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Billie's Characters (they can't all have fancy titles)

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Billie's Characters (they can't all have fancy titles) Empty Billie's Characters (they can't all have fancy titles)

Post by The_End Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:48 am

My characters, ideas for them, etc. etc. will all be excreted into this bin as I see fit. It is here, this thread, that I am sovereign!

... Or at least, that's what I tell myself.

Things what are floating around in my head (Need Developing)
Lord Allistair Delacroix, stereotypical vampire, what is a man but a miserable pile of secrets, etc...
Markas Serpenthelm, some kind of fantasy... guy... with dreadlocks.
Enmarie Rocksford, scientist,
Modric, eldritch horror from the ninth circle of [bad place of your religion -if applicable- here]

More to come as I actually roleplay and such.

Join date : 2009-12-13

Posts : 54
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Billie's Characters (they can't all have fancy titles) Empty Re: Billie's Characters (they can't all have fancy titles)

Post by The_End Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:42 am

Lord Allistair Delacroix (Ten Kingdoms)

Name: Lord Allistair Delacroix
Age: Unkown
Race: Vampire

Physical Description: The undead lord looks to be in his mid-thirties and has ghostly-white skin. His eyes, at one time a crystalline blue, now burn a fierce red. His hair has gone from a light brown to a black so dark as to have a bleen shine to it. Although he was formerly a human, his long, lightly tipped ears and sensitive, vaguely hawk-like nose betray a distant elven ancestor.

Personality: Allistair had a harsh childhood. as such, he rarely trusts outsiders. His terrible adolescent years have made him cunning, resourceful, and selfish. He is the type of person who is always calm. He does not like to negotiate with non-humans, and holds a special contempt (envy is a more appropriate term) for Golden Elves and their natural beauty.

Which of the ten kingdoms is the character from: Ser'ves, but he is prone to wandering during the night.

What equipment does the character have: (Remember this is fantasy so medieval weapons and equipment)
Strengthened obsidian longsword
Black slacks
Leather boots
Ivory undershirt
Several of those fancy little scarves that rennaisance people layered, to create that "frilly shirt" effect
Ebony evening jacket
Mithril chain shirt (worn under undershirt)
Vial (for carrying blood)
Trail rations (a week's worth)
Triforce of Courage
Long hooded cloak, onyx

Does the character have a shard of the Orb: Yes.

Biography: In a time even before the advent of common magic and steel forges, a child was born in a small village in Jirix. In his early years, the boy had difficulties with bullies, and his impoverished family could be of no real help. He grew up filled with rage at his circumstance, determined to change his role in this world that he had been curelly thrust upon. The young man was still attending school well after his loathed adversaries had taken their places as paupers and beggars, gaining a proper education, and becoming well-versed in the basics of diplomacy and swordplay. The boy grew into a man, and held a wife. In time, he even attained the title of Lord over his little village. Peace reigned for ten years, and the village grew into a full-fledged town.

It was then that the vampires struck. They slaughtered everyone that they could, burning and feasting and laughing like wild animals. Several of the townsfolk were taken from the village for later feeding. The unlucky ones were left to their horrible transformations.

Allistair awoke as a monster, his town--his pride and joy--completely destroyed, inhabited by mindless drones. Since that fateful day, he has sought a cure. Not for himself, but for all vampires. He cannot bear to think of himself as a monster. He loathes his own lust for blood.

Join date : 2009-12-13

Posts : 54
Age : 44
Location : Earth

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