet.

When society functions on this circuit we begin to use animals in order to function in our lives. We begin to step away from some of the technologies that we have gained such as automobiles and airplanes and we replace them with other living beings. At this point we will begin to start using our pets rather than the technologies. We would revert back to using horses and animals such as that to travel short distances. We would be able to mold creatures in order to fit our means of transportation. We wouldn’t be confined to the typical animals we’ve used in the past. We can begin breeding and domesticating other animals to teach them how to live among humans in peace. There is an organization called ET3 that has developed a sort of rail way train which can travel up to 4000 MPH and go through land or sea. You would be able to travel from Washington D.C to Beijing, China in approximately two hours. That would take care of any long distance travel that would be necessary so we would be able to slow down the rest of our lives. Once we are living in the sixth circuit and we work with all life around us there will be no reason for any animals to struggle and fight. We will simply work as one to make our lives easier and more enjoyable.

As I mentioned, we are meant to evolve plant life as well as animal life. We should be researching how we can grow plants and trees to make them benefit our lives. For example, we should be figuring out how to make trees grow stronger, more flexible, lighter, etc. This will give us the ability to have stronger boats, more unique structure designs, and countless more benefits. We should be evolving plants for medical purposes, culinary purposes, more unique scents, etc. I feel like we need to revert back to nature for our medications. Just about all drugs, in my opinion, are terrible for our bodies in the long run while providing relief for a short period of time. Our bodies becomes dependent on these drugs which cause imbalances in our body by putting completely unnatural things into your system which makes our body more susceptible to greater dangers. Drugs inside of a human body are essentially the same thing as pesticides on a field of crops. The pesticides kill all the bugs but in the process it pollutes the water and contaminates the soil which in turn makes your crops more dependent on artificial fertilizers and things of that sort in order to have a decent crop out for the following generation. We need to pay attention to how well we are treating our water, soil, and air because that’s the beginning and end of what we are.

I believe we have done this already before with plants, there are certain families of plant species that seems to have evolved much further than other plant life and a lot of it seems to fit basic human needs. Look at the family Cannabaceae which consist of hops, hemp, and hackberries. Hops, the main ingredient for beer, clearly are more evolved because humans have drank beer throughout the ages so we have learned to grow them stronger. Hemp was the number one selling crop in the United States for awhile after the birth of the nation. Hemp can be used very efficiently for paper, textiles, biodegradable plastics, and construction. Hemp is also one of the fastest growing biomasses such as wood, waste, hydrogen gas, and alcohol which are renewable energy sources that have the ability to generate electricity and produce heat. There are several species of hackberries that are grown as ornamental trees which are very tolerable to droughts and they also have the most bending tolerance of all species. Also, many hackberry plants are a superb feeding ground for caterpillars of certain moth and butterfly species, specifically emperor butterflies and beak butterflies.

I believe this circuit is also the preparation step for evolving life on other planets. This is where we evolve plants and trees to use up as little resources such as water, and minerals from the soil as possible. We start by evolving these plants to the point where they can withstand the harshest environments on earth such as the deserts, whether it is Antarctica or the Sahara Desert. Once we start expanding life into the north and south poles, we will fix the global warming issue because it will bring balance back to the planet. The reason it is warming up in those areas is because of the excess carbon dioxide within the air which is the energy that plants are meant to eat. Once we create more life for the energy, carbon dioxide, to go into the temperature will drop to where it needs to be.

Once we make these plants strong enough to flourish in such harsh climates we will then be able to start life on the desert lands throughout our solar system. We will then be able to create life on other planets and watch as we begin our journey into the depths of outer space. We aren’t meant to spend trillions of dollars to build a Space Motel 8 on the moon in which only those who have control of all the money can visit for their pitiful amusement. It is more beautiful than that; we can create a whole new world, LITERALLY! The planets in our solar system can be our playground, we just need to mold the life here on earth first then let our creations begin life on its own after we plant the seeds.

The Seventh Circuit – The Neurogenetic Circuit – Expansion into Inner and Outer Space

The seventh circuit is our planetary evolution stage. This is after we have prepared living organisms on Earth for the brutally harsh climates throughout our solar system. Once we have molded and perfected life on this planet to such extremes we will be able to plant the seeds on the surface of our neighboring planets. This may seem farfetched but it is a completely feasible idea.

Venus is essentially Earths twin; they are approximately the same size and mass. The only major difference is it is much hotter on Venus then it is here on Earth. The reason it is so hot on Venus is because its atmosphere is made up almost entirely of carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas which prevents the Light energy from the Sun too bounce back into outer space. The carbon dioxide is pure energy and all we have to do is put something on the planet’s surface for the energy to go into. Carbon dioxide is merely plant food and after the carbon is broke down its waste is oxygen. If we were able to plant some extremely evolved plants on the soil of this planet they would grow at incredible speeds and amazingly strong because the carbon dioxide atmosphere would be an all you can eat buffet of energy for these plants. They would flourish and life would begin to form on the surface. There has even been evidence of a peak on the surface of Venus where there is approximately a 50 km area which the air pressure and temperature are nearly the same as here on Earth. We just need to plant the first seeds to create life and have all new forms of resources and technologies. We can create, evolve, and expand into the universe; all we need to do is make a choice, the choice to simply survive or the choice to love and learn. All we need to do is mold the shells in which all of the Suns energy will be able to go into.

When we hit seventh circuit we will finally be able to expand in both outer and inner space. When I say we will be able to expand into inner space I mean we will begin to understand ourselves and life around us to the point where we become aware of who we really are, beyond our possessions or positions, we will be so connected with life that we will begin to understand how to function as a consciousness. This is the circuit in which we learn how to survive without a shell, the prerequisite for immortality.

This circuit is actually accessed every night when we go to sleep, when we enter rapid eye movement (REM) sleep our brains turn on the seventh circuit. This circuit allows us to become aware of our consciousness beyond the body, once we start understanding how life around us works we will be able to have out of body experiences which will allow us to interact with life on a spiritual level. Our brains work hardest when we are asleep and our bodies are almost completely idle, we just don’t have an understanding of life and our own consciousness to actually give us the ability to interact with the divine nature of life. Once we start becoming aware of ourselves and we have better knowledge of how life works around us we will be able to function as just a consciousness. Some examples of seventh circuit in action are things such as lucid dreams, out-of-body experiences, astral travel, near-death experiences, and other things of that nature. The seventh circuit triggers to extreme extents when we die as well, when we die our energy leaves our body in order to perform elsewhere. Death is only a transition into another life until we reach such an enlightened state of being that we can exist without a shell. Do not fear death, fear not living!

Basically what I’m saying is the seventh circuit is accessed once we start to understand the laws of life and death as well as reality and spirituality. I feel as if it is safe to say that our bodies are simply a shell that holds our consciousness, our inner essence. In order to hit this circuit we must realize how connected everything in life really is. To evolve to the last circuit we must become aware of the one consciousness and begin to live as the one consciousness. Once we can leave our shell and function as the divine Energy in life we will become immortal. Our bodies and blood cannot live forever, they will always be perishable. Our consciousness, on the other hand, is the divine energy in all life and will live forever; we just need to understand how to exist beyond the shell. Until our consciousness becomes aware of itself and can function as one with the divine nature of life we will keep coming back and trying to understand more the next time around.

We will have the technology to travel to nearby planets which would give us the ability to work as a planetary society. We would just need to take the technology that we used to evolve the life forms in the desert areas and evolve it one step further in order for life to begin on other planets. We are meant to continue learning and to expand into the heavens. We have the technology to do amazing things but we are being kept from evolving because of the system that is currently in place. We have to begin working together towards a common goal rather than mindlessly fighting each other. We are meant for greatness, not struggle and fear.

The Eighth Circuit – The Neuro-Atomic Circuit – One Consciousness

“…all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves..." – Bill Hicks

I believe that once we hit the eighth circuit our abilities exceed our physical bodies; we will become part of the one consciousness. We will be the energy, air, fire, water, earth, etc. We will be Mother Nature, we will be gravity, and we will be the Light from the Sun. At this point we become divine and immortal, we learned so much through our lifetime that we can exist without a shell. Once we can function on the eighth circuit, we become the energy that keeps the world going around. We can function as the consciousness; we become one with all life. Accessing the eighth circuit will allow us to explore into the universe and expand into the depths of our galaxy.

This is the furthest man has evolved, we have been here before. We have developed these brain parts through our evolution as a species and it is time we reconnect with the life that we have left behind us. We are meant to love and learn. Our purpose is to evolve and create life while learning how it all works. We are meant to strive for being all knowing and all loving. We don’t need to fight any longer, we have fought long enough, it is time for us to come together and work as one to better all life around us.

The eighth circuit will begin to make more sense later on in the book, just please stick with me and keep thinking. Hopefully by this point in the book, you understand that life is much more beautiful then how we are currently living. We are meant for so much more than this struggle and working a 9-5 job. We can mold and create life, we can fix the world of all its problems, and we can expand into the depths of outer and inner space.
Guardian Ghost
Guardian Ghost

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The Book of Life Empty Re: The Book of Life

Post by Loki Sun May 29, 2011 11:45 am

Where do we go now?

We have deanimalized ourselves; we have become disconnected from our natural state of being. Instead of working as a one we have individualized ourselves and worked against our natural instincts and the divine rules. We don’t do what we are meant to do because of unnecessary barriers and obstacles in our way. We have to jump through hurdles and make sure we have the adequate income in order to accomplish our dreams and passions; this is completely unnecessary and inefficient. If we are given the opportunity to accomplish our dreams and goals then the natural flow of life will be easier and smoother. If it were possible to do what we truly love to do while at the same time provide for society and all of life everything would be simple and carefree.

Start giving gifts to those you love, if you can build a sturdy shelf then build one for someone you love, if you can paint a beautiful picture then paint it for someone you love, if you can cook an amazing meal then feed someone you love, if you can sing then sing to the ones you love. Show your feelings for the people you care for by providing them with something from your heart. When you give someone a meaningful gift, you are giving them a piece of your inner self and it will be received with great joy and appreciation.

It is not right for us to dread waking up the next morning to go to work just to barely get by. Human beings as a race are intelligent and understand life to a further extent than most animals; we are able to live a more relaxed lifestyle because we realize how to use the resources around us. We don’t have to hunt for food because we have created a more complex system of living then simply hunting and gathering, needless to say simply working as individual beings. Many of us have lived this more relaxed life style for millennia now; we have a constant flow of shelter, food, clothing, etc. We have earned the right not to struggle for the necessities because we have gained the knowledge to live comfortably.

Without a corrupt system in place we will be able to unite and provide for each living being on this earth rather than just merely the self. If we all do our job for the whole then each and every person will be able to reap the rewards of the society. Once we start working together to better each other’s lives we will be able to evolve, we will be able to share the knowledge of the entire world and evolve each and every aspect of life. Once it’s not about meeting an imaginary cost and it’s about making everything more efficient we will be able to use new materials, new equations, new technologies, etc to bring everybody closer together and making the world and everything in it more natural and beautiful.

We need to reconnect with each other and with the earth as a whole. Each person is a small part of this world and we all need to make everything on this planet smarter so it can work more efficiently. Living is simply learning and understanding how life around us works and how we can use this knowledge to better our lives and evolve beyond our wildest dreams. We have lost the connection with the Earth and everything on it; we have begun living as a species and have lost respect for the world around us. We have forgotten our purpose of being here; most people believe it is just simply “getting by” when in reality it is to love and learn. It’s not just about mindlessly pulling that lever at your factory job, it’s about learning how to pull that lever in a different way to make life easier for you and the rest of the world. All people are intelligent individuals, they have brilliant ideas that would contribute to society, but they are silenced when they have a great idea because it would just make more paper work and wouldn’t be cost efficient. People have to let their opinions be heard, we have been silenced to long.

There are major problems in each and every aspect of life right now, it’s time that these problems are questioned and fixed. We are struggling because these problems have been hidden from the public in order for those in power to remain comfortably seated in their throne of lies. I’m not saying have a revolt or riot; I just believe we have to start thinking and asking questions. Start looking for the truth, stop just mindlessly walking through life; you must start realizing the beauty of living. We have been blinded from the true beauty because we are distracted by the same 40 hour a week job, the same two sports events and three sitcom shows that we watch every day, the same everyday bland meal just before we go to sleep and wake up to do it again. It’s time we start appreciating everything around us, and start living a comfortable life like we deserve. Once we stop letting those in power reap the benefits of the hard work that you and every other citizen has put in we will truly be able to live comfortably. We have the resources to sustain an extremely comfortable life without working nearly as hard and as long as required with the system we live with now.

This cut throat society we live in now isn’t natural, we need to strive to be our best to provide not only for ourselves but for future generations. Take your passion and make it into an art, push the limits of what can and cannot be done. Take the technology we have now and see what kind of beautiful and complex structures, electronics, materials, vehicles, etc we can make. We have all this technology and we are told not to evolve it because the out of date model will sell for another 24 months before we need to put out the next best thing to keep up with the competition. We need to utilize this technology and make everything as efficient and helpful as possible. We need to make use of all the sciences that we have learned rather than just making it something you know for an exam. We need to create new sciences and learn how to evolve the ones we now know.

You cannot begin to blame yourself for all of your misfortunes; the system that is in place has made you go against your heart and has forced you to lose yourself. If you didn’t have the money to follow your dreams when you were younger you were forced to put your dreams on hold until you had the means to accomplish them. The problem is, once you are stuck in the system it is hard to get out. You’ve been broken down and zombiefied, you have lost your passion and your joy because that was the only way to make it through life without losing your mind. It is easier to become complacent with a horrible life then it is to follow your dreams and find yourself. I will tell you right now that it may be more difficult to follow your heart, but I promise the rewards for staying true to yourself are well worth the effort.

You just have to make the decision to stop being governed by a corrupt system and take charge of your life and help the world develop a system that will work for you and everyone else on Earth. We need to stop allowing those in power to control us; we must stand up and fight the power. We need to begin a revolution to start this new age and progress in our lives. We’ve been held down for too long. You must understand that it isn’t about the poor against the upper class because the poor and the rich will each have nothing when the entire global monetary system collapses. There is a small group of the super elite who are running this world and have their dirty hands in every aspect of our lives. We must take their power from them by not accepting their lies as truth and we must stand our ground to regain our divine rights and liberties. We will not truly be free until we take our lives back from these leeches. It becomes clear as to who the real demons are once you start to research and look for answers. Let us not accept this way of life any longer, we deserve better! We are not slaves!

We must continue our current way of life until we come together and decide that we want something more, if we just stop doing our jobs before a new system is set up we will just be taking a fast track to our demise. If we riot and steal we will quicken our downfall as well. All we must do is make our voices heard that we will not settle any longer and that we want a new system, once the people of the world make the choice to come together we will be able to set up a system that works for everyone and we can leave all the pain and fear behind us.

Until we decide that we want to evolve and live how we are meant to we will have to keep working just as we have throughout the ages. With the new found knowledge that we gain, we will be able to plan for the change and decide what we need to do in order to make our jobs more efficient and what problems need to be fixed. Go to work and figure out what needs to be done differently. Once we come together and decide that we want to tend the wound, we will have all the ideas ready and it will be a smooth transition into the new world. Start thinking what would make your life and the lives of everyone else easier and more beautiful. We can begin a new age and start over bigger and better. This transition just takes one choice; fear or love?

Heaven and Hell are here on earth, we have to decide if we want to live under the shadows of evil any longer and let them blind us from the Light of the Sun and the Moon, as well as all life around us. I’m trying to shoot a hole into Hells shadow for you all, so you can get a glimpse of the Sun and Heavens Gates. The world has been patiently waiting for us to wake up and I hope this book creates a little spark to ignite your flame of passion, love, and joy. I want you all to seek out the truth and find yourself and your purpose. Start making connections with everyone and everything around you, it’s easier to love than to hate.

“All things will be produced in superior quantity and quality, and with greater ease, when each man works at a single occupation, in accordance with his natural gifts, and at the right moment, without meddling with anything else.” - Plato

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." – Albert Einstein

“Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company and reflection must finish him.” – John Locke

“You're only as young as the last time you changed your mind.” – Timothy Leary

"One love, one heart, one destiny." - Bob Marley

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” – Jimi Hendrix
Guardian Ghost
Guardian Ghost

Join date : 2009-06-03

Posts : 2275
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The Book of Life Empty Re: The Book of Life

Post by Loki Sun May 29, 2011 11:49 am

Drugs and Plants

Another taboo concept to talk about is drugs, and sure enough I’m going to tell you my theory on drugs, their benefits, and their downfalls. All of these circuits can be slightly triggered by chemicals activating in your brain. Absolutely by no means am I saying that we reach these circuits through the use of drugs. Our thoughts and emotions are merely triggered by chemical reactions that go off in our brain and through the use of certain chemicals we can artificially turn on or heighten these circuits. Keep in mind that we don’t permanently turn on these circuits by using these drugs; they are simply a way to get a little glimpse of the circuit. The reason I’m putting this section in here is so you can have a better idea of what these circuits legitimately do and how they affect your emotions and your way of life. The War on Drugs is the longest and one of the most expensive wars ever fought by the United States, so I believe it deserves a little recognition because many lives have been lost and many souls have been stolen in the War on Drugs.

Also I’m going to try to express my opinions of how we need to stop depending on drugs to get by in our life because they are severely hurting our chances of evolving. We need to stop relying on these chemicals as a crutch and we need to revert back to nature. The food that we eat, the water that we drink, and the air that we breathe are all tainted with chemicals that severely affect our well being. Our bodies have turned into a cesspool of natural and synthetic chemicals so in a sense, our bodies are one very complex pill and we need to extract the chemicals that are destroying our lives.

This is a very controversial subject and a lot of people turn off after drugs are mentioned. Please stay tuned in because I’m hoping to redefine the term “drugs” to you because the word has been thrown around so loosely, as many words have been, that it completely holds no value and it is clear to see what is healthy and unhealthy once you open your eyes and start researching for yourself rather than listening to the drug dealers that are selling you the products. Unhealthy chemicals are in everything we touch, eat, drink, breathe, etc just for the reason that it is cheaper and more covenant.

First Circuit – Infancy Circuit – Bio-Survival Circuit

This circuit is accessed through the use of opiates and morphine. Opiates are defined as “any narcotic opioid alkaloids found as natural products in the opium poppy plant, as well as many semi synthetic chemical derivatives of such alkaloids”. Basically what that means is it is any drug that is made up of the opium plant combined with synthetic chemicals. Morphine is extracted from the opium plant as well, it comes from the soluble salts which if you add some synthetic chemicals you can create strong sedatives and anesthetic drugs. A short list of the popular opiates and/or types of drugs containing morphine are; Codeine, Heroin, Percocet, Vicodin, and many more. All of these drugs send us back to the floating consciousness of a newborn and relieve pain.

This part of my theory makes me believe that less evolved animals don’t necessarily feel pain as we do. They live in the first circuit; this is why they can push the limits of what they can survive through. This gives these animals the ability to numb the pain so they aren’t constantly hurting which would distract them from their experience of life.

Second Circuit – Toddler Stage – Caveman Stage

After consuming a large portion of alcohol the second circuit emotions and actions become very clear. The second circuit drug is alcohol, an example of how this sends you back to circuit two is by recognizing the toddler-like tendencies of those who are drunk. When we become toddlers we start to talk with people around us and build bonds with others. With a little liquid confidence it becomes easier not only to meet new people but also open up more to those we know and love. Also when alcohol is consumed people become more prone to throwing a hissy fit and act very childish, like a toddler. Also it makes you very territorial and irritable if someone does something that you don’t approve of or steps over your boundaries. We also become very caveman-like and just get the urge to break things and create havoc.

I believe animals such as primates, dogs, and cats function on the second circuit because many of the symptoms of alcohol are present in animals of this sort. Also, these animals have gained the ability to start understanding and learning more complex aspects of life than most other animals.

Third Circuit – Adolescence – Tribal Stage

The third circuit drugs are things such as cocaine, speed, caffeine, and pharmaceuticals such as Adderall. These are the drugs that just keep us doing our same job for hours on end. They just keep us “hunting and gathering”, pulling the same lever, crunching the same numbers, giving the same sales pitch, or cramming for another test. It just keeps us working and going one hundred miles per hour.

I believe animals such as worker ants function on the third circuit, the worker ants get very little sleep throughout the day in order to keep working and continue doing their job for the queen who sleeps for almost double the time of the worker ants and the queen also lives significantly longer. Honey bees are another example.

Fourth Circuit – Adulthood – Civilization Stage

The fourth circuit drugs are those that keep us complacent with the repetitive and dull lives that we are forced to live. The life of working 40 hours a week for 40 years of our life and then coming home and being okay with having to wake up tomorrow and do the same thing over again. Anti-depressants are the fourth circuit drug, they turn us into zombies but it makes you love every second of it. Many anti-depressants are derived from the St. Johns Wort plant.

Human beings are clearly functioning on the fourth circuit. As depressive as our lives are we have become complacent because we have things such as television, video games, computers, etc to keep us satisfied with life by escaping reality; just like a Xanax or other anti-depressives. At the time of the Roman Coliseum, 90% of the population was impoverished and approximately 30-40% were slaves. As ridiculous of statistics as those are, the people were content because they were able to do their job then go see gladiators fight which took their minds off of their painfully sad lives. We are faced with the same thing in this present time, 90% of the population is impoverished and we pay almost 40% of our income to taxes making us essentially 40% slaves for the men in power, but we are content because we are surrounded by modern day coliseums. By modern day coliseums I mean televisions, sports events, video games, computers, etc. I’m not saying they are bad things by any means, but when you use these things to escape from the reality of life it is very destructive to yourself. These are meant to heighten the beauty of life, not to disconnect you from it. When you use such mediums as a means to run away from life they are a drug which turns on your fourth circuit and keeps you from evolving. Use these coliseums to learn more and to experience life to a further extent. Stop running away from reality, chase it.

Realization of the first four circuits in regards to drugs:

The fourth circuit anti-depressant drugs are made up of the active chemicals in the St. Johns Wort plant. St. Johns Wort is both a toxic and invasive species which destroys the natural ecosystem in order to flourish. When livestock ingest this plant they show significant signs of depression, restlessness, and sometimes mania. The pharmaceutical companies are taking this chemical that forces livestock into depression and selling it to the people saying that it will heal their depression, it seems a little counter-productive. This is the reason that taking anti-depressants greatly increases the chance of suicide and also leads users to become depressed if they discontinue the use of the drugs.

It is clear that each of these first four circuit drugs are derived from some sort of naturally growing plant. We have been utilizing these plants for medical purposes for several millennia now. When the coca leaves, the main ingredient of the circuit three drugs, are chewed at their natural form they work as a mild stimulate and it also suppresses hunger, thirst, and fatigue. If you use the opium plant at its natural state it works as a pain reliever and anesthetic, it is very effective for headaches. Clearly, if you ingest the plants naturally they provide the same outcome as if you were to take the drug which is derived from the natural plant. The transition from the plant to the drug is the fact that the active chemical is extracted from the plant and then mixed with synthetic chemicals and then given a fancy name such as Xanax, Adderall, and Prozac and then somewhere in the process it becomes extremely addictive, harmful, and expensive.

In the thousands of years that people have been ingesting the coca and opium plant, there has never been a documented case of addictive tendencies or death from the use of coca leafs or the opium plant in their natural form. The only difference between chewing on a coca leaf and snorting a line of cocaine is you take the actual plant out of the equation and extract the active chemical, cocaine.

The Last Four Circuits:

Unlike other drugs such as stimulants and opioids which induce familiar states of consciousness, psychedelics tend to affect and explore the mind in ways that result in the experience being much different from those of ordinary consciousness. Psychoactive drugs are drugs that access parts of the mind that are unfamiliar. It is a deeper look into your psyche and it allows you the ability to experience life from a different perspective. Most psychoactive drugs are considered Schedule 1 drugs in the United States, which means they are the most illegal and are considered the most dangerous drugs. The requirements for a drug to be classified as a schedule 1 drug in the United States are:

The drug or substance must have a high potential for abuse.
The drug or substance must have no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.

A short list of common drugs that are listed under schedule 1 are:

• Marijuana
• Heroin
• Psilocybin
• Peyote
• Mescaline
• Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)

The surprising thing about that list of drugs right there which are currently schedule 1 drugs in the United States is that only one of them really fit the criteria. The only one of the drugs which have a high potential for abuse and is addictive is heroin. Also heroin is the only one of those drugs which can potentially be risking some ones safety. The rest of the list has very little, if any, negative side effects. None of them are addictive or will cause dependency. And oddly enough all of them aside from heroin occur completely naturally. Nobody has ever died from marijuana, psilocybin, peyote, mescaline, or DMT ever.

The use of psilocybin mushrooms dates back to before tribal times. Mesolithic rock paintings show shamanic use of “magic mushrooms”, this was their way to get a better glimpse of the divine and gain a better understanding of life. The Mayan and Aztecs even showed great respect for this plant, the Aztecs even went as far as to name the plant teonanacatl which literally translates into “divine mushroom”. After the Spanish conquest Catholic missionaries campaigned against the “pagan idolatry” which resulted in the ban and negative beliefs of what was once known as a “divine mushroom. We have taken a plant which was worshipped and considered divine, and we have now related it with and actually made it more taboo than killer drugs such as cocaine, heroin, speed, crack, meth, etc when in fact psilocybin mushrooms are less toxic than Aspirin.

In a double-blind study by Johns Hopkins University 36 college-educated adults who had never tried psilocybin nor had a history of drug use and had religious or spiritual interest were given psilocybin mushrooms and were closely observed for eight hour intervals. 1/3 of the participants said it was hands down the most spiritually significant moment in their lives, and another 1/3 said it was in the top 5 most spiritual moments in their lives Two months after the study, almost 80% of the participants reported increased well-being or satisfaction, which was later confirmed by friends, relatives, and associates. They also reported anxiety and depression symptoms to be decreased or completely gone. Roughly 20% of the subjects had notable experience of fear or paranoia but these emotions were “readily managed with reassurance”.

Clearly there has to be another reason for these once respected plants to be considered the most dangerous drugs and I bet it has something to do with the people in control wanting us to remain on fourth circuit by not expand our mind and keep us from thinking for ourselves. The War on Drugs is a set of drug policies that is intended to prevent production, distribution, and consumption of psychoactive drugs. It is hardly concerned, if at all, with killer drugs such as cocaine, heroin, crystal meth, speed, pharmaceutical abuse, and so on. All this money is being spent on “drugs” that are completely natural that also activate more evolved parts of your brain.

The War on Drugs doesn’t consider the fact that the only way to make money in the ghettos is by selling drugs, theft, and other crimes. The systems just keeps allowing people to set up liquor stores and gun shops on every single block to keep them killing each other instead of educating the children and creating jobs. The leeches knows they can get more money if they arrest these poor people and get money out of the working people’s pockets from taxes. The people in the hood have grown up to be very hard workers, that’s the only way they can survive, but they have nowhere to go to work productively they have to rely on the streets to survive. We need to give them the opportunities that they have been deprived of.

Fifth Circuit - Artistic Stage - Globalization

The chemical that triggers the fifth circuit is THC, which is the active chemical in marijuana. This is the circuit in which we use our creativity and begin to think more in depth. This is why people who are high on marijuana sometimes tend to “zone out” it’s because they are deep in thought or trance. It isn’t just a coincidence that a lot of the best artist and musicians smoked marijuana; they were able to access their creativity and passion better through the use of this plant. You can also trigger these circuits through just simply thought; you don’t need outside sources to hit these circuits. You hit these circuits through learning and understanding life, these plants and drugs just give you an idea of what to look for.

Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Circuit - Absolute World Unity - Pre-Planetary Expansion

The last three circuits are accessed through the more extreme psychedelics such as psilocybin mushrooms, peyote, mescaline, DMT, Ayahuasca, etc. Depending on how deep into your consciousness you go during your trip will effect which circuit you actually hit. As you go deeper into your trip, your perception of reality changes significantly and you start to experience life in a completely different way. It is easier to see, feel, hear, etc the connection between you and all life on this Earth. It is easier to see the beauty in life that we have shrugged off for so long. It gives you a better understanding of how life works around you; and it gets you closer to the one consciousness.

The most illegal “drug” in the world is Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) yet it is the least known. The craziest thing about this “drug” is that each and every single person on this planet has used this “drug”. DMT is the chemical that is produced in your brain when you go into the Rapid Eye Movement stage of sleep which is better known as REM. This is the point in our sleep when we begin to dream, if it wasn’t for the chemical reaction of DMT going off in our brain we would not dream. Dimethyltryptamine is so common in nature that it is in just about every living thing, you can extract it from grass clippings in your yard or from a bunny in a pasture. It’s just a matter of how much DMT is in the being.

Consider this, a cow can eat all of this grass filled with DMT and break down all of its compounds and then in the end produce waste in which psychedelic mushrooms grow. How hardcore do these cows have to be tripping in order to produce “divine mushrooms” in their waste? Now that’s some holy crap! Extreme amounts of DMT are also produced in your brain as you die; this is what causes such visions in near-death and out-of-body experiences. How can a chemical that our brain naturally produces every single night be considered a drug, and the most illegal drug at that?

How to access these circuits through yourself:

As I mentioned before, these drugs and plants are not the means by which we are going to evolve our minds. They are just a glimpse into seeing what kind of life and energy is really around us. The last four circuits consist of inner evolution rather than outer. These circuits give us the ability to gain an understanding for all life around us. The only way to gain that understanding is through living your life and experiencing something new and exciting or just enjoying your passions. Your fifth circuit turns on when you sing a song, draw a picture, play a sport, go sky diving, have a deep conversation, and anything else that gives you a natural "high". Anything that gives you joy and makes you push the limits of your consciousness accesses your fifth circuit and evolves your mind. When you finally find the answer to a very hard question you've been working on, that sense of accomplishment and clarity is your brain accessing fifth circuit and it is you evolving as a person.

The reason the best of the best in every industry all seem as if they are "better" than the average person is because they are more evolved then the average person. They have accessed fifth circuit by gaining a better understanding for their field, they can access further parts of their mind because that is what is required of them to become successful. What you have to realize is in order for you to become successful and make an impact on life you must access a deeper state of mind by pushing the limits of your field. The only way to evolve as a person is by gaining a better understanding of life whether it be through science, sport, art, business, philosophy, psychology, etc. When you reach a further understanding of life you will gain the confidence and suave that these successful people have, knowledge is power.

The way in which we evolve our minds is through deep thought, experiencing life, and figuring out the beauty and music of life. We have stopped thinking for ourselves; we listen to the corrupt ones in power and let them decide our opinions on every aspect of life. We need to start forming our own theories and then we must do the research to find the truths of this world. Once we find the truth we will be able to evolve far beyond the fourth circuit. We will begin to see the beauty in life once again. Once the truth is revealed we will be able to get lost in our thoughts and eventually make sense of our lives. The way in which we evolve beyond the fifth circuit is through meditation, yoga, dreaming, etc. When we go beyond just basic thought and we actually begin to gain an understanding of the divine energy in every being on this planet. The only way to evolve in life is to learn and experience life to its fullest.
Guardian Ghost
Guardian Ghost

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The Book of Life Empty Re: The Book of Life

Post by Loki Sun May 29, 2011 11:50 am

The Fact of the Matter:

Pharmaceutical companies are in every single way the biggest and most ruthless drug dealers in the world. The beginning of the pharmaceutical industry started when the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act was passed which taxed and regulated the importation, production, and distribution of opiates and cocaine. This bill required companies and individuals to be registered by the government, thus giving the government and people in power the ability to decide who was going to be the drug dealers. This then deleted any competition in the pharmaceutical industry and gave these few people with permits the ability to do whatever they wanted with the drugs by making them stronger and experimenting with new technologies. These new and stronger drugs which they came up with are things such as Adderall, Vyvanse, Xanax, Hydrocodone, etc. They do the same things as cocaine and opiates, the only difference is they changed the name of the drugs and put a FDA approved stamp on the bottle. As you get further from the natural state of the plant the side effects become worse and everything seems to become more addictive.

The way I see it is these pharmaceutical companies are making these drugs saying that they will make you function better in life and will make your pain go away when in reality they are setting us back a few steps in our evolution. If a doctor says you have ADHD and prescribes you an amphetamine which you take every day as you are supposed to, the chemical reactions will trigger your third circuit and make your body more dependent on that drug which inevitably will cause you to lose focus easier. It is the same thing with depression, if a doctor says you are depressed and gives you depressants, when you take those it will trigger your fourth circuit which in nature is our “depressed” stage.

The St. Johns Wort plant, which is the circuit four plant, is an invasive species which will destroy all life around it for the selfish purpose of its own survival. This is exactly how human beings work right now, we are in this stage. Society as a whole struggles so it fights for whatever it can get and will sacrifice the good of the whole in order to flourish.

We are putting all kinds of unnatural chemicals in our bodies; no aspect of our lives is as it should be. The corrupt system has tainted and destroyed every single part of our lives. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the foods we eat have all been poisoned with synthetic chemicals that slowly destroy our bodies. There is fluoride in our water for the purpose of preventing tooth decay, but the side effects of this chemical being in our water systems outweigh the benefits tenfold. Some of the side effects for fluoride toxicity are stomachaches, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, electrolyte abnormalities, headaches, muscle weakness, paresthesia seizures, tremors, and in severe cases multi-organ failure which can lead to cardiac arrest, shock, and cardiac dysrhythmia. Some of those seem like very common ailments that just about everyone has suffered from. If it were up to me, I would rather brush my teeth one or two more times a day rather than ingesting such a poisonous chemical that is such a potential hazard to my health.

Fluoride doesn’t only have such negative effects on the human body; it is also severely harmful to plant and animal life. Fluoride does not evaporate into the air so it clings to plants and in a lot of cases it will destroy the plant. Fluoride toxicity is the cause of the burnt leaf look and many other plant sicknesses that some unhealthy plants have. The food we eat is tainted with synthetic fertilizers and unnatural hormones in order to make the product cheaper to produce and transport. We are pumping chemicals into our bodies that simply don’t belong and until we fix the way society functions we will continue to destroy our bodies.

Also I have came to realize that even ingesting these plants which are not physically harmful can still prevent you from evolving depending on how you use them. If you smoke marijuana in order to run away from your problems and you use it just to remain complacent with life that is no different than taking a Xanax or Prozac. If you use these none harmful plants in order to escape from reality or to just get “messed up” and “out of your mind” it is stunting your evolution just as the other drugs and plants can. It’s not about ingesting these chemicals and getting “wasted”, it’s about the experience and what you learn from it. Don’t disrespect nature, if you are going to use these plants whether it is the coca plant, psilocybin mushrooms, or anything in between, do it to evolve or to help something if you choose to experiment with them. Don’t destroy something beautiful for your simple amusement, they are here to help us evolve and to make our lives better; not to escape from this wonderful reality.

Also do not disrespect nature by putting it in the same category as manmade killer drugs; they are completely different in every sense. The harmful pharmaceuticals that your doctors prescribe you are the furthest thing from nature, they are made up of synthetic chemicals which can and do destroy your body. Just because a doctor can give you a prescription for a drug doesn’t mean it is good for you. When you say that these plants are just as bad or worse for you than the pharmaceuticals that our society is becoming addicted to it is like saying that tomatoes and oranges are harmful and you shouldn’t eat them. These things grow completely naturally and they don’t have the fertilizers and chemicals that we put on the food that we ingest, therefore they are more natural and less toxic than the food that goes into your mouth each and every day. These plants are more evolved than we are; don’t pass judgment until you do the research.

The reason I put this touchy subject in my work is because I want people to understand that we are putting extremely harmful things into our bodies without even knowing about it. I do not want to promote the use of any kinds of drugs or plants; I just want to make it perfectly clear that there is a major difference between something that grows naturally and pills which have dangerous combinations of chemicals in them. A lot of drugs are very helpful and they are extremely necessary to take in the case of health problems. Just make sure you distinguish the good from the bad. The War on Drugs is the longest war in American history and I promise you, just as in every other war, you have been lied to and propaganda has been used to make a common enemy in our society. This is your life and you have the right to do as you please as long as you do not harm life around you, if you do not wish to experiment with drugs or nature that is fantastic because there are much better ways to evolve as a person. On the other hand, if you do wish to experiment with drugs or nature, whether to escape from reality or get a better understanding for it, do it within reason and don’t disrespect life around you. There is a balance to everything in this world and we are way off of our equilibrium in every aspect of life.

They are spending way too much money on this War on Drugs, $15 billion dollars in 2010 and that doesn’t include the cost of paying for the inmates that are put in the prisons where they will just learn how to do more harmful crimes. We aren’t teaching our inmates how to leave the field of crime and become successful in a productive way, we are educating them on how to steal, deal, and kill better and more ruthlessly. People are good if they have the opportunity to live a pure and happy life. These corrupt demons have lied to us in every sense, it is time we WAKE UP and reclaim our lives. Start educating yourself and locate these demons.

The laws and legislation have not been set up to provide you safety and to protect your rights and liberties, but to manipulate the cash flow to the people in power and to keep you distracted from life. The laws and legislation have also been set up to make common enemies between men by differentiating and disconnecting people from each other. The constitution that our forefathers set up in order to maintain peace in our nation has been revised beyond repair and the revisions among many other things are the reason we have to struggle to survive. We need to decide what laws and legislation make sense and which ones have been set up in order to take away more of our freedoms and which ones are actually left to protect us. The purpose of this section was not to promote drug use, but to educate you on the fact that everything about our lives is tainted and needs to be cleansed or else we will continue to destroy ourselves. Start researching for yourself what is right or wrong, don't let the people who have been setting up such ridiculous stipulations on your life to corrupt your mind as well.

I need to stress the fact that this book doesn’t change anything that is happening in society right now, it can only open you mind and give you a different outlook on life. Please realize that nothing will change unless we all come together and make the decision that we want to fix our lives, until then we will be bound by the same chain and ball that we’ve been stuck to throughout the ages. At this point we can only make the choice to purify our lives, only after society searches out and accepts the truth of life will we be able to take action. Please everyone; do not ruin our chances to escape this hell by making the situation worse. Keep living your life as you have been, just live for a purpose now and strive for a better life. We will fix the system and the story will end with a happy ending as long as we play by the rules and make a smooth transition into a new world. Don’t let those in power scare you any longer; you have control of your lives and your future as long as you accept your responsibility and your fate. They will try to intimidate you and make you fear the movement, but I promise you there is a Light at the end of this tunnel and we will get there as long as we work together. Talk to your family, friends, and neighbors and discuss your life and what you believe to be the answers to our problems. We need to fix every aspect of our lives and it will take every single individuals knowledge and faith in order to make the transition. This life is just a ride and you are meant to enjoy and love it. Life is beautiful and I know you will begin to see it if you just open your eyes, it’s all around you.

“I think it's interesting the two drugs that are legal, alcohol and cigarettes, two drugs that do absolutely nothing for you at all; and the drugs that might open your mind up to realize how badly you're being fucked every day of your life? … Those drugs are against the law. He-heh, coincidence?” – Bill Hicks
Guardian Ghost
Guardian Ghost

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The Book of Life Empty Re: The Book of Life

Post by Loki Sun May 29, 2011 11:51 am

Religion Spirituality

I am not going to go very in depth with this section because I don’t want to force my beliefs on anyone. I just simply want you to take what I say with a grain of salt and search for the answers yourself and make your own theories and create your own beliefs. I will give you a few ideas that I came up with to help me find my faith and find my purpose for being. I have come to the realization that we all worship the same divine entity but simply call it by a different name whether it is God, Allah, Krishna, etc. We all worship the provider and creator of life, the divine entity that allows us the ability to walk this beautiful earth. We are fighting each other over the same God, and we are killing over his name in vain. We are all God’s children, and when we fight each other in his name we are only killing ourselves.

The question that I asked myself and searched for in order to find my faith was, “who is the divine?” after I asked that I went back to my Christian roots and rediscovered the Trinity, which is the main basis for God in many religions. The Trinity is one God with three parts, no one part being any more or less significant than the other two. The Trinity consists of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. After I rediscovered that I realized that I could talk for hours about all the ways The Father and The Son have impacted my life as well as all life on this planet. Then I realized I knew hardly anything about the Holy Spirit and I felt naive at first, how could I know nothing more about the Holy Spirit than, “It’s the connection with me and God, and it gives me the ability to pray to God.”? Then I asked myself, what that even meant. I didn’t find any answers from the bible because it seems as if the Holy Spirit has, for the most part, been removed from the pages over the age. Then I came to a different realization of whom and what God really is.

I came to the realization that we are all one consciousness; the only difference between each living thing on earth is its physical shell. We are all one little piece of this machine doing our job and serving our purpose whether we know it or not. The only difference between you and a dog is that you have a better understanding for life therefore you are more divine then the dog because you have more knowledge, you are “all knowing” from a dogs perspective. This is why if you treat a dog with love and care they will love you unconditionally and they will do anything to please you. You are not only their master; you are their teacher, provider, and reason to live. Our job is to teach these animals what life is all about so they can evolve, it goes beyond teaching them to sit and stay. We have been teaching them reasoning for a long time now and it has gotten to the point where it is almost hardwired into their brains. We must start teaching them more in depth so they can evolve into smarter beings and form a better understanding for life.

Now the other side of that is human beings are less divine then a tree because a tree knows how to function, provide, and survive without a brain. A tree understands life to the point where it can survive almost solely on its consciousness while sustaining life by consuming very little energy and resources. The more we can rely simply on our consciousness the more evolved we will be. I believe all living forms on this earth with a shell function on seventh circuit or lower.

The eighth circuit is the immortal divine energy around us; it is the Light from the Sun, the gravity of the Earth and Moon, and the nutrients in the ground. This divine energy is in every single thing in the universe, it is in you and me, it is in your dog, and even your lucky pair of underwear. We are all godly and we should treat each other as such, we are simply on a journey to understanding our full potential. We just need to search for the answers of life instead of sitting back and being complacent with our monotonous lives. We need to stop pulling away from the Moons gravity and shading ourselves from the Sun, we need to float with the wind and feel the warmth of the Suns Light.

The way I made sense of the Trinity is The Father is the provider of life and the Light of this world; He is the energy on this planet and the food that keeps the world alive. All of the carbon dioxide on Venus is simply mass amounts of energy without a shell and nothing to perform with. All of that energy is the one consciousness trapped on the planet with nowhere to go and nothing to do. The energy from The Father gives us the ability to learn, each living thing has a little piece of the Light of God inside of it which makes up our consciousness. Without our consciousness we would not have the power to think and grow intellectually. The only thing that keeps us thinking and living is the energy from the Sun that goes from one shell to another which gives our brain and bodies the food of life which allows us to live another day on this wonderful planet. If we continue floating through life without thinking and evolving intellectually then we will remain just a shell without a consciousness. If we do not think, we exist in body but not in mind.

The Son is the life on this planet, We are the tool that uses the energy that our Father provides to Us to evolve Ourselves, Our planet, and Our galaxy. All plants and animals are built from dirt and when we die our bodies return to the Earth as dirt, and our consciousness goes elsewhere before it is reconnected with the one consciousness before it jumps into another shell to evolve further. We are simply the collection of dirt which makes up the physical aspect of life. The Earth and everything on it is the shell which is the temple that houses our consciousness and our soul. The Son is meant to take the energy provided by The Father and use it to evolve and learn how to perform as the one consciousness in order to reach immortality. The Son is the hand of God and our job is to turn the darkness into Light through Love. Unfortunately we have been creating more darkness, more pollution, more pain, more struggle. We are a very messy Son right now, our job is to figure out how to use as little energy to survive while producing as little waste. We need to evolve our processes here on Earth to make our lives more easy and efficient.

I believe the Holy Spirit and Mother Nature are one in the same; She is the divine nature of life and the music that we dance to. She is the gravity and natural attraction between everything on this Earth, galaxy, and beyond. She is the Love and the connection between the Father and Son. Without Her gravity of everything in life, the nutrients wouldn’t flow towards the seed to grow a plant, semen wouldn’t swim towards the egg in order to have offspring, and the Earth would not be rotating around the Sun. She is the connection with you and the divine; She gives you the ability to Love and live as one. She is the Soul/Spirit inside each and every one of Us, She is the end to the senseless wars and struggles, and She is the way in which we reach Our eternal salvation. Once we accept the fact that we are all One and we begin to live and love as One, we will truly be in Heaven. Everything happens so smoothly in nature because the only way life can exist is if we work as one and embrace the gravity and Love of those bigger than us and accept the knowledge that the divine teaches us. We are One Mind, One Body, and One Soul

The reason The Holy Spirit is hardly mentioned in the bible is because if it said in the bible, “love each other, we are all one” then we wouldn’t be able to fight all these “holy wars”. The people in power wouldn’t be able to send you to neighboring countries to fight, which would take away all their power and wealth. So they hid Her from you and told you that we are all different and we should hate each other based on the different lies they told us. Please understand that we are all One and the only way we can exist and flourish in nature is by understanding that and accepting Her into our hearts.

She is the connection between reality and spirituality, the fact that science and art exist as one. She is the natural laws which all life in the galaxy abides by. On any scale, whether big or small, we all play by Her rules because that is the only way we can survive. Without Her Love, we would and will perish and our souls would be lost. She is the perfect circle of life, because of Her there is no death only more opportunities to live and learn. She is the wind and the waves nurturing us and giving us air. Our Mother cleans up the messes that The Son makes, We curse the rain but without Her rain we would be surrounded with filth. Mother Nature washes The Sons dirty body after we create all kinds of pollution and negative energy. Mother Nature cleanses the world around Us so We don't become even more sick in our own filth. After we turn Our Fathers Energy into waste Our Mother cleanses it through Nature in order to turn it back into Energy so Their Son can live another day in hopes that one day we will grow up to be a very brilliant and beautiful Earth. Until we begin to clean the messes that we have made and continue to make She will have to use stronger methods to clean us such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. Simply a little drizzle will not suffice to clean up or filth, Mother Nature has to use a more dramatic method and it will keep getting worse if we don't fix our dirty ways. We are killing ourselves with the pollution and other sorts of waste that we leave on this Earth.

Consider Venus again, right now there is enormous amounts of Light energy from The Father on the planet, but that is all, only one of the three parts of God exist on the planet. Once we plant the seeds and give a shell for the Energy to go into we will have then added The Son to the planet, The Mind and The Body would exist. The Holy Spirit works with the waste products of the energy that is used by The Son, the waste product of the Light of God and the Body of The Son is water, oxygen, nutrients, and many others. This is what Mother Nature uses to provide us with an atmosphere to live in. Once there is an atmosphere, animals will be born and new life will begin. Once the Holy Spirit exist on our Sister planet Venus, then the Soul which gives us Passion and Love will be present.

The Holy Spirit is the Blood and the Water of life and the Father is the Energy and Bread. They feed their Son everyday in order to keep Us alive and keep Us growing and evolving as a planet. They are trying to teach us to become big and strong and full of life just as they are. We need to wake up and realize that we are to be using their Energy to create more life, not to destroy it. We are very dirty and we don't clean up our own messes, no child ever seems to. It is time We grow up and begin to use Our Minds, don't float through life without trying to evolve or make yourself better, Our lives are full of pain and struggle because we haven't been thinking of a better way. Begin to read and research what interests you, ask questions and evolve your passions.

We as a human race are in the same situation as our Sister planet Venus, we have the resources but we choose to struggle. We have all kinds of energy built up inside of us, our minds are extremely powerful but we are not putting our energy into anything. We are letting our energy waste away while we are at work doing the same monotonous job instead of thinking of a better way to do it. Our energy is wasting away on the couch when we are watching five hours of TV only to be interrupted by dinner to fill our wasteful bodies up with more energy which will be wasted the same way it has been for years. USE THAT ENERGY! Instead of wasting away, use that energy to learn how to do your job better and more efficiently. Then go home and use the rest of that energy on something your passionate about, play the guitar, draw a picture, play football or softball, grow a garden, read or write a book, discuss life with a group of friends, etc. Use your energy to better your life, learn something new, and grow as a person. The only way to reclaim our souls is by using this energy, through the use of this energy we will meet new people, hear new jokes and stories, learn exciting facts, figure out the solutions to our problems, etc. Only when we start using our energy will we be able to find our Passion and Love again, our Souls will be lost forever if we don't share our Love and Passions. We have to begin to use this energy to grow. As we grow we will begin to rediscover our Love and Passions, through chasing our passions we will find love and only then will both our Energy and Souls be in our Body. If we continue to live like this we will remain a Shell without a Soul.

So you see, Our Mother and Father have loved us unconditionally and have sacrificed themselves in order for us to learn and grow as a planet. We have been acting like toddlers throwing hissy fits and we have been disrespectful to the ones that birthed us, feed us, and protect us. As naïve as we have been throughout the ages, they have not given up hope and they have continued to do their jobs while we disregard their everlasting love. It is time that we grow up and evolve as a planet and start doing our part and begin giving back to our guardians. We need to stop wasting their energy and mindlessly killing ourselves, let’s give back to our Mother and Father and be a good Son and teach our sibling planets to do the same. We must turn the darkness of this world into light and sing songs of praise to the ones that have made our lives possible. We need to strengthen our Mother and Father by evolving and teaching life on this planet. We must end the struggle of all life and begin to live as One. We need to gain a deeper understanding for how our Mother and Father work and what we are meant to do to provide back to them. They are not a different God, they have been and will always be the same God, this is just another perspective which you can view the divine so you can see their beauty and grace.

Heaven and Hell are what we make of our lives, this pain and struggling that we have been living in for millennia now has been Hell. You have seen, heard, and felt the burning fire and the pain over the ages and this is our opportunity to fight one last final battle against the demons that have taken our souls and created this Hell. This is the last fight before we will all become one and we will reclaim our souls which have been stolen from us. We will finally be able to see the beauty and the purity in life, but before that we must take back what is rightfully ours. We must search out these demons and show them the pain they have caused us, the torment we went through, the lifetimes of living through their plague of tyranny and blasphemy. These demons have been toying with divine justice and it is finally time for us to take all this anger and hate that they put into our hearts and point it into the direction it came from. We need to stop taking our anger out on our bosses, neighbors, family, friends, and store clerks. It is time we aim our anger at who has been dishing out the fear and the lies, we must remove them from their throne that they acquired through lies, deceit, and every sort of corrupt act; only then will our souls be free.

You need to begin thinking again, start questioning life and searching for answers. I can’t tell you all the answers, I simply have a few theories that I believe can lead us to a carefree and beautiful life. We need to all search for the divine and make sense of how this extremely complex life actually works. The reason we are able to evolve to the next stage in our life is because we have worked so hard to gain an understanding of how life actually functions. We can make sense of the natural events that happen because we have evolved our technologies and sciences. We understand what the air we breathe is made up of, we understand the physics of life, and we have the ability to see microscopic elements of life which keep the world going around. We have a better understanding of the divine around us because we have developed ways to actually see it, hear it, and feel it.

God isn’t a man up in the clouds with an awesome beard waving a stick around, the reason we have that image in our brain is because until now we haven’t been able to understand how the divine nature actually performs, and we no longer have to rely on allegorical descriptions to see God. Just as well we don’t need to rely on allegories to see the demons; we can see where the root of the chaos and darkness is now that we have the means to seek out the confusion and its source. We can witness the sheer awesomeness of God under a microscope, through a telescope, on a television, through a guitar or piano, on a piece of paper, etc. God is everything in existence, God has been all around us ever since the beginning of time, and we have just been looking in the wrong places for him. God is in everything and everyone, which is the most beautiful thing about this life. We are all connected, we are all one, and in order to survive and continue to exist we must accept all of God into our hearts regardless of what the shell is that contains the divine energy.

Some religions tell us to wait for the messiah to come back and save us from this Hell, but it isn’t going to be that easy. You are going to have to fight for the divine Light of God and you are going to have to accept the natural truth of life. We must make the decision between fear and love. If we choose fear we will continue to live as we are and struggle for the rest of time and let the demons remain in control. Or we can choose love and restore the divine life back into the world and reclaim our lost souls. We have been given the opportunity and capability to do amazing things, rather than simply existing. We can mold, create, and facilitate life while exploring and learning all about the world along with both outer and inner space. We must make the choice to break free of these chains which are holding us back from our divine responsibilities. Like I said, this is the last fight before we will live in eternal bliss, love unconditionally, and life will become perfect and beautiful once again, forever and ever. This is one more fight between love and fear, good and evil, right and wrong.

I have complete faith that the world will come together and do the right thing because everything is set up in our favor. This is the first and last time that we will be able to come together and fight the crippled demons. They are weak and their jug of lies is pouring out and becoming visible for the world to see. The script has already been written and as long as we play our parts we will be the victors in the final act.

We must return the Princess to her King; we have been lied to throughout the ages in order to keep reality and spirituality separated so the people in power could keep us fighting each other. We must realize that they work as one and as long as we fight that truth, we will continue to struggle and destroy life. Once we accept the Light and Love into our hearts, we will truly be free and live in harmony under the rays of Godliness. The demons have blinded us from the Light and made us believe their lies and half truths in order to keep us struggling and fighting each other which give the evil serpent’s ultimate power. We must seek out the truth and disregard the lies in order to evolve and fulfill our destiny.

If you continue to search for answers after you read this book I promise your life will have a bigger purpose and you will find happiness. You need to fight for your soul, you need to search for the answers, and you need to follow your dreams. If you don’t search out the truth your life will continue to have that empty void, please find the meaning and fight for the truth. Don’t accept the struggle any longer, you have hurt enough and the pain will subside as long as you tend the wound. Find the answers and make a solution, we are on the verge of a new life. We will be reborn and life will be restored back into our hearts as long as we seek out and accept our purpose. Please, for the sake of all life, choose Love!

“All men's souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine.” – Socrates
Guardian Ghost
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The Book of Life Empty Re: The Book of Life

Post by Loki Sun May 29, 2011 11:52 am


I beg you to search for answers, these are simply my theories on life and I don’t want to pressure anybody into my beliefs. We must start thinking about why we are here and what our purpose is. I don’t believe we have all kinds of rules and stipulations to abide by. I feel as if our purpose as human beings is to learn, love, and teach. We are just meant to care for everybody and everything on this earth as if it was our own because we are all just one little piece of this machine which keeps life running. We need to try to understand life around us, we have gotten to the point where we just accept unanswered questions and say, “It just is because it is”. It is deeper than that, there is a reason and a natural process for everything, we need to figure out the answers in order to expand our minds and evolve our lives. We must take these unanswered questions and make sense of them by combining the knowledge of the whole. There is no greater feeling than finding the answers to life because that is the only way we can get closer to God. If you look in the right places you can see, smell, feel, hear, and touch God; you just have to seek the divine out and strive to reconnect with life.

Start searching out these demons, they are easy to locate if you just wake up and look for them. You can easily notice that they have tainted EVERY aspect of our lives for their own pitiful amusement and to gain more power over each and every one of our lives. Do not accept the lies as fact anymore; you need to put in the effort to find the truth. Search for the answers and build your own opinions then share them with your neighbors. Don’t fight each other over what you feel is right, talk about it with your neighbors and learn from their opinions. The only way to find the truth is to discuss the answers that we find with others and learn from each other. Don’t turn off just because they think something differently, tell them your thoughts but most importantly listen to their opinions. If they fail to believe the truth, look deeper into your answers so you can explain it better. If you turn out to be the wrong one in the conversation that is perfectly fine, that is called learning. There is nothing bad about being wrong, as long as you’re searching for the truth and not forcing false facts on others. Continue to search for the truth and share your knowledge with the ones you love. Do not fight each other, we have been committing global suicide for far too long, turn your anger onto who was dishing it out. Please do not riot, please do not loot, please do not kill, and please do not fight one another. The only thing you can do to become successful in the fight between Good and Evil is disregard the lies and accept and search out the truth.

The demons will try to turn you us each other and make us riot and kill, but don’t let them manipulate us any longer. Stop fighting your brothers and sisters, hold their hands and surround the demons and don’t let them cross our line. Do not kill the demons! It would be the easy way out for them if they were killed, they have answers that we need. They will be punished and there will be consequences but killing them would be counter-productive. They will be questioned, and they will be pulled from their blasphemous throne. We need to question them about the lies and what they have been hiding from us. We must give them a chance to repent and let them see the Light. We have all sinned and we will all have to shed our corrupt souls in order to start this new age. Recognize that everything you have been told has been a lie or a half truth so we can start over and cleanse our hearts.

There is too much corruption to put into one book and if I gave you all the answers you wouldn’t be able to search for the truth. The search for the answers is the most beautiful part of this life, what we are here for is to understand all life around us. As you begin to find the truth you can feel Our Fathers Warmth, you can see Our Mothers Eyes, and you can see the true Beauty of this Earth. Each and every single being on this Earth and in the Universe is Godly, we are here to become all knowing and to become the Light and to become the Love.

The people who have taken away your rights and liberties have gotten very sloppy about covering up the messes that they have made. It is very easy to realize who the demons are that have been destroying our lives. Don’t rely on the media for the answers because the media has become very biased and until they start providing the facts accurately they should not be given ANY credit for providing the “news”. The media has been the tool used to promote the fear and lies. In order to find the truth you have to dig up the facts then form and discuss your opinions with those around you. Discuss your opinions with one another, the only way we can learn is to share the knowledge we gain and find the truth through each other.

The demons in power are trying to dumb us down; they aren’t concerned with educating the people. They don’t want us to think; they know that if people wake up and begin to think again their lies will be seen by the entire world. Once we realize that we have been lied to over the ages we will be able to reclaim our souls and we will be able to fix our lives. Don’t accept these lies as facts anymore; we are smart beings as long as we use our extremely evolved brains. Start thinking for yourself, read the stories but don’t let the media tell you what to believe of it. The people in power have killed and/or imprisoned all the people who have made too big of an impact at attempting to wake you up, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, John Lennon, Ghandi, John F. Kennedy, etc. Don’t let them corrupt you further, don’t let them turn you on each other. The only way we will survive and continue to exist is by coming together and by accepting the Light and the Love of every single being on this Earth and in the Universe. We are a Family, we need to love and help each other to succeed.

The entire point of this book is to open up your eyes so you will be able to seek out the truth. Don’t just write my beliefs off if you don’t agree with them, prove me wrong. Don’t leave questions unanswered, that is how we have gotten into this mess and that is why the corrupt people have been able to maintain their power. We need to begin thinking and living rather than floating through life and simply existing. We need to make sense of our lives and stop living in the dark. Let the truth illuminate your soul and give you a purpose for being.

Search for the answers and become closer to the divine, if we continue living this tainted life we will fail to exist. This is our last chance to reclaim our lives. I promise you this is the last battle between Good and evil, Love and hate, Right, and wrong. We have the power to defeat these demons and reclaim our souls; we just have to make the decision between fear and Love. If we fail to come together to take down these demons, our souls will be lost forever and the Light will be consumed by darkness. The script has been written and I KNOW we will prevail as long as we fight for Love. As long as we dance to the music we are meant to. This is the last age that the demons will have control over our lives. Please, I beg you, fight for your freedom, fight for your souls, fight for your family, and fight for your God no matter what name you call him by or what stories you know of him. All of you are right; God is all loving, all knowing, and all powerful!

It is time to stand up and start a revolution, not simply as a nation, but as life as a whole. Come together and work as One, that is the only way we will be able to take down these demons. We will win this final battle against Good and evil if we work together and stand up as One. We have power in numbers and in Love, we just need to accept one another into our Hearts and Minds. We will reclaim our lost souls if we all decide to fight for Love. We will be victorious if we gain faith and protect each other rather than pushing one another away and fighting our brothers and sisters. Stand up for what is right and we will live in peace and our lives will be full of Love and Light.

I can’t wait to see the world come together and fight for the Truth, this is what we have been living for throughout the ages and it is finally our chance to take down these demons. We have struggled and hurt for so long, and only after we make our decision between fear and Love will we truly be free. Nobody wants to live this painful life that we have been subjected to for so long, this is your chance out; this is your opportunity to live again. When you start living through the truth, life becomes so much more beautiful and you will begin to see again. Your eyes have been closed so the wound wouldn’t hurt as bad, now your eyes are open and you can see just how bad the cut really is. You can now feel the pain that they have caused you and the struggle that they have forced upon you. God is merciful, your ignorance has protected you from the pain, but now I have woken you up so you can see the corruption. Now you see just how evil these demons are and to what extent they will go to control your life. I have shot a hole in the darkness so you can see the Light and so you can understand what our purpose is and who we are fighting for.

If we accept a more pure way of life we will be able to cleanse everything that has been making us struggle and fight each other throughout the ages. We have the technology to cure all diseases; we can make cancer, STD’s, Malaria, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and etc all a thing of the past. We have the technology and the knowledge to find cures for all of these, if we haven’t already. We have the ability to purify the air that we breathe, the water that we drink, and the food that we eat. We can end this obesity epidemic by making our food healthier without substituting flavor. The culinary arts would be able to evolve just as well as all of the other arts. We can make everything, better if we chose to.

The people who have been performing in the arts have been crying out to you what they know. Anybody who has ever made an impact on music, art, literature, cinema, theatre, etc have been telling you stories both blatantly and through allegories. It’s time that you start listening to what they are telling you. You won’t find any answers from someone just singing to 12-year-old girls or just making a catchy beat. The artist know aspects of the truth and they have been singing it to you throughout the ages, listen to the lyrics, notice the allegorical correlation in literature and movies, and realize the evolving art which can change your perspective of life around us.

I want to make it perfectly clear that throughout this book when I mention demons, serpents, leeches, etc. I don’t literally mean snakes and worms are the cause of this whole mess. The reason I use allegories like this is because it is the only way to describe the evil around us. The evil around us is the confusion, the pain, the struggle, the chaos, and the noise that interrupts the music and beauty of life. There are people who are causing us to live this way, but we have to make sure we don’t single out the wrong people. Yes people know that what they are doing isn’t right but they might not necessarily be the root of the problem. We have to explore the depths of the issues and remove the very causes of the problems, whether it is the people, the system, the machines, and so on. Once we resolve these issues we will be able to live as we are meant to.

We are surrounded by a chaotic life which seems like we have no control over, which at this point is true. In order to have control of our lives we need to organize the chaos that we live in. The point of life is to turn the chaos into a process that flows like the wind. The way to get rid of the confusion is by replacing it with knowledge and truth. The way to get rid of the noise is by replacing it with a smooth flowing song that we can dance to. The way to end the struggle is by replacing it with happiness and peace. The way we end the pain is by replacing it with Love and faith.

You have been led down the wrong path without realizing that there is a better road to go down. You haven’t been told the truth of how we are meant to live, in fact, it has been hidden from you so you couldn’t seek it out. This book is showing you the other road you can go down, we can take the technology we have now and evolve to incredible heights. We can work as one with nature in order to make our lives easier and more beautiful. We can strive for a higher purpose beyond making more money and controlling more people. We can chase our dreams and enjoy our passions rather than turning off our brains so we can just mindlessly float through life and turn off from reality. We can end the pointless wars and we can begin to work as one in order to evolve as a planet. The boarders of the nations are manmade, in reality we are all on the same planet and we are all working towards the same goal. We will not reach our goal if we keep killing each other; accept the fact that we are all brothers in sisters living for the same purpose and the same God.

You have to understand that you have been lied to about religion just as you've been lied to in every other aspect of life. Obviously no religion is completely right and pure anymore, if it was we would have world peace already. The way I visualize what has happened with our religion is by thinking of the game "Telephone" that we all played in grade school. It is a fun game where the first person starts out with a story and they whisper it to their neighbor and then they whisper it to their neighbor and it goes on until it reaches the end. At the end the last person recites what was told to them and if the game worked out right the story would be at least somewhat close to the same as it started. The game is hard because you usually can't repeat yourself so you have to listen close and be careful when you recite it. Throughout the ages we have been playing this game with religion, except we didn't only get one chance to recite it; we could actually study it, evolve it, and preach it however much we want to so it is much easier to have accurate end results. What has happened though is there is always those kids that play that think it's funny to add a dirty word or some nonsense into the story so at the end when the story has no meaning they can get a little kick out of it. This is exactly what has happened with religion, some infantile jerks thought it would be funny to mess up the story so they could get a little laugh out of it. Well they successfully screwed up the story, good job guys but you kind of ruined the game for the rest of us.

It doesn’t matter what name you have called God by or what stories you know him by, as long as you live through him. Whatever you believe that has given you faith throughout the ages has been perfectly right because it gave you the power to survive to this point. You have to understand that every single religion, and government, has been tainted by man and you just have different tails to tell about your God. It’s not the stories that are so important, what matters is that we all love our God and that God loves us back unconditionally. It’s the fact that we need to serve God and live through Him/Her to find the truth and to live with a purpose. We need to dig up the lies that have tainted our religions and figure out what the real story is so we can be faithful to our God. You are not wrong about your religion you have been playing the game exactly as it should be, but the jerks that ruined the game for you have been laughing at your expense. We all have to go back to the beginning to review the game that we have been playing to decide when and where the demons added the dirty words and ruined the story. Through the corrupt system we have lost our Power and through the lies in the churches we have lost our Souls. Our Souls and our Power are not gone forever, they have been waiting for us to accept them back into our hearts so we can live and love in peace.

Once you understand that ALL life has three parts The Mind, The Body, and The Soul everything starts to make more sense. If you realize not only that something physical is happening but there is also energy involved and a natural process in which it abides by you will be able to evolve life so much further. Take the sciences that you know and learn the processes of life so you can go along with the natural processes rather than creating your own. If you are an artist of some sort then you should use the sciences to perfect your art. The Mind and The Soul work as one, without each other life wouldn't exist. For all of you that perform just as The Body realize that the only reason that the people you look up to were/are so successful is because they used their Mind or their Soul. They picked up a book, guitar, paint brush, soccer ball, etc and they shared their Passion, Knowledge, and Love to you. Listen to what the brilliant people have been telling you throughout the ages, listen to the lyrics, read between the lines, look for the allegories, etc. If you are an actor, musician, scientist, businessman, farmer, artist, athlete, etc performing without a purpose then you aren't living you are simply working.

This book doesn’t have nearly all of the answers; it only has the answers which will lead you to the truth. The corrupt system has taken away your power and has drained you of your energy while the tainted churches have raped you of your soul and has taken away your passion. The only way to reclaim your power and your lost soul is by searching for the truth. You now have the ability to look at a topic from the real perspective of life. You can now understand what we are meant to do with education, politics, the prison system, resources, linguistics, etc, etc, etc. Find the answers, they are right there and now you know how to look for the rest of the truth. Find your life and your purpose through the search for The Truth, The Light, and The Love. We are here to live and learn, not fight and struggle. Search for yourself, search for your neighbors, search for a purpose, search for the Truth, and search for your God!!! It has been a long and lonely night but the new day is finally here. Wake up world we have things to do today! Good Morning, I Love You.

“I left in love, in laughter, and in truth, and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit.” – Bill Hicks

“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages. “ – William Shakespeare

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow... Learn as if you were to live forever." – Mohandas Ghandi

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all” – Oscar Wilde

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." - Albert Einstein

“How can we live in harmony? First we need to know we are all madly in love with the same God.” – St. Thomas Aquinas

“A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave. “ – Mohandas Ghandi

“All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives.” – Dalai Lama
Guardian Ghost
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The Book of Life Empty Re: The Book of Life

Post by Loki Sun May 29, 2011 11:54 am

To the Pipers

You have remained true to yourselves and to the world around you. You have kept the Music and the Light alive throughout the ages. Through the arts and your passions you have given hope throughout the countless generations. You have kept the demons at bay and have protected the souls of man from being permanently stained. You have kept the truth alive and without your devotion and faith the demons would have consumed the world long ago. You have heard the music and you have known the touch of God all along. It is time to stop whispering to the crowds, let your voices be heard and sing to them what you know. You are the music; you will show the people how to dance. Teach your followers everything you have come to learn and let them see the Light and let them feel the Warmth.

You are the voice of God and through your music the truth will be heard. You are truly angels and you have done a stellar job at keeping the incubuses at bay. You have opened the doors and your calling has been heard; and I assure you that this is the end of the struggle. You are the tool that has kept the perfect circle of life in rotation and I know that you have felt trapped and some of you have lost faith, but please realize that you are keen and your music has wounded the demons in power. You will be the eagles which will lead the lost soul’s home to everlasting love. You have been the additional fuel needed when the Light couldn’t be seen. This journey of man would have faded long ago without the love and devotion to your passion. The little way’s you have kept the music alive has kept the Sun rising in the East and setting in the West. You have felt the music whether you were a lil’ boy or a young lady, raised anywhere from Boston, Kansas, California, or somewhere over seas. You heard the music and not only kept it alive, you are the technicians that evolved it and you have made it more beautiful.

All of you artist have changed the way we perceive life whether it be from your music, art work, film, literature, etc. The one thing that the demons couldn’t take away from the world was the art and beauty in life which you have been able to evolve and share with the world. Because of all of your hard work we have the ability to reach nirvana as long as we all continue to do our part. We must rise against the evil powers by spreading the truth and waking the people up.

There are so many of you who have made such a huge impact on every single person’s lives, and I would have been totally lost without you. I believe that you all have some answers for me also and I am dying to hear them. You have all done tremendous things and the world owes you greatly and I appreciate all of the hard work each one of you has put in. Thank you for everything, you are truly beautiful. It’s time for all you 5's, 6’s and 7’s to let your voices be heard, my life and reputation is my payment and this is the tune they will dance to. So let your words be heard whether it be through music, art work, science, architecture, theatre, business, literature, etc or in a perfect piece the combination of it all.

“Thank you for all the love you gave me. There could be no one stronger. Thank you for the many beautiful songs. They will live long and longer.” – Hank Williams Sr.

A Message to the Demons

To the serpents whose venom has poisoned every aspect of all of my brothers and sisters lives, you will be identified and you will be held accountable for all your corrupt actions. You have starved the people when they begged for food, you have denied them shelter when they stood shivering at your palace door, you did not clothe them when they were naked, and you spit in their face when they came to you for help. You will be stripped of your position and you will lose all of your power, you have proven unworthy of such responsibilities. I suggest you repent and apologize to all those you have hurt and betrayed.

You will be expected to reveal the truths that you have been hiding throughout the ages and you will be forced to unveil the lies which have blinded the people from the Light of God. Only after you swallow your pride and admit your wrong doings and truthfully regret your actions will you be forgiven. If you refuse to step forward and give up your power, be assured that it will be stripped from you and there will be consequences. You demons have run amok for long enough and it is time to step down from your throne, return the crown back to the rightful King, and give the lost souls back to the people.

You have been given control over this world so the people would see the true evil of what you have done and to what lengths you will go to remain in power. You have forced us to bleed for you and you have given nothing in return but lies and terror. Thankfully you have given us the ability to drag you from your blasphemous throne, you have worked us so hard that we have built the technology to see through your lies, to locate your dwelling place, and to connect with every person in this world in order to share the truth and accept the love into our hearts. I assure you that this was the last age you will rule the people, the script has already been written and you cannot alter the divine plan, it was plotted out long before you were here and it will go on as it was written.

You may believe you have control over what is going to happen but I promise you will be removed from your seat whether it be by joining the divine plan and fighting for the army of Heaven or if you will remain in the shadows of Hell where we will gladly drag you from Hells gates and you will feel a heat which burns a million times hotter and brighter than Hells fire, you will have to make amends with the burning Light of the Sun and you will feel the immense pressure of the true gravity of the universe. You must make the choice as well between fear and love, you can accept fear and “attempt” to keep control over us or you can choose love and join us on our journey of creating and facilitating life while living life to the fullest extent. It is not too late to make amends. You can become a huge asset in the new age and redeem yourselves but you must shed your evil soul and begin anew just as we all will have to. Please recognize the divine presence and understand that you cannot change the plan, join the ride and feel the warmth!

Topics to Research and Find Yourself

1. Spirituality
2. Politics
3. Drugs
4. Fiscal Policies
5. Dreaming
6. Plants and Animals
7. The Prison System
8. Energy
9. Education
10. Linguistics
11. Planetary Expansion
12. Ancient Rome
13. Beliefs of Ancient Civilizations
14. The Arts
15. Conspiracy Theories
16. Emotions
17. Philosophy
18. Neurosciences
19. Astronomy
20. Emotions
*The truth can be found in every single subject that you look at, you just need to know what to look for and how to find it. Make sense of this life, everything is relevant and important. Begin the search for the truth, I simply hit on the main points, it is up to you to dig deeper and discover how deep the rabbit hole goes.

People Who Can Helped You Find Yourself

1. Family
2. Friends
3. Bill Hicks
4. Timothy Leary
5. John F. Kennedy
6. St. Thomas Aquinas
7. Peter Joseph
8. Jacque Fresco
9. Mohandas Ghandi
10. America’s Forefathers
11. Albert Einstein
12. Socrates
13. Plato
14. Aristotle
15. Charles Darwin
16. Isaac Newton
17. Leonardo Da Vinci
18. Galileo Galilei
19. Nicolaus Copernicus
20. The Pipers!!! There are so many of you, but you have undoubtedly saved us!
*The list goes on forever; people have realized aspects of life and have been preaching about life since the beginning of time. Without the people keeping the arts, philosophies, and sciences alive we would be completely lost in this corrupt world. Thanks to ALL of them the truth can be found, you are the Angels that have been fighting off the demons.

Andrew Niese

Facebook: Tune In
Twitter: TuneIn8Cir
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